Resolution 260-1981 RESOLUTI ON 260-1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO EXECUTE AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS TO BE ISSUED TO MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has recognized a need to provide for orderly growth and management as contemplated by the passage of the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act, and WHEREAS, the State of Florida has recognized a need to assist local governments in meeting the requirements of the Act, and WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature has charged the Department of Community Affairs with administering the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program, NOW THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, requests the Department of Community Affairs to include Monroe County, Florida's application among those requesting financial assistance from the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act Assistance Fund Program for the 1981-1982 program year. FURTHERMORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, indicates its commitment to comply with the appropriate and applicable state and local laws, rules and regulations for the administration of this program, which are more fully described in Chapter 9B-5, Florida Administrative Code. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ~10NROE COUNTY, FLOR IDA thi s '11--h. day of .'? ~"h.."'_. '.98l. :::----'-d" T /l .~ /7 SIGNED: .,... '- Go rJ d-":_, ~ George~oleZal t1 "'Mayor and Chai rman ( SEAl) . ATTEST: ~ ,<,M.,~ IV\, -P~ .O~. <r () 1 gnature . Ralph W. White Name and Title September b' 1981 ate APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By: Attorney's Office , . '3. ;..PPLIC-,)~T ELIc;}; lLl'l'Y The Florida Legislature provided that Local Government CcmDre- hensive Planning Assistance funds appropriated for FY 1981-82 shall be allocated only to those local governments that are within one 0= five categories. Indicate in the space provided how your governmer.t meets one or more of the following criteria: (a) Local governments that have not completed their comprehensi' plans due to some extraordinary circumstances that prohibit adoptic~ such as a court order or other legal action. (b) (c) Local governments that have never received state funds fer comprehensive planning under this program. (d) Local governments that must make a substantial revision ~J a comprehensive plan because of a large scale, unanticipated chang~ in conditions in the area. This shall include an area that is impacted after the adoption of a comprehensive plan by either a formally proposed development meeting the presumptive thresholds f== Developments of Regional Impact or an approved Development of RegicnaJ lrnDact. ,Also included is any municipality that, after adopting it~ co~prehensive plan, annexes an area exceeding 20 percent of its pr~ar land area. (e) Local scverG~ents that acopted their ccrr.?rehensive plan prior to October 1, 1977, anc therefore ~ust prepare periodic repc~ts prior to October 1, 1982. 2 f 1 , \ ~. ,,,' , I.. ,/ ),. 1 ./. .. r'_-_--;-ll-_-.~/ U': 1'\/ I) ,J: 1 . j..' ~ - -' ".l. - Iii: :; I"" ,1 -.- tc " l L= U ~J \:. L U ~~~.; tl '~j D\,. ~ - . LOCAL GOVERI'JMEi'JT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNlNG ASSiSTANCE PROGRAM SE?TI::'13I:~ 25--,_19 C = TO BE ACCEPTED FOR PROCESSING 1. GRANT APPLICANT INFORMATION Name of Jurisdiction Mailing Address Monroe County, Florida Wing 2 - Stock Island, Key West, Florida 33040 Public Service Buildino Chief Elected Official GeorQe E. Dolezal. Mayor and Chairman Name of Person Who Can Answer Questions Concerning this Application Henry F. Weinkam, Director Telephone Number (305) 294-4641 Building, Planning & Zoning Dept. 2. FISCAL NEED INFORMATION The ra~king of LGCPA grant applicants is determined in part by loc~l fiscal~effort. This is a measure of each community's efforts to raise revenue in relation to its wealth. Local revenue is normal1": generated primarily from various tax sources, but in some cases it- also includes surplus utility funds that are available to support other governmental functions. Because surplus utility revenue dat: is not available from annual financial reports, this information ITl'..:st be included in the LGCPA application. For each utility operated by your government, please report the am~un1 of surplus funds transferred to other governmental activities that wa~ not specifically related to the utility operation during the 1980-:98J fiscal year. Transfe~s to be inc1u~ed 2~e: funds for ge~2ral go~~~~- mental activities; funds used to pay the principal and/or interest on bonds for activities not related to the specific utility in questi:~ (e.g., hospital and airport bonds); and funds used to support othe~ utility operations. Such transfers must be authorized by the'gover~ir body. Local governments which operate utilities through dependent specia: districts or authorities should report transfers to it from these units. Amount of Funds Transferred to: ELECTRIC UTILITIES GAS \oJATER SE\-lER General Government Other Utilities Other Governmental Activities (Airports, Hospitals, etc.) TOTAL .~ 4.. SPECIAL GRANTS TO COUNTIES The Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act provides tha~ counties shall revi~w the. application of their comprehensive pla~ to any municipality that has not adopted a comprehensive plan by July 1, 1981 (s.163.3167(4),F.S.). Counties affected by this provision may request grants for required planning activities or may request reimbursement of advertising cost as provided below. Although the county may not have taken official action to assume planning responsibilities of municipalities, an app1icatio= must be submitted by the September 25 deadline to reserve funds fer future use. Grants for planning activities will be awarded no later than January 1, 1982, and grants for advertising costs will be awarded no later than June 1, 1982. Planning Activities Counties that determine it is necessa=?" to make significant modifications to the county comprehensive pIaL or to prepare a separate comprehensive plan for a municipality are eligible to receive grants of-$3,OOO for this purpose. a) Identify the municipality (or municipalities) for which planning.work will be-performed. \ b) Indicate any formal action taken by the county to assume planning responsibilities of .the municipality. '. c) Describe tne general scope of planning activities to be " performed. Advertising Costs - Counties that do not receive a $3,000 . planning activities grant are eligible to receive up to $1,000 for reimbursement of actual advertising costs incurred to meet public notice requirements of s.163.3167(4)F.S. a) Identify the municipality (or municipalities) for which advertising costs are incurred. b) Indicate any formal action taken by the county to assume planning respon~bi1ities of the municipality. c) indicate estimated or actual advertising costs. 3 Applicant: Monroe County, Florida 5. CERTIFICATION The a .cant certifies that to the best of his/her knowledge and beli~:~~t~~~ application .is true and correct. September 9, 1981 Signatur f Chief Electe Official Date George E. Dolezal, Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners Submit Application to: ~tr. Amiya Das, Program Coordinator Florida Department of Veteran and Community Affairs Division of Local Resource Management 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida" 32301 . '. . - . : . NOTE: Qnly those applications postmarked or hand delivered to the Division of Local Resource Management by 5:00p.m. September 25, 1:81, will be acceptable for processing. A fully completed application form and a resolution constitute an acceptable application. Only ~ those cases where the local governing body has fewer than two regu:ar meetings between the time o~ receipt of this application and the September 25, 1981 deadline can the application form be submitted without the resolution. In such cases, a letter from the chief elected official must accompany the application form explaining wh7 the resolution cannot be submitted with the form, the date of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the governing body, and an assurance that the appropriate resolution will be passed at that meeting and submitted immediately to the Depar~"ent in orner to complete the application. ~ .1