Resolution 289-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 289 -1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO}1MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A LICENSE BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY cm-nns S lONERS OF HONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, A}JD THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR- TATION, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, SOUTHERN REGION, FOR DIRECTION FINDER ANTENNA VHFjUHF. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a License by and between the Board of County Commissioners of 11onroe County, Florida, and the United States of America, Department of Transpor- tation, Federal Aviation Administration, Southern Region, a copy of same being attached hereto, for a Direction Finder Antenna VHFjUHF. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of }1onroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of October , 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY CO~1ISSIONERS OF l:?= COUNTY, FLORIDA / -----~ Co. ~ ,tJ ~~ By ~ J. ~ayorjChairman Attest:// / ~ (' {4f~{~//;;//L~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM A~~'5;2 BY ~~, ~,1 AftonWaOffit:e - 7~ DE PAR TMEN T OF TRANSPORT A TlON FEDERAL A VIA liON ADMINISlRA liON SOUTHERN REGION DOTFA82S0-l2933 o APPHOACH LIGHT LANE SITE o IN:1TH UMENT LANDING SYSTEM SITES o RADAR SITES X DIRECTION FINDER ANTENNA VHF/UHF Location Key West, Florida LICENSE 1. For and in consideration of the benefit to the Key West International Airport and to the general public utilizing same, the undersigned, herein- after referred to as the licensor, hereby grants to the United States of America the license, right and privilege to install, operate and maintain ~~~~~~Uem; DF ~'&Rid~~~and necessary control facilities, upon the following described lands inthe Countyof Monroe in the State of Florida more particularly described as follows: Installation and maintenance of a VHF/UHF Direction Finder Antenna on the Key West International Airport, Key West, Florida, the location of which is further . described as indicated on Drawings No. SO-D-2l-l and SO-n-3-2l-l, attached and made a part of the agreement herein for any and all purposeso - 2. Together with the rightor' ingress and egress over the said lands and adjoining lands of the licensor, necessary or convenient for the installation, operation and maintenance of the >>.Jlpmotmbx DF ~~kmckJUt~~f~~and necessary control facilities; and a right-of-way for a power line and control line, overhead and underground, or other facilities, over and . across the said lands and adjoining lands of the licensor, said right of ingress and egress and said right-of-way, unless herei nhefore described by metes and hounds, to be by the most convenient routes; and the right to utilize any existing power lines, control lines, conduits, or other facilities of the licensor which are adaptable to use in connection with the purpose of this license. 3. Tbe right of ingress and egress and the right-of-way herein granted shall insure to the bene- fits of the licensee and its duly authori zed agents, representati ves, contractors and employees. 4. The licensor further agrees not to erect or to allow to be erected on the property licensed hereby or on adjacent property of the licensor, any structure or obstructi0n of whatsoever kind or nature as will interfere with the proper operation of the facilities to be installed by the Government under the terms of this license unless consent thereto shall first be secured from the licensee in writing. 5. ThiR license shall become effective July 1, 1982 and shall remain in force until September 30, 1982 , and may, at the option of the Government, he renewed from year to year upon the terms herein specified. The Government's option shall he deemed exercised and the license renewed each year for one year unless the Government gives 30 days notice that it will not exercise itsoption, bef!Jre this license or any renewal thereof expires; PROVIDED, That no renewal thereof shall extend the period of occupancy of the premises beyond the 30th day of JlYR~. September, 2002. - FAA Form 4423.1 (5-67) SUPERSEDES FA.A. FORM 1334 - ,-- License No. DOTFA82S0-l2933 DF, Key West, Florida ATTACHMENT "A" 11. The licensor agrees to provide opportunity for consultation and review by the licensee before initiating construction of large or tall metal structures, such as hangars, radar or water towers, or high voltage trans- mission lines in the vicinity of the DF antenna that may interfere with the proper operation of the facilities to be installed by the Government. INITIALS: LICENSOR: GOVERNMENT: