Resolution 296-1981I 4 iA R.ESOLUTIONINO. 296 -1981 WHEREAS. the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA., has received an application from Lamar Liddle and WHEREAS. in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The anpl.icant is proposing the placement of approximatley 280 lineal feet (130 cubic yards) of ripran waterward of an existing concrete block bulkhead. The riprap will be placed into waters rangina in depth from two to six feet at MLW. Slope of the riprap will be one horizontal to -one vertical. The ripran used will be limerock boulders. The riprap boulders will be placed with a clamshell bucket. All work will be waterward of MHW. This work is beina done in conjunction with a previous applica- tion (#44-42656-5E) which is for the excavation of part of the same shoreline (to open up the apnlicants inland tidal pool). This property presently accommodates motel units, but was purchased recently by the applicant for time share resort development. The property includes a tidal pool that is connected by culverts to the waters of Florida Bay, and open -water boat basin with mooring piles. a boat ramp, and a shoreline that has, for the most part, been bulkheaded and riprapped. Water depths, immediately outside of the proposed project site are irregular, due to past dredaina that was done immediately offshore. Dredge depths are encountered 5 to 10 feet from the bulkhead or rip - ran line. Shallow water is again encountered past the dredge area. Depths here are approximately three feet (MLVI) with algaes and soft corals beino the dominant form of marine biota. This entire stretch of shoreline is hiahly developed, with basins, channels, breakwaters and seawalls being commonplace. In general, the northern shoreline of Marathon d splays similar extensive shoreline development. The project site possesses a vertical block bulkhead, which is presently in a state of disrepair. At the base of this bulkhead, depths range from -2 to -6 feet at MLW and the slope to deeper waters ranges from gradual to steep. The area principally impacted from this project is restricted to the basal area of the existino seawall. The most noticeable form of biota observed here was a diverse fish population, including_ mangrove snapper (Lutjanus priseus), arunts(Haernulon sp.), barracuda (Sohvraena barracuda chubs (Kyphosus sp.), seraeant majors (-Abudefduf--saxatilis ,—needlefish Stronovlura n'otata), mojarra and menhaden Brevoortia sp.) The bottom here is soft with fine textured, silty dediments and scattered rocks, cement rubble and blocks. Because of the silty bottom here, benthic flora is limited primarily to brown alaaes (A.canthophora sD.) with two species of areen algaes also noted (Acetabularis sp. and Caulerpa sp.). ,i RESOLUTION Lamar Liddle ' Repair of Seawall Pace 2 Benthic fauna here include scattered aemones and sponges growing, on the harder substrates. Impacts anticipated should be very limited and primarily of a positive nature. The habitat formed should be more productive than the one replaced, although several months may be required before is reaches a productive level. The only adverse impact foreseen is apossible increase in turbi- dity during the placement of the riprap. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered. pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of.County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 19 day of bctober at a regularly scheduled meeting.. (Seal I Attest; .ci - C er 1.9 81 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON OUNTY, FLORIDA Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM A NPaEGAL SUFF/C/ENC . BY Q • r AWMy's OHke BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS _=� *;T r ,� OFFICE OF: WiOjelmind Harvey, District 1 .�. +`T; Henry nkam, Director Curt 81af�, District 2 �: -w f b,, - Buildi , fanning & Zoninc Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3, .� MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 P.O. Box Room 2 0 5 Wing I7 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ,.>,!" I'• �.,�•-L ��.,�, Public Service Buildinc Stock Island, Florida OUNTY o MONROE 33040 1 , ; S= e ��'•��'"' KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 - �• (305) 294-4641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date . and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosuresy 1. Resolution t/ 2. Permit 1/ 3. -Application for Permit 4. Site Plan 5. Location Map 6. County Biologist Report 7. DER Assessment DATE.2Z — 7 9 rfaTp [Dili OCT 8 1981 COUNTY ATTY. I MO1VRDE {,.� PLAi�'NING,; BUILDI`±G & ZONING DEPART-2IENT PERMIT �� PER.IIT FOR COUNTY �Jf EvCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF N0. FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPART'1ENT USE ONLY Lamar Liddle 7-28-81 .6800 Overseas Hi ahwav Resolution No. Marathon, Florida 33050 3) Phone number (305) Date: . 743-65H1 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Paul C. Kenson, Jr., & Associates, Inc. Post Office Box 92 Marathon, Florida 3304.0 (305) 743-3585 S) Legal description of property: Section 2 & 11 Key Vaca Subdivision Casa Manana Shores Township 66S Lot Block Range 32E Street, road or mile marker 6800 Overseas Highway Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled deposited _c.y. Y. 130 c..y. 0 c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of 11.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: B U - 1 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost ofmConstruction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY CWD(ISSIONERS OF ?10NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval with the stipulation that rip -rap will not be placed waterward of MLIH. Conv in File Date' �uiI rr, 0f1:icial - 1-,araar'Liddle 7-28-81 , $ R EN 6PO1,) Overseas 305/743-6561 Marathon, FL. 33050 !,) Contractor or ,-tgents nacre, marline. a lcirer>r,, , hot e certification TIUTI�er. Paul C. Kenson, Jr. & Associates,Inc. p. 0. Box 92 Marathon, Florida 33050 5) Legal description of Property: Section, ? & ll i TovnshiT1 32E pan r. e, (if acreage) i Kev, VACA Lot, S u b d i v i s i o n CASA MANAi ?dock, Strcet , road or r..ii-e marker, 6800 OVER . 7.oninf'., BU 1 o 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of constrt.ctLon & amount eL material (in cubic var'ds),'to be excavated or discharn� ed. T-cribe purpose & intendE use of project. SEE BACK OF THIS SHEET. dredged/excavated filled/deposited c,y, -0 c.. volume of material: --0- c.y. 0= c.Y• ,� L n-In- arc w�1 rt,a�d r��rd by :. TT 0 1 ie(. ll . of ? t F? 7) Name, address &,zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affror water way. 1. Sheila Del Guercio 2. Lorraine Holding company pMr.D. Sitaras .0. Box 852 6800 Overseas Hw _, Marathon,FL.33050 Marathon app FL. 33050 lied for in:lude applicant's name, g a) List other permits issued and/or this site COE 81 (3) 0765 DER 4/10/81 &County 4/7 /81. If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in t b) plication and giv.r applicant's name if past, explain reason for new ap different from current applicant.. See above. ..l i r-,ri nnC f n r t? List all Federal and State agencies Llldl. I -- project. DER & CORPS OF ENGINEERS, THIS DATE. tpplication fo�OTWBelobocessedpanied by tie ToLtowing, or iL w111 i This completed t a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8 x 11 piper, showing locatica, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows:: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $10.00 for vertic'tl seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of the above . crivities per site.- Application is hereby made for n permit to authorize the actfv.ties described herein. I certify that I :+m familiar with the information contained r this applic'�ccuratend st of my knowledge & belief such information is true, co;;.plete to the be. I ssess the authority to undertake tie proposed activities. further certify that I PotyPe All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this crmitodo�rnot lresemeotolgive�lth P whether specified herein or not. Ttic granting of a p 1 authority to violate or cancel the previsions of any county, stare or feder l law / construction or perfnrm•.::cc of constructiep._Of this/tv,� of facility — regulating ; i Z j11 L i0� l /1. p or Pe art racnt f1n1 I/ 3��-�'�'� ,.C! „ c•c ipt ;- c :ect by s t recto n i. 1 i r . • .. ,. Pc y .,..n ac, nt .ns - 7? PROJECT: Place approximately 1280 lineal feet (130 cu. yd) of rip -rap waterward of an existing deterioating concrete block bulkhead. The rip -rap will have a slope of one to one. The material used is local pit rock. Material will be brought to the site by dump truck over existing roads and the applicant's upland. The material will be placed waterward of the bulkhead by means of a clamshell bucket. �0 TZ, 3E 6 6 6. i 0 Q�r II all W -•( II Ilp p uo� cum A01-4-D - isC� {.IxiY ��•000 XC+dYsZ1o�J \/oLUme k-lFa` — GY ----,�1'C�. Q�.L�I� Ci6lDW Ml�W 1-1z5�9x3S=,2�sl3o,o''L�( s i " • OQ�\ /• �� v�� �� -�-xcav��. 2� -in -5 DePrN - \� 8� 5f LEM J1 , t.F 1aT � 6oiCC� �aTCDC" l T PURPOSE: Or-o Ti. s� POOL iD L1,udtJCE Fl J aKll�� PL'DV�DC� DES\�tU= JaA'T CLbo l DATUM Mrcdti\�� Wo-C- ADJACENT PRO^. STY OKA_RS: INBay of Florida 0 Sheila Del Guercio AT Marathon P.O. B,'N 852, Marathon, FL. 33050 COUNTY orMonroe STATEFlorid Lorrai: holding Company-D. Sitaras APPLICATION By Lamar .Liddle 6800 Ov,'vscas Highway ' ;.33@;G SHEET l OF I DATEq-\p-mil SK3-068 r _ � Jr• g`-lY V fbu D , A ) p l0 20 30 41D sa .4 / �ry I'TI MLw t>G:PT 1 2 (c), cpr- AND. l Sew p��M t-T LO t- LbT CovC -MLA' Z:6 M1-01 To TS E 4:tb c� UL L 'S GCT— o 0 WO = 1,- 0 Page 2 of 2, 7-28-81 aka c0 PS OF Lmo:xms ��DTl�� �� ���T�1D►�QZ�TiD�� 1981 A PERMIT TO Excavate 156 cubic yards iof naterial IN: Bay of Florida AT 6800 Overseas F,ighway, Sections 2 and 11, Township 66 South, Range 32 Fast, Marathon Monroe County, Florida HAS BEEN ISSUED YO Lanar Liddle ON 2 July 19 81 ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE 6800 Overseas Hi ghway , Marathon, Florida 33050 S PERMIT !NUMBER 81(3) -0765 � � y E,vG Form 4336 Jul 70 District Einginaor / B. DEVE:RF�UX, JR. Colonel, Corps of ghgrs. TNIS NOTICE RUST BE Ct"►ISPICDDDSLY DISPLAYED AT THE SITE OF NMI. * GPO: -077 232-984 ^j'L,; \illr� :,,`. L• JpCK50NVILLE DISTRICT. CORPS Or EitiGii�caii� P. O. BOX .970 JAGKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 32232 i P SAJOD-RP 2 July 1981 81(3)-0765 Lamar Liddle c/o Paul C. Kenson, Jr., & Associates, Inc. P.O. Pox 92 Marathon, Florida 33050 Dear Mr. Liddle: This is in reference to your request for a Permit to perform work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States. Upon recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403), you are authorized to Excavate approximately 156 cubic yards of material in gay of Florida at 6800 Overseas Highway, Sections 2 and 11, Townnship -66 South, Range 32 East, Nara o , Mon Co Fla�ida. in accordance with plans anted con�i� ons attached which are incorporated in and made a part -of the Permit. Inclosed is a Notice of Authorization which should be displayed at the construction site. Work may begin immediately but you must notify the appropriate Area Engineer as representative of the District Engineer, of: 1. The date of commencement of work (mail attached card) 2. The dates of work suspensions and resumptions if work is suspended over a week, and 3. The date of final completion. Area Engineer addresses and telephone numbers are shown on the attached map. If the work authorized is not completed on or before 2 Jul 1984 this authorization, if not previously revoked or specifically extended, shall cease and be null and void. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: / �Iirr, LFRED B. DEVEREAUX, JR.En i ee 4 Incl 1. Notice of Authorization 2. Commencement Card . 3. Plans and Conditions 4. Area. Office Map SAJ:FL 109 24 Jul 78 lonel , Corps of_ g n rs Commander and District Engineer CF: S.VCD-RF TOPS FOAM 3397 LITHO IN UM -DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE I DATE September 29, 1981 h SUBJECT Liddle, L. ; Repair of seawall. To HenryWeinkam Director DEFT Planning, Building & Zoning FROM Robert Dennis, Environ. Biol. DEP'T Planning, Building & Zoning LEGAL TWSP 66S, RGE 32E, SECT 2 and 11 Casa Manana Shores, Vaca Key. Government Lot 1. Zoning is BU-1. INTRODUCTION: This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a)(5) of the Monroe County Code. DISCUSSION; Applicant proposes to replace 280 lineal feet of deteriorating seawall with 130 c.y. of rip -rap. The seawall will be placed below MHjd along the applicant.'s waterfront property which abutts Florida Bay. A discussion of the biota present and a description of the area is provided in the attached Department of Environmental Regulation report. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval, with the stipulation that rip -rap will not be placed waterward of MLW. RD/jf RCICOIAtk4elk Ot./JJ3Yvvo 9 d ��r s �[���c��cou 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA ::ORDA, FLORIDA 33950 BOB GRAM-. GOVERNOR Victoria Tsc'^inkel SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE August 20, -1981 Lamar Liddle c/o P.C. Benson & Assoc. P.O. BOX 92 Marathon, Florida 33050 Monroe County, File No. 44-46160-5E, Rip -Rap Dear Mr. Liddle: As we advised you on August 7, 1981 , your application is incomplete without local approval, pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please'submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your permit application to the Board of County Commissioners/City Council or their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city council ". . .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need to obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of shaulde local abe sentThis to letter, resolution or copy of this office. Your application -will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. RWC/wb Enclosure Sincerely, Richard W. Cantrell, Dredge & Fill Supervisor DER Form 17-1.122(50) LIDDLE, LAMAR #44-46160-5E Monr.oe County Page Two . - Marathon A. The applicant is proposing the placement of approximately 280 lineal feet (130 cubic yards) of riprap water:,ard of an existing concrete block bulkhead. The riprap will be placed into waters ranging in depth from two to six feet at MLW. Slope of the riprap will be one horizontal to one vertical. The riprap used will be limerock boulders. The riprap boulders will be placed with a clamshell bucket. All wort: will be waterward of MHW. This work is being done in conjunction with a previous applica- tion (#44-42656-5E) which is for the excavation of part of the same shoreline (to open up the applicants inland tidal pool). B. This property presently accommodates motel units, but was purchased recently by the applicant for time share resort development. The property includes.a tidal pool that is.connected by culverts to the waters of Florida Bay, .an open -water boat basin with mooring piles, a boat ramp, and a.shoreline that has, for the most part, been bulkheaded and riprapped. Water depths, immediately outside of the proposed project site are - irregular, due to past dredging that was done immediately offshore. Dredge depths are encountered 5 to 10 feet from the bulkhead or rip - rap line. Shallow water is again encountered past the dredge area. Depths here are approximately three feet (MLW) with algaes and soft corals being the dominant form of marine biota. This entire stretch of shoreline is highly developed, with basins, channels, breakwaters and seawalls being commonplace. In general, the northern shoreline of -Marathon displays similar extensive shoreline development. C. The project site possesses a vertical block bulkhead, which is i presently in a state of disrepair. At the base of this bulkhead, depths range from -2 to -6 feet at MLW and the slope to deeper waters ranges from gradual to steep. The area principally impacted from this project is restricted to the basal area of the existing seawall. The most noticeable form of biota observed here was a diverse fish population, including mangrove snapper (Lutjanus riseus), grunts (Haemulon sp.), barracuda (S h raena barracuda), chubs (Kyphosus sp.), sergeant majors (Abu ei u saxati is), needlefish Stron ylura notata), mojarra and menhaden Brevoortia sp.). LIDDLE , 'LAIMAR ;r44-46160-5E Monroe County - Marathon Page Three The bottom here is soft with fine textured, silty sediments and scattered rocks, cement rubble and blocks. Because of the silty bottom here, benthic flora is.limited primarily to brown algaes (Acanthophora sp.) with two species of green algaes also noted (Acetabularia sp. and Caulerpa sp.). Benthic fauna here include scattered aemones and sponges growing on the harder substrates. Impacts anticipated should be very limited and primarily of a positive nature. The habitat formed should be more productive than the one replaced, although several months may be required before it reaches a productive level. The only adverse impact foreseen is a possible increase in turbi- dity during the placement of the riprap.