Resolution 300-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 300, -1981 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from Monty Sink and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant is proposing the construction of a seawall along a residential shoreline for the purpose of protecting said shoreline and providing private boat dockage. The proposed seawall will be constructed waterward to the MLW line. Of the 200 cubic yards to he deposited, 100 cubic yards will be de- posited landward and 100 waterward (MHW). Total length of the sea- wall will be 60 feet. Its width, including backfill, will be approx- imately eight feet. The width of the concrete cap will be four feet. Tiebacks will be used to stabilize the proposed seawall. The project site is located on the western side of Summerla~d ~ey near Kemp Channel within what is referred to as summe~land C ve. Summerland Cove has been extensively developed for si family re- sidences with a network of inland man-made canals and a perimeter channel which provides deep-water access for the resid tial community. Waterward of this deep perimeter channel, the depths sha ow to two (2) feet or less. The benthic community over these flats i some- what unstable with patches of seagrasses and algaes. Beca~se of this instability, water transparency within Summerland Cove~ some- what less than that found elsewhere in the Keys. In the more immediate vicinity of the applicant, development of the waterfront lots along Carribena Drive is somewhere in the vicinity of 30 to 40 percent. It is likely that the spoil obtained from the dredging of the offshore perimeter channel was deposited along the existing residential lots, forming erosion-prone marl shorelines. As a whole, the shoreline in this area has undergone some erosion, although it is not nearly as severe as it could be due to an original Miami oolite base, which is exposed below MHW, and a well- compacted 1 imestone..marl overburden. Because of the absence of soft sediments along this shorline, few mangroves have become established. In general, the emergent shoreline vegetation starts above the extreme high water line in the form tran- sitional wetland species, which occupy only a narrow strip before giving way to uplands. The perimeter channel in this area is deeD, box cut, and varies from 60-80 feet in width. The submergent shelf separating the present shoreline from the perimeter channel averages 10-20 feet in width, with limited floral stabilization. The applicant's lot drops from a three to five foot elevation (above MSL) at the erosion line to form an approximate 151 wide littoral shelf, of which six to eight feet is intertidal. At the erosion line, some transitional wetland vegetation was en- countered such as sea daisy (Borrichia sp.) and buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta). From this point, waterward, little vegetation is found, with the exception of several small black mangrove (Avicennis ger- minans) sprouts. Page -J.- r,' 0 n ty Sin k Seawall Page -2- The substrate along this entire shoreline is composed primarily of loose limerock rubble. A good many grazing snails (Nerita sp.) were found here. Among the smaller limerock oarticles were much larger boulder, which attained diameters of up to 1~ feet. Below the MLW line, a variety of submergent flora was observed, in- cluding turtlegrass (Thallasia testudinum), green algaes (Batophora sp. and Halimeda sp.), and brown algaes (Acanthorhora so.). Also observed here were several schoolmaster snapper Lutjanus arodus). The littoral shelf drops off sharply to the channel depths within Summerland Cove. From the point of drooping off, the perimeter channe 1 extends another 50 to 80 feet out. Impacts anticipated should be primarily long term and may include a decrease in runoff filtration, lessened wave energy disnersion and a corresponding increase in wave energies and erosion of littoral commu- nities at the base of the seawall and a decrease in intertidal detri- tal accumulation resulting in lessened sediment build-up and a corresponding decrease in sediment-d~pendent snecies such as seagrasses. Conversely, a degree of stability will be realized from the seawall and due to numerous other seawalls permitted in this area, some- what of a precedent has been set. Th~ above stated negative impacts should be fairly minimal due to the relatively sparse amount of submergent or emergent vegetation and the small amount of wind- blown detrital matter found along this shoreline. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 19th day of October , 19 81 at a regularly scheduled meeting. 'f' .:; BOA R~C 0 U N T Y C 0 ~1M I S S ION E R S.p;E MONRO COUNTY, FL'rJ{I DAI1 ~. By ~ 7c- c. <<-I If Mayor .~,:2""'L' (5 eal ), Attest: 6ii:/'~>1<~~ ,/' er ~~ BY ~, Attomrl'. Offiu , r . . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOI~"'I\'" Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ~,~~~ ,.~ - ....-.' ';~, I __,~-=- \J.~~/' ',!.i.:j OFFll..c Vr. Henry F. Weinkam, Director Building, Planning & Zonin< - · Ifl t.%, '''''-Jli'j' " . .,~....,-'1 r-.;',~t,\q;-' i\;\. .j~~ "~", ""~,~',''Z>;~'',' ]g?'" ~ ,.-..,. ':{'~9 ' OK~y~iY~~~~qE (305) 294,4641 P.O. BOX Room 205 Wing IJ Public Service Buildinc Stock Island, Florida 33040 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Cowplete Enclosures ~ l. Resolution tI 2. Permit ~ 3. Application for Permit V" 4. Site Plan V 5. Location Map / /'" 6. County Biologist Report V' 7. DER Assessment BY~. C7~~ 'f-;;3-~1 DATE r<r~TI!ITW~~ SE P 23 1981 CQ.;NTY ATTY. 1=J'''''h'.'_- E"" ~.~ ~,"~"'"'!P_' - 1. r ~.. ~~~~.-. .. ~,;' -.~~ r/ - 'h, l' [, :: .' '" t~.. f ' - !:'~ '~', T- ,',c,__" 1-" - , ~ ' , : F.- . .,' , ,,".-. .~ ~L~~ ~':- c;; - '\i PL\~'1n~G , BUILDD;G & ZONING DEP ART~fENT PEm-fIT MON~OE f" ~' '~ ")'.' PEm-IIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY :\~ -~jJ FILL, OR STRUCTUR~L ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR HETLANDS OF HONROE COUNTY 1) Property mvners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARr.1ENT USE OXLY I Monty Sink 3-22-81 I ; 147 L11 24th Avenue Resolution No. 1 Manne Mich. 494,25 3) Phone number ! (616) Date: I 67 7 - 3.5 3 1 4) Contra-ctor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number i Lewis Construction Co. , Inc. I 1480 Grlnnell Street Key West, Fla. 33040 305 294-4190 5) Legal description of property: Section V1 Key Summerl and Subdivision Summerl and Key Cove Tot."Ilship 6 6 S La t 4 3 Block 1 Addition # 6 East Range 28 E Street, road or mile marker Carribena Drive dred~ed/excavated Volume of material: o c.y. waterward of M.H.H. o c.y. land1;Jard of H.H.H. filled/deposited Backfill - behind wall only 100. c.y. 100 c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: B U - 1 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COmITY comnSSIm:ERS OF ~lO~ROE COU::TY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restric~ions or Special Conditions if any: APPROVAL CODV in File Date Buii,~ir~ Offici31 MONFCOE COUNTY I fi--- . . ~~~n~Ir., neILTH~!r. & 7.()~n::r. .... t:'OR EXr,\IlATIO'I, TPE J1EPOSIT . ACTIVITIES 1:1 THE HATERS OR DEP,\!~T:!r.~T IT ,\PPLIC,ATIO;: OF F ILL, 0 }( :-. i 'dJ C T U R ,\ L HETLA:'ID OF ~fO~ROE r:OJ;'ITY 1) Property owners nane & rnnilinr address /., 'l/ CJ /1 f if 5,.d' 1<' Ii- 7~// ;L~- /l~c:... tv e. $,cL ;l /.:3-~ 2) Da t e J) Phone number 3 -,;,~- 8'! t/~ -(; 77 35'3/ 4) Contractor or a~ent's name, noilinr address, L .e. <..AU ,::. (' CJ ""-So '" C.~,...J... ...c., 3oS-- l'fOOOri*,...ell sr, IL~ W es1""; FI- :3 50 Y 0 5) Le~al descri~tion of property: /' 3s Tounship, &&$ I10? Ran~e, ~'1'" (if acrear,e) t.f1 / 3',1"'\1-1('. F;.---J~ 6) Des c rib e the pro po sed act i v i t y, met hod s 0 f con s t net ion & am 0 un t 0 f mat e ria 1 (in cubic yarr1s), to he excavated or discharp,ed. I'escribe purpose & intended useof project. s~....,UJ~1I 7", h<'!- ~r(~J<LJ o-t edge:..... c>~ PY'Clf1iUf'1 CL- t c. u..... +- c- l r CI c 0- ~ 0.. l 0 lA.- 8? ~ p e.-..- (...(J J..u- :$ j J e c4 p yo I.Q~ J 10 fyev~t- .(?w..-rl~r e_ro~itJt......,' C~.orf- Aa~ -e-fode-d e;:...6oc~ lo~~....<vt) A/: ..i. ~....ed~d' /10'--"1"'-""'- t'u I"c-r eJ'05,O~ I'YC>/4'-J,,,,,,-- /"t) e-y.- C<:o- v ""-V' I G>'(..... -, - C2vlcL hcc>-f do(::.-k"j..~ar.ed/excavated phone & certification .;1-9'f - ~ I cr 0 Go c. J-LJ b C. number. Street, road or mile :s u......~ .. t' Ic>......d Subdivision, /:!.E!7 Co ','(? n 1 0 c k , 1 I!-d d ~I ' -;t c:. marker, "il': ,=t- Fa...s'T Section, Key, ~5U.'W1 M ,",,-to ....d Lot, f3 .. . ,.onl.np, Cc~ "i ~ "'-c,'""- /) V', volume of material: F;\l filled/deposited v '\ 126- c f- t)...\)J \ C) c. y. 0 c. y. Vi'II-d. I LJo c. y. ~OO c. y. 'va t ~ ru a?jd -1 iJ Il d wa rd \1.0\1'",,,\ ,-1 &\ ~M r. tf, ..'~.T, d. ' n4,. Ha. :ra. o t il. II .\ . 0 f H ,] \7 v 0 r - to. t1 ,-1 7) Name, address & zip code of adjoin'n~ property o,vners whose property affronts 'vater way. t..ot- 'f<f' 13i~ I 3!>-{)JbOdOV'U\I~ Dv-, /..-",,,,'1'1- I.H"t ti"i'o9 cl<:-l.:.-JHil(S'bv. t/~5i-c.. S. P'1(~ we.-~{-k.l~ H-o-1 V e.., W. l-o.w if it:L- t~k..1 F t, Z Au.-J"i (; I M-~ Co>~l::lU 0"""-...... t.Cl I C-c...."'...~o. i tY\., r. I :3'30 S- 8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant s name, this site or ~O'''e.. b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. tJO ~) List all Federal and State are~cies that have received applications for this project. C:chI,b'(4.e.d D-li,k!.. ~fl-I""c.j~rS oj ~vt.~i.....""c....s This completed ~pplic~tion form will be Rccomp8nied by the following, or it will NOT Be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8~ x 11 p~per, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Applic"1tion processing fee as follows:: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natur~l water bodies. $10.00 for vertic~l seawalls on m~n-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of the above ~ctivities per qite. Application is hereby made for a permit to quthorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information cODtained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & ~ccurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether soecified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority' to violate or c<mcel the provisions of any_~punty, state /qr,fede~ law regulating construction or performance of constructio~ of this type ?f faci~ t .. O' -/ I /. f <J It IFor Department Use Onlv/ S' ~dr'GO l.:? ~- S- ~ F e & receipt if Approved by Ass{t. Director Person accepting application b Cost: of permit: Estimated cost ot construction / Lewis Construction Company, Inc. General Contractor 1400 Grinnell Street. Key West, Florida 33040 305.294-4190 r --:===-:-:~:-::-_-=-==--:------,--.- - ' ;1\ -u__ .._=.===;-- I ! ---- ------ - ;0 0 ,L- I ,~_ .1 ~ Ci-"....' (, v~/ {"" (..1.-.: ,:>- L ( wlfL ~S'- a "- J, c j " \) 1 i. i J, 0,'-' (e., CZ--,' " S CO':."'-' ,J ,,' d ~"'l- J <V : \ \ ~," {': l\ '" ,1 l(..' ~ -\ Lee WI. rc<.J ,J Oe, \ . i- c" ------., I I I T1 I I I' J" () 10 \ ./ ---------.-. - I I' fV1 JUV - ':---- t C ('''' " "'~. f l' J . '-1--~--'----- ,~ -~--~----------'-.. -- ~.~...-- . '" - ~ ". '~~ ~i-':~~=~-:~~ d'}C I '3 . ~J 'C. I - A~S,Ci~d TIc. bc.,~k."j '~ 'V , 3' ,,,, iLl h.-,<l '<:IC k. \ t G tI. (', v ~i- ~ ,r:-. LI ~_ .1 tv; lil '\ A \ j H. s- -<!..". be- ,. ~ '\/ ~\...,,~... C lt~ ~~IA.I\€- \ uJJ~. · r c:"~ (J v\.. ?' \ , \ \ J-fJ I 1-) I /~ (, /:. l, 1+ If., rt (, ~" '1 ('" - '~,- ~' lvm vV' ...' l "" ->.. ,'\' I::: I ' ~ ~ -~ 1"-- .~, "I ' J ,,-,L l'V\ "y\. T': ~ (,~ ,- IV} .:.: ,l {'l ,,/ V : , Y\.. ~-, C " y c,s.::. . ,--- 1-' - "'.. 'I.> it', "- ~- f' ~. f ,"'" I" r, (' ,- (' ( l. ' (." -, , l I '<~'['- l()Ji:..~ 'V I ~f II Lewis Construction Company, Inc. General Contractor 1400 Grinnell Street . Key \Vest, Florida 33040 305.294.4] 90 c t~. (..'. o C.Z_' { <'~- . I ,,>C r '" t . I ~==_,-"==- ,:c:::::::::=:=-:::::::~.:..,=="=;;:".=,=,l~-.:.-l::::~~;.f,,, __-171._~_+~)(: d_. ~ C<'''- V.H~' t I I. 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I 1 I ~J HJ x::~ ,,'.j Ii "~.;' -~ {t '. ~ ~ ~ Y) ~ o D~ q ~ -J '...:i-- "')'l!1~ ,0 TO~S' '" FORM 3397 LITHO IN DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE September 15, 1981 SU~ECT Sink,~.: SeauRll FROM Robert "ennis Environ. 115.01. DEP'T Planning, Building [, Zonin? To '" \;einknT'1 Director DEP'T rlannin~, n u i 1 din ~ E, '7 . <.oon1ng LT~rAL Tl! S P 66 S, PJ: E 28 F. , S E C T 35, 13 1 0 c k 1, Lot 43, Summerland Key Cove (6th A~dition), Sunmerland Key. Zoning is fur-l. INTRODUCT IO:~: T his a 1'1 u 1 i cat ion i s t 0 her e vie \J e d by the 11 0 a r d 0 f Co un t y Commissioners in accordance with Chanter 19-1ll(a) (5) of the :1onroe County Code. T)ISCTTSSION: Anplicant nronoses to construct a 60 ft. lbn~ vertical seawall alonp his waterfront nroperty abuttin? Sunmerland Cove. The sea'"all Hill he nlaced alonr' the 'fLU, this \lill require approxiMatelY 2~n c.y. of backfill. A ~iscussion of the biota present and a description of the area is provided in the attached Department of Invironmental Re~ulation report. nURPOSE: Tor eel a i i'1 e r 0 ,i e (1 1 an ri, T) rot e c t 1 a n ~ fro n f u t 11 r e e r 0 S ion and to provide for boat ~ockin~. C:VALUATlm; : '!o lonr' tern "dvers!'. environ"'ental irlTHlcts are exnected as a result of this nro;ect. Rr.COT:E~mATI()N : Approval. 'JOTT-:S: ^r~v ~orns and ~ent. ;::nviron. Re~. nermits required. -t T) l ; f " 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 ..~ ....;;.'.;.It\lly ~d .....-----~1t' +?- --.,,;----~ (~1 J'r.." Of f\(jI.~ BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB 0, VARN SECRETARY STATE OF flORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE July 23, 1981 ~onty Sink c/o Lewis Const. 1400 Grinnell St. Key West, Fla. 33040 Re: Monroe County, File No. 44-4243l-5E, Seawall & Backfill Dear Mr. Sink: As we advised you on May 6, 1981 , your application is incomplete without local approval, pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your permit application to the Board of County Commissioners/City Councilor their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city council ". . .shall have in hand the (biOlogical) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the sarne meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need ~o obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. RWC/ck Enclosure 4;;~~ R. W. Cantrell Dredge & Fill S~pervisor DER r0rm 17-1.122(50) SINK, MONTY iF44-4243l-5E Monroe County - Summer land Key Page Two A. The applicant is proposing the construction of a seawall along a residential shoreline for the purpose of protecting said shoreline and providing private boat dockage. The proposed seawall will be constructed waterward to the MLW line. Of the 200 cubic yards to be deposited, ~OO cubic yards will be deposited landward and 100 waterward' (MHW). Total length of the seawall will be 60 feet. Its width, including backfill, w~ll be approximately eight feet. The width of the concrete cap will be four feet. Tiebacks will be used to stabilize the proposed seawall. B. The project site is located on the western side of Summer land Key near Kemp Channel within what is referred to as Summerland Cove. Summerland Cove has been extensively developed for single family residences with a network of inland man-made canals and a perimeter channel which provides deep-water access for the residential community. Waterward of this deep perimeter channel, the depths shallow to two (2) feet or less. The benthic community over these flats is somewhat unstable with patches of seagrasses and algaes. Because of this instabilitYiwater transparency-within Surrnnerland Cove is somewhat less than that found elsewhere in the Keys. In the more irrnnediate vicinity of the applicant, development of the waterfront lots along Carribean Drive is somewhere in the vicinity of 30 to 40 percent. It is likely that the spoil obtained from the dredging of the offshore perimeter channel was deposited along the existing residential lots, forming erosion-prone marl shorelines. . As a whole, the shoreline in this area has undergone some erosion, although it is not nearly as severe as it could be due to an original Miami oolite base, which is exposed below MHW, and a well- _ compacted limestone-marl overburden. Because of the absence of soft sediments along this shoreline, few mangroves have become established. In general, the emergent shoreline vegetation starts above the extreme high water line in the form of transitional wetland species, which occupy only a narrow strip before giving way to uplands. TI1e perirneter channel in this area is deep, box cut, and varies from 60-80 feet in width. The submergent shelf separating the SINK, MONTY If44-4243l-5E Monroe County - Summer land Key Page Three present shoreline from the perimeter channel averages 10-20 feet in width, with limited floral stabilization. C. The applicant's lot drops from a three to five foot elevation (above MSL) at the erosion line to form an approximntf' 15' wide littoral shelf, of which six to eight feet is intertidal. At the erosion line, some transitional wetland vegetation was encountered such as sea daisy (Borrichia sp.) and buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta). From this point, waterward, little vege- tation is found, with the exception of several small black mangrove. (Avicennia germinans) sprouts. The substrate along this entire shoreline is composed primarily of loose limerock rubble. A good m~ny grazing snails (Nerita sp.) were found here. Among the smaller limerock particles were much larger boulders, which attained diameters of up to l~ feet. Below the MLW line, a variety of submergent flora was observed, including turtlegrass (Thallasia testudinum), green algaes (Batophora sp. and Halimeda sp~, and br~wn algaes (Acanthophora sp.). Also observed here were several schoolmaster snapper (Lutjanus apodus). The littoral shelf drops off sharply to the channel depths within Sununerland Cove. From the point of dropping off, the perimeter channel extends another 50 to 80 feet out. D. Impacts anticipated should be primarily long term and may include a decrease in runoff filtration, lessened wave energy dispersion and a corresponding increase in wave energies and erosion of littoral communities at the base of the seawall and a decrease in intertidal detrital accumulation resulting in lessened sediment build-up and a corresponding decrease in sediment-dependent species such as seagrasses. Conversely, a degree of stability will be realized from the seawall and due to numerous other seawalls perrnitted in this area, some- what of a precedent has been set. The above stated negative impacts should be fairly minimal due to the relatively sparse amount of submergent or emergent vegetation and the small amount of windblown detrital matter found along this shoreline.