Resolution 302-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 302 -1981 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ~10NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from RALPH E. HALL and, WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The application is proposing the construction of an 18' x 20' x 6' wooden dock to extend waterward from the shoreline which will be filled and rirapped down to the MLW line. Total dock area planned is 265 sq. ft. The configura- tion will be semi-hexagonal. Total backfill will amount to 60 cubic yards waterward of r'lHW and 20 cubic yards landward of MHW. A total of 45 cubic yards of riprap will be placed below MHW. The dock pilings will be augered from a barge, the riprap will be placed by hand and the fill will be brought to the site by truck. Silt screens will be utilized where necessary. The project site is located on the western side of Summerland Key near Kemp Channel within what is referred to as Summerlnd Cove. Summerland Cove has been extensively developed for single family residences with a network of inland man-made canals and a perimeter channel which provides deep-water access for the residential community. Waterward of this deep peri- meter channel, the depths shallow to two (2) feet or less. The benthic community over these flats is somewhat unstable with patches of seagrasses and algaes. Because of this instability, water transparency within Summerland Cove is somewhat less than that found elsewhere in the Keys. In the more immediate vicinity of the applicant, development of the water- front lots along Carribena Drive is somewhere in the vicinity of 30 to 40 percent. It is likely that the spoil obtained from the dredging of the off- shore perimeter channel was deposited along the existing residential lots, forming erosion-prone marl shorelines. As a whole, the shoreline in this areas has undergone some erosion, although it is not nearly as severe as it could be due to an original Miami oolite base which is exposed below MHW and a well-compacted limestonemarl overburden. Due to the absence of soft sediments along this shoreline, few mangroves have become established. In general, the emergent shoreline vegetation starts above the extreme high water line in the form of transitional wetland species, which occupy only a narrow strip before givin way to uplands. The perimeter channel in this area is deep, box cut, and varies from 60-80 feet in width. The submergent shelf separating the esisting shoreline (extreme high water line) from the perimeter channel averages 10-20 feet in width, with limited floral stabilization. The applicant's lot is bordered to the east by a concrete vertical seawall, 60 feet in length and extending waterward to the MLW line. The applicant's lot drops from a consistent three to five foot elevation(above MSL) at the erosion line, forming an approximate 20' wide littoral shelf, of which approximately five feet is intertidal. At the erosion line, some transitional wetland vegetation was observed. The dominant species here was buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta). From this point wate~/ard the substrate is nearly barren ot vegetatlon. The substrate here is composed of loose limerock rubble. Small gastropods (Neritia sp.) were found throughout this area. RALPH E. HALL SEAWALL PAGE 2 Below the MLW line, green algaes (Batophora sp.) and red algaes (Acanthophors sp.) made up the majority of the benthic colonization. Little adverse impact is anticipated as a result of this project. The only significant concern here is the elimination of the buttonwood fringe which could help to maintain shoreline stabilization and upland runoff filtration. It is felt, however, that the riprap proposed along this shoreline should adequately stabilize the shoreline while preventing any significant problems associated with runoff. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 19th day of October 19 81 at a regularly scheduled meeting ~'.. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ::N?::O~ ~~~ p ~1ayor' ~, , '%~ /J " ~~ ( Seal) ~ Attest: , ) ~_ ~ J~ (~/4A _ _-' , Cl erk APPRO M 70 I'OIfM A..",.,.. 0-.. . ~CARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONl 'Will:lelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MA YOR George E, Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 . ::-':;~ t~ r---~"'-- ~ ~~ --.----.-- --_~ ,r''' '-'1- '.4. __:~J' ~ ~"~ ~ ' "',--:- .- "tti..c:.~'J'" ~""7~"" ~~,'~ - f" ~.,,,,~,,,,:,,,~"", ,tI!! '. _" ii..ccc' I" ,?1! j,! _~~.'o.rt:_''''''',~:_,' " ",,--:: ,~. ~_~ .i~n,~,..J".-n";~,! '!:i.J"""t.. " "\,~~,....\:t,,;~,l((',fI'i\ .J'~~ Ej--~~~~~\ OK~y~:6~~~,~E (305) 294,4641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 OFFICI Henry F. ~~~nkam, Director Building, Planning & Zonina P,O.BOX Room 205 Wing II Public Service Building Stock Island, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Co~plete Enclosures 1. Resolution 2. Permit 3. Application for Permit 4. Site Plan 5. Location Map 6. County Biologist Report 7. DER Assessment v / V --L v ~ ~ ~ BY~. C7,,~ DATE I ()- q-tf / m" '?rr~I'7'\17~~ !!V( ~. i ~ \ L-)' . ", \ \ " m,~ ~ ' . -..ql , ' LL; , OCT 14 1981 COUNTY ATTY. ft:=] rE ~, ~~fM .. , J:,~~,~ ~~"," ~T'" ',"'''~ (. f',~, t' " ' ~,,- t;~ ,. . ~ ~--. p-;" . '~ '.~~ ~., :.'. ~ ~~ ........... - ..:.I,.; pl.A11n~G , BUILDnIG & ZONING DEPART~IENT PEm-nT <;' ~'''j; MON~OE :r;~ ~\~~ COUNTY PEill1IT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. ~~ FILL, OR STRUCTU~\L ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF HONROE COUNTY 1) Property mvners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTI-fENT USE ONLY Ralph E. Hall Aug. 26, 1981 15021 Emory Lane Resolution No. Rockville, Maryland 20853 3) Phone number (203) Date: 376-6550 4) Contra~tor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number KeyCo logy, Inc. 414 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 294-8719 - I 5) Legal descrlptlon ot property: Section 35 665 28E Key Summerl and Lot 15 & East ~ 16 Subdivision Summerland Key Cove #3 Tmvnship Block 4 Range Street, road or mile marker Carribean Drive Volume of material: dredged/excavaLed filled deposited c.y. waterward of M. H . ~.J . c.y. land'vard of H.H.W. 60 fill & 45 ripra~.y. c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: RU-l PURPOSE: Cost of Pemit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by ChaiD:lan BOARD OF COUNTY carr-a s S I Oi'mRS OF ~fmmOE COU~aY, FLORI D.-\. Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval with the following'conditions: 1. Use of filter fabric between rip-rap boulders and 2. Backslope fill away from rip-rap. CODV i:1 Fi12 D.J.te Bui:'~~r.; Of~~ci~l /0 It Ll!f1"i lfi:~-, ",.J .,.... ,Y ... " 1) Prbperty owners name & mailinr 'PT.ANNI~r" Bl.:ILD=~;G & 7.C:,2::-;r, JEPA:-::':~.L~;'... ;'!J,':l... ," 1 ~-,'...-, Exr^VATIO~, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE HATERS OR 1~ETLA~~D OF WE COUNTY address :!.) Da:. e 3) Phone number Ralph E. Hall 15021 Emory Lane Rockville, Maryland 20853 August 26, 1981 (203) 376-6550 4) Contractor or agent's name, mai1inR addressJ phone & certification number. KeyCology, Inc. 414 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 294-8719 Zonin?" 35 66 28 (if acreage) /2(.)-1 Key, Summerland Summerl and~_ Subdivision, Key Cove ::U:5 5) Le~a1 description of property: Section, To 'In s hip, Lot, 15 & East ~ 16 Block, 4 Range, StreetJ road or mile marker, 'caribbean Drive 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of constr~tion & amount of material (in cubic yarns), to be excavated or discharr,ed. Iescribe purpose &. intended use of project. Proposed 18' X 20' X 6' wooden dock for total of 265 square feet; 80 cubic yards backfill, with 45 cubic yards rip-rap at toe. Purpose is to provide shore- line protection and access to water for boating, etc. Pilings will be augered from barge; fill brought to site by truck and spread with dozer; rip-rap placed by hand. Silt screens will be utilized. d Ted p,ed I excava ted 60 fi llf illed I depo sit ed o c . y . 0 c. y. 45 ri.Qra~ , c . y . ~O fill c. y. ~~ tfl :U~~~. 'lall~ wa rd ~r r:~. H~w~ fIlA. ff~ti~ 7) Name, address & zip code of adjoining property o,-.rners whose prop~rty affronts '-later 'Jay. Allen P. Bickenbach John Pruncutz Box 233, Route 1 6550 S.W. 5Znd Terrace .Gabriella Lane Miami, Florida 33101 Maitland, Florida 32751 8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, fo this site volume of material: N/A b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if ~ifferent from current applicant. Jerry Tuma application dated January 12, 1981~ Sold property to Ralph E. Hall. List all Federal and project. State agencies that have received applications for thiE State of Florida; DER Army Corps of Engineers This completed ~pplication form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT Be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8~ x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and croSS section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Applic::ltion processing fee as follows:: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $10.00 for vertic~l seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination\of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for 8 permit to Ruthorize the activities desc:ibe~ herein. 1 certify that 1 am familiar with the information contained in this appl1cnt1on, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such informRtion is true, complete & ~ccurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities.. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied w1th whether soecified herein or not. The granting of a v.ermit does not presume to give authority' to violate or cancel the provisions of".lo c ty, state or federal law regulating construction or performance o~ const uc i f this type 0 f}j 1-~-!;/ pc~on accepting application alph E. Hall I,~s:cu '?757'0::V Fee & receipt 1 Approved by A s't 1, S . . /For Department Use Only/ Director Coat of permi.t Estimnted cost ot constrUCc101 ';"".~~~"""'~_H~..1~......~___.__W ' ,~-'.i.._.-<o;.:or;:"";'.4":"~":' ...-'::.:._.:.';~~.- ~ ~~ KeyColo9,y, Inc. 414 Simonton 51. Key West, Fl33040 4. CAF-I BE3E-kN, VR\\JE I <:10 I q~ L- "l I ~' I j PLAN LOT 15 -ii LOT \ fo Sc..ALE- .i'\. bO' 1/ LOTIJ I I I i PF::OPOSE.D I DOCK .;;J..105 5GI' +i-; I e,oC.f, AC.KFtLL R\:P- RAP M F:\P ~~:~~.///.~_o/.'1,e::.d/~~/'~' /.~-I/1. E.)('\{:,T1N~ M,L.v-J. _~I ~ _~, - - - - - -~ =- - - ~~E:PISE ~ 2HANNE.L I A. -;-..;;<0 Svt'^-.fV'..E R L J::... N P CO'--IE. -- --ryPICAL SECTION ~ A~A 'SCALE ...i. \1'= .LO ' , 16 P,T, wcoq IO~I:lIP" I DATUI1 r'1ean Sea l,e.,'{~(,.~r1- PURPOSE: Reclaim Land and Y Provide Water Access ADJJ\CENT PROPERTY OVINERS: 1. John Pruncutz 2. Allen P. B;ckenbach D!\~E : SHEET 8/26/81 1 DF 1 ~ o (01 ~ . "" 0 D M.$,L, J'l.'yL-r~ 1--\\LiJ~~I__'_11~~_I,\ PROPOSED vJOOD DOCK ~-JITH RIPRAP , AND BACKFI LL ~;- ., ~ IN: Man-Made Channel AT: Summerland Key COUNTY OF: Monroe STATE OF: Flori da /lPPLICANT: Ra 1 ph E. Hall lJ\ "t ~ TOPS SUBJECT To FROM o .... 3397 FORM LITHO IN U. S DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE October 8, 1981 Hall, R., Rip-Rap, seawall Henr F. Weinkam, Director DEP'T Building, Planninq and Zoninq DEP'T Planning and Zoning Robert Denni s, County B i 010' is t LEGAL Township 66S, Range 28E, Section 35 Summerland Key Cove #3; Lot 15 and East ~ of 16, Block 4, Summerland Key. Zoned RU-l. INTRODUCTION This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. DISCUSSION . Applicant proposes to place approximately 45 c.y. of rip-rap boulders along his 90 ft. of waterfront property abutting Summerland Cove. The rip- rap and 60 c.y. of fill will be placed between the MLW and MHW line of this shoreline. Another 20 c.y. of fill will be placed landward of the MHW line. In addition, a trapezoidal shaped wooden dock measuring 20 ft (parallel to the shoreline) x 18 ft. (sides) x 6 ft. (wid~ is also proposed. The attached Department of Environmental Regulation report discusses this project in greater detail and should be read for additional information. REASON FOR PROJECT Protection of upland property from erosion and boat dockage. EVALUATION No adverse, long-term environmental impacts are expected as a result of this project. RECor1~1ENDAT I ON Aoproval with the following conditions: 1. Use of filter fabric between rip-rap boulders and 2. Backslope fill away from rip-rap. NOTES Army Corps and DER permits required. 00. o~I' .. 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA .:.iOROA, FLORIDA 33950 BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE September 22, 1981 Ralph Hall c/o Key Cology, Inc. 414 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 Monroe County, File No. 44-47264-SE, Dock, Rip-Rap Dear Mr. Hall: As we advised you on 9-21-81 , your application is incomplete without local approval, pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your permit application to the Board of County Commissioners/City Councilor their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city council ". . .shall have in hand the (biOlogical) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need ~o obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. Sincerely, ~1d~ RWC/wb Enclosure Richard W. Cantrell, Dredge & Fill Supervisor DER ~orm 17-1.122(50) HALL, RALPH E. #44-47264-5E Nonroe County - SUI11lilerland Key Page 1'\'JO A. The applicant is proposing the construction of an 18' x 20' x 6' wooden dock to extend watenvard from the shoreline which will be filled and riprapped do'~ to the }~W line. Total dock area planned is 265 square fee~. The configuration will be semi-hexagonal. Total baci:f:ill ,-.rill amount to 60 cubic yards waterward of MEW and 20 cubic )urds landward of ~rnw. A total of 45 cubic yards of riprap will be placed below Mm~. The dock pilings will beaugered from a barge, the riprap will be placed by hand and the fill will be brought to the site by truck. Silt screens will be utilized 'Ylhere necessary, B. The project site is located on the western side of Slliilffierland Key near Kemp Channel within what is referred to as Summerland Cove. ~ummerland Cove has been extensively developed for single family residences with a network of inland man-made canals and a perimeter channel which provides deep-water access for the residential' community. Waterward of this deep perimeter channel, the depths shallow to DvO (2) feet or less. The benthic community over these flats is somewhat unstable with patches of seagrasses and algaes. Because of this instability, water transparency within Summerland Cove is somewhat less than that found else,."rhere in the Keys. In the more immediate vicinity of the applicant, development of the waterfront lots along Carribean Drive is somewhere in the vicinity of 30 to 40 percent. It is likely that the spoil obtained from the dredging of the offshore perimeter channel was deposited along the existing residential lots, forming erosion-prone marl shorelines. As a whole, the shoreline in this area has undergone some erosion, although it is not nearly as severe as it could be due to an original Hia..rni oolite base which is exposed belmv 11HH and a well- compacted limestone-marl overburden, Due to the absence of soft sediments along this shoreline, few mangroves have become established. In general, the eme.rgent shore- line vegetation starts above the extreme high water line in the form of transitional wetland species, which occupy only a narrow strip before giving way to uplands. The perimet:er channel in this area is deep, box cut, and varies from 60-80 feet in \vidth. The submergent shelf separating the H'::.1.L, RALPH E. 1.~44-47264-5E l1onroe County - Su...lliTIerland Key Page Three existing shoreline (extreme high water line) from the perimeter channel averages 10-20 feet in width, with limited floral stabili- zation, The applicant's lot is bordered to the east by a concrete vertical s ea\'lall, 60 fee t in leDg th and extending h'a tenvard to the ,HLW line. ~ C. The applicant's lot drops from a consistent three to five foot elevation (above MSL) at the erosion line, forming an approximate 20' wide littoral shelf, of which approximately five feet is inter- t i da 1. At the erosion observed. The erecta). From of vegetation. rubble. Small area. line, some transitional wetland vegetation was dominant species here was buttonwood (ConocarPbs this point waterward, the substrate is nearly arren The substrate here is composed of loose limerock ' gastropods (Neritia sp.) were found throughout this BeIO\.J the HLiV line, green algaes (Batophora sp.) and red algaes (Acanthophora sp.) made up the majority of the benthic colonization. D. Little adverse impact is anticipated as a result of this project. The only significant concern here is the elimination of the button- wood fringe which could help to maintain shoreline stabilization and upland runoff filtration. It is felt, however, that the riprap proposed along this shoreline should adequately stabilize the shoreline while preventing any significant problems associated with runoff. , . ,