Resolution 316-1981 RESOLUTION NO.316 - 1981 WHEREAS, it is neeessary to increase items under the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82 to aecount for unantieipated funds received from other Governmental Agencies, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows; 1. That the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82, be, and the same is hereby inereased by the sum of $53,865.05 as follows: (1) There is hereby created under "Revenue" in the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82, an item to be known as Item #3310693, CCE, whieh said item shall contain the sum of $53,865.05. (2) The following increase is hereby authorized under "Expenditures" In the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82. Item #001-1815-564-12.00 Salaries & Wages $32,989000 Item #001-1815-564-13.00 Salaries Non-Payroll $ 877.65 Item #001-1815-564-21000 FICA Taxes $ 2,250.61 Item #001-1815-564-22.00 Retirement $ 3,035.37 Item #001-1815-564-23000 Group Insurance $ 1,796.62 Item #001-1815-564-24.00 Wormen's Compensations $ 2,654.25 Item #001-1815-564-31.06 Medical Expenses $ 120.00 Item #001-1815-564-32.00 Audit $ 500.00 Item #001-18l5-564-40.00 Auto Allow & Travel $ 6,009.93 Item #001-1815-564-46.02 Maintenance of Equipment $ 295.00 Item #001-1815-564-49.24 Advertising $ 27.60 Item #001-1815-564-51.00 Office Supplies $ 282.90 Item #001-1815-564-64.00 Equipment $ 600.00 Item #001-1815-564-49.00 Mi s c ell an eo us Supplies $ 376012 Item #001-1815-564-47000 Printing $ 500.00 Item #001-1815-564-49.23 Edu. Programs $ 300.00 Item #001-1815-564-52.01 Gas, Oil & Lube $ 675.00 -2- Item #001-1815-564-45.00 Insurance & Bonds $575.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and that upon receipt of the above unanticipated funds, he is hereby authorized and direeted to p1aee said funds in said items, as set forth above. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 3rd day of November , A.D. 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ?E COUNTY, FLORIDA :':----"-e c.. C ~ ~ ~ By " Chai rman If (SEAL) Attest: ") / ~_?'_ /C / - ,........c--- BY