Resolution 319-1981RESOLUTION NO.319 - 1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR MONROE COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Contract by and between the State of Florida Department of Health and Re- habilitative Services, and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, for Monroe County Social Services Transportation Program. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 3rc; day of November A.D. 1981. (SEA-L). Attest. lerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By 7 ,.. Mayor/Chairman -— AP"PRO ED AS TO FOAM ANi L CONURACT STATE OF FLO)MA 33'BILITZ�TIVE, SERVICES D)CPARTHENT Or IMALT3.1 _AND n-, A MD MONROE COUNTY BOARD bF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TUTS CONT-11ACT is emC-3-- intothe State of Florida, Depaxt-nent of Health and Rehabilitative Services, )-ic reinafter. i d TRANSPORTATION -E-S TRAN ).-eferred to as the "Depart-mentr " an PROGRAM�r hereinafter referred to ae- .s the "provider." Th^ Part-ies.agree: Io Thy Provider tigrees. To provide services at locations and in accordance frith the Ir Attachmentions specified in Attachment conditions Be.Federal and State Laas and Regulations I, To comply with Title VI: and V11, Civil Rights -Ac ' ' of 1964. e -- a 2 If ggregate amount oL rederal funds in this contract is over $10,000, the Provider shall comply with Execut4 ve Order 11246, entitled "Equal as aMended by Executive Enip 1 o�m e n t Opportunity," Order 11375, and as supplemented in Department o F Labor Regulations (41 C`Rr Part 60). 3; To comply with all the provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Nondiscrimination Against the Handicapped, as amended (45 CFR, Part 84). 4. it is expressly understood that upon receipt Of substantial evidence of such discrimination, the Department Shall have the right -. to tcrminalk--e. this for. )--,x-ea.'Ch. contract s Of 45 Cf-�./ pro%risioi -i S. TO complY With t"10 E-PP G. To L-. t.lio "Jiid Lol:th*' in 45 CITZ, Vart 13�6. 7. If the aggregate amount of )."oderal funds in this contract if over $100,000, the Provider shall comply with applicable standards, orders, or -regula.tiops I issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act as amended (42 USC 3.857 et seq.) and the Federal Wate:V Pollution Control Act as amended (33 QSC 1251 et - seq.). C. Audits and Records D. 1. To maintain books,. records and documents in accordance with accounting procedures and practices which suffi- ciently and properly reflect all expenditures of funds provided by the Department under this contract. 2. To assure that these records shall,'be subject at all times to inspection, review, or audit by State personnel and other personnel duly authorized by the Department, as well as by. Federal pertonnel n- Le Department such progress, 3. To ma-;nz;ain and le with -I-' fiscal, inventory and other reports as the Department array require re within the perio d of this contract. 4. To include these aforementioned audit and record- keeping requirements in all approved subcontracts and -asslanin-L --s. en L_ .Retention of Records -1. To retain all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other -documents pertinent ..to this contract for a period of three (3*), L.-I-er -years after of this cont tract, -or if-an.audit has been L_ initiated and audit findings have not been resolved at the end of three (3) years, the records shall be retained until resolution of the audit findings. 2. Pursuant to 45 CFR, Part 74.24(a) and (b), Federal U auditors and persons duly. authorized by the Department shall have full access tu, and the right to e:,cail,ine 1. TO prov'.i.do poriod.ic progress i.eports, including data reporting requirements request-od from the Depar -ment and/or Federal agencies. These reports will be used for monitoring progress or performance to determine conformity with intended program purposes. 2. To provide access to, or to furnish whatever information is necessary to effect this monitoring. 3e. To permit the Departmment to monitor the aforementioned service program *opera ted by the Provider or subcontractor according to applicable regulations of the Federal and State.governments< Said monitoring will.include access to all client records, F. Indemnification The Provider shall be liable, and agrees to be liable for, -and shall indemnify, defend, and hold the Department harmless from all claims, suits, judgements or damages, includi-:g court costs and attorneys fees, arising out of or in the course of the operation of this contract. G. Insurance The responsibility for providing adequate liability insurance coverage on„a comprehensive basis shall be that of the Provider ans shall be provided at all times during the existence of finis contract. Upon the execution of this contract, the Provider shall furnish the Department with written verification of the existence of such insurance coverage. H. Safeguarding, Information n Pursuant to 45.CFR, Part 205.50, the Provider shall not use or disclose any information concerning a recipient of services.u.nder this contract for any purpose not in - Conformity with the Federal and State requirements except on written consent of the recipient, or his responsible parent or guardian when authorized by law, The Provider shall submit to the Department management and progrrun data, including client identifiable data, as deemed essential by the Department for inclusion in the. I}RS Client Information System. J. Assignments of Contracts L The Provider shall not assign the responsibility of this- . r contract to another party without prior written approval of the Department. I:. Subcontracts ` The Pravidershall not enter into subcontracts for any of the work contemplated under this contract without obtaining prior written approval of the Department. Pursuant to 45 CFR, Part 1396,.al1 subcontracts shall be subject to such. conditions of this contract and to any conditions of approval that the Department shall deem •necessary. Provider �ai11 be rescor_si ble for the performance of any subcontractor. L Eligibility - _ - _ Reimbursement shall be" made - only- for those expenditures incurred in the provis'on of eligible services to eligible client-s. Eligible services are those services specified ' in Attachl-nent Iof this- contract and in the current State. of Florida Comprehensive manual Services Progr a*n Plan for Title XX, Client eligibility will -he determined in the -manner defined in the current "Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Manual•for Title XX Eligibility Determination 195-1." '-_-he Department, unless otherwise specified under the SPECIAL PROVISIONS section of this contract, shall deter mine client eligibility and furnish the Provider with said determinations. The Provider shall furnish, upon request, such information as may be required to verify that.client eligibility was determined in 1.1. Gz-iev,-incr! and )?air 110r,rini Procc dul:Os Pursuant to 45 CFr%, Parts 139G.14 and 205.10, Provider will establish a system through which recipients may present grievances about the oneiation of the contrast. Provider will advise recipients of this right to appeal denial or exclusion from the program or failure, to take account of recipients' choice of service and of theirf - - - r right to a fair hearing in these respects. Whenever an applicant or recipient requests a fair hearing, the Depart- ment will make arrangements to.provide.such a hearing, through its regular Lair hearing process. N. Fees Pursuant to 45 CFR, Part 1396.70(a)(7)y no fees shall be imposed other than those.set by the Department, in accordance tTith 45 CFR, Part 139.6.62 and described in the current State of Florida"Cor�n Xrehensive-Annual Services ` Program Plan for Title XX. Fees. . collected in col ,.Dli arse the aLo- menL_ ied --egulat_or.s will be disposed of in a manner_ prescribed by the Department.., II. The Department agrees: To pay for contracted services according to the conditions o=.A ttacl-Lment 1 in an amount not to exceed $ 31,266.86 IIIo The Provider and Depart-ment :Mutually agree: A. Effective Date 1. This contract shall begin on November 15, 1981 or the date on Nahich the contract has been signed by both parties, whichever is later, 2. This contract shall end on Ndvember 14, 1982. B. Termination 1. -Termination at Will , This contract may be terminated by _either party upon no less than thirty (30) days notice, with or without �k 2 TL2. rill.: I t i.ol I j"_'Cj u:s 0 0 -Icl' of Vul-ICL; In the event funds to finance this contract bocome unavailable, the Dopartment, may terminate the contract upon no less than twenty-four (24) ho-qrs notice in writing to the Provider. Said notice shall be delivered by certified.mail, return receipt requested,,.or in person with proof of delivery. The Department .shall be the final authority as to the availability of funds. 3. Termination for Breach Unless the Provider's breach is excused, the Department may, by writ -ten notice of breach to the Provider, terminate the contract- Termination shall be upon no less than t,,,-7en+_'Y-'our (24) hours notice in writing delivered by certified mail, return receipt.reques-Ced, -or in person with. nroof of del;verv. -Waiver of breach of any provision of tni i s contract shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach and shall b ' not be construed t -o e a modification cation of the terms of the contract. C'notice and Contact The Contract- Manager for the DepartnienIC for this contract is C ICEPCION LOPEZ. representative ON The represeni.- of the Provider respons'ible for the administration of this contract i the prograr�i under s LOUIS DE LA TORRE In the event that di.L-erent renresentatives are designated by either party after execution of this contract, notice of the name and address of the new representative will be rendered in writing. to the other party and said notification attached to originals of this contract. D . Renegotiation or Modification. Modifications of provisions of this- contract shall only dua.y :�icJlil: d, 'J:ll�c pzu:l es, z:(2 to 1:11cyuti LL2 tI11.;; contract i.- 1;10-cle al and/Or State re-ViSloll Of ally app i.cabje la'NIS Or' re:('J11_l<1tio1l�; make changes ill th"' s . Contract neccs;,arya �r game and Address of Pa}rcc The name and address of the official payee to wholn payment s}lall be madC: 1`lonroe County Board of County I'�mrni ssi onerS - P 0, Box 1680, Key I -lest, Florida 331-4.0 F All Terms and Conditions Included This contract and its attachments as referenced, for Purlicase of Services hereto -attached. ) f. Contain all'the ternis and conditions agreed u on b the p y parties. Special Provisions t: -To comply with all applicable Federal and State Licensing Standards and !-- all other applicable standards, criteria and guidelines established by the Department. ''�H. Cervices to be Rendered: _ Transportation �ef:vices as described in the 5tgte of. Florida Title XX Comprehensive Annual _Se'rvices Program Plan. I. Manner and Location of Service Provision: Transportation- Servicea will be.,;rprovided to 'clients living. in Monroe ' County accorcririg. to.Proposal referred to as Attachment -'a to this contract. Program hours will be from 8:00 A. M. to 5"00 P.M. Monday through Friday. J. Method of. Payment: T11e Department hereby agrees to -reimburse the Provider upon presentation of monthly Reimbursehien't Requests, in an amount not to exceed $31,266.86, which with $3,474.10 in Certified Public Expenditures ceitif,ied by the Provider makes a total contractual amount of $34,740.•96. . Reimbursement will be based on the following rates: Local Trips .................... $2.50 one-way Midway Trips.. .................. $10.00 one-way' n Long; Distance Trips.......e... $20.00 one-way K. The M.C.S.S.T.P.Proposal is part of the contract agreement, t-herefor.e`, the changes to be made to this porposal must be resubmitted to the Department within 30 calendar days af:ter' the -effective elate- of the contract and must be received and approved by the Department. .. L The Provider and the Department mutually agree to renegotiate and amend this contract- to r.educc the ImOullt'to be paid for services to be rendered by the Provider hln-;;uant to t:his contract should it beco:lle accessary di • le to reduction• in tllc 111liYunt: of rlWilrlble State :and/or Federrll. funds. Tho Dt,imrl- 'REOP, tho purties hureLa have caused this Pago Contract tQ be, executed by their undersigned officials as duly DIONPOE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMI, I IS S IONY"RS: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTIMEN'T OF E EALTH AND P It OVI D EP, REF-A-P31LITATINE SERVICES �Cyv B y BY: TITLE: Chairman TITLE: District Administrator DATE: BY Title Clerk of Courts DATE: 1-1