Resolution 339-1981Al � RESOLUTION N0.339.- 1981 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to made budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1980-1981, and to create new items under said Budget, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1980-1981 in the following accounts: GENERAL REVENUE FUND #001 Transfer from Planning.Department, Item #001-1001-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $248.00, Into Planning Department, Item #001-1001-52.01, Gasoline Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-1001-54.01, Dues and Membership, the sum of $65.00, Into Planning Department, Item #001-1001-52.01, Gasoline Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-1001-40.00, Travel, the sum of $133.71, Into Planning Department, Item #001-1001-52.01, Gasoline Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-1002-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $33.84, Into Building Department, Item #001-1002-22.00, Retirement Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-1002-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $232.23, Into Building Department, Item #001-1002-41.00, Communications Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-1002-21.00, FICA, the -sum of $20.00, Into Building Department, 2. Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-1002-45.00, Insurance, the sum of $61.97, Into Building Department, Item #001-1002-40.00, Travel Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-1002-21.00, FICA, the sum of $232.09, Into Building Department, Item #001-1002-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-1002-49.24, Advertising, the sum of $300.00, Into Building Department, Item #001-1002-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-1002-49.24, Advertising, the sum of $245.36, Into Building Department, Item #001-1002-40.00, Travel Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-1002-54.01, Dues and Membership, the sum of $125.00, Into Building Department, Item #001-1002-40.00, Travel Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-1002-51.00, Office Supplies, the sum of $50.00, Into Building Department, Item #001-1002-44.00, Travel Transfer from Veterans Offices, Item #001-1200-21.00, FICA, the sum of $100.00, Into Veterans Offices, Item #001-1200-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $43.56, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-40.00, Travel Transfer from Emergency Services Coordinator, Item #001-1410-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $62.49, Into Emergency Services Coordinator, Itme #001-1410-21.00, FICA Transfer from Emergency Services Coordinator, Item #001-1410-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $40.46, Into Emergency Services Coordinator, Item #001-1410-23.00, Group Insurance 3. Transfer from Emergency Telephone, Item #001-1500-45.001 Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $36.65, Into Emergency Telephone, Item #001-1500-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-21.00, FICA, the sum of $100.00, Into Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-40.00, Travel Transfer from Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-22.00, Retirement, the sum of $150.00, Into Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-41.00, Communications Transfer from Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-22.00, Retirement, the sum of $50.00, Into Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Welfare Service, Item #001-1802-31.33, County Nursing Home, the sum of $8,000.00, Into Welfare Service, Item #001-1802-31.021 Medicaid Transfer from Welfare Service, Item #001-1802-49.06, Utilities, the sum of $1,092.40, Into Welfare Service, Item #001-1802-49.05, Pauper Burials Transfer from Welfare Service, Item #001-1802-49.14, Outpatient Services, the sum of $532.79, Into County Home, Item #001-1802-21.00, FICA Transfer from Welfare Service, Item #001-1802-49.14, Outpatient Services, the sum of $747.441 Into County Home, Item #001-1802-22.00, Retirement Transfer from Welfare Service, Item #001-1802-49.14, Outpatient Services, the sum of $187.55, Into County Home, Item #001-1802-23.00, Group Insurance Transfer from Marathon Airport, Item #001-2400-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $.02, Into Marathon Airport, Item #001-2400-52.04, Tools and Small Implements 4. Transfer from Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0100-34.00, Advertising, the sum of $1,238.56, Into Translators, Item #001-2500-34.00, Contractual Services Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-62.00, Capital Outlay Building, the sum of $39500.00, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-62.00, Capital Outlay Building, the sum of $13,800.00, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Key West Animal Shelter, Item #001-910-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $215.991 Into Key West Animal Shelter, Item #001-910-41.00, Communications Transfer from Key West Animal Shelter, Item #001-910-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $82.66, Into Key West Animal Shelter, Item #001-910-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Key West Animal Shelter, Item #001-910-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $374.48, Into Key West Animal Shelter, Item #001-910-52.01, Gasoline and Oil Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-12.00, Salaries, the'` sum of $ 8 . 12 , Into Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-31.06, Medicine and Drugs Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $50.00, Into Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $10.00, Into Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $100.00, Into Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-52.11, Food and Dietary S. Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $1,300.00, Into Plantation Key Animal Shelter, Item #001-912-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Plantation Key Animal Shelter, Item #001-912-21.00, FICA, the sum of $119.38, Into Plantation Key Animal Shelter, Item #001-912-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Plantation Key Animal Shelter, Item #001-912-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $50.00, Into Plantation Key Animal Shelter, Item #001-912-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Plantation Key Animal Shelter, Item #001-912-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $4.93, Into Plantation Key Garage, Item #001-916-62.00, Buildings Transfer from County Home, Item #001-1803-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $2,000.00, Into County Home, Item #001-1803-43.00, Utilities Transfer from AARP-Marathon, Item #001-1902-52.11, Salaries, the sum of $369.781 Into AARP-Marathon, Item #001-1902-12.00, Salaries Transfer from AARP-Marathon, Item #001-1902-43.00, Utilities, the sum of $207.15, Into AARP-Marathon, Item #001-1902-13.00, Salaries -Non -Payroll Transfer from AARP-Marathon, Item #001-1902-52.111 Food and Dietary, the sum of $19.23, Into AARP-Marathon, Item #001-1902-21.00, FICA Transfer from AARP-Marathon, Item #001-1902-52.11, Food and Dietary, the sum of $25.31, Into AARP-Marathon, Item #001-1902-22.00, Retirement Transfer from AARP-Marathon, Item #001-1902-51.00, Office Supplies, the sum of $31.55, Into AARP-Marathon, Item #001-1902-13.00, Salaries - Non -Payroll 0 Transfer from Extension Service, Item #001-2300-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $80.00, Into Extension Service, Item #001-2300-13.00, Salaries - Non -payroll Transfer from Extension Service, Item #001-2300-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $176.62, Into Extension Service, Item #001-2300-21.00, FICA Transfer from Extension Service, Item #001-2300-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $147.22, Into Extension Service, Item #001-2300-22.00, Retirement Transfer from Extension Service, Item #001-2300-41.00, Communications, the sum of $62.22, Into Extension Service, Item #001-2300-23.00, Group Insurance Transfer from Extension Service, Item #001-2300-41.00, Communications, the sum of $50.00, Into Extension Service, Item #001-2300-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Marathon Airport, Item #001-2400-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $83.44, Into Marathon Airport, Item #001-2400-21.00, FICA Transfer from Marathon Airport, Item #001-2400-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $8.82, Into Marathon Airport, Item #001-2400-23.00, Group Insurance Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $129.96, Into Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-22.00, Retirements, the sum of $1,348.61, Into Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $636.51, Into Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-43.00, Utilities 7. Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-40.00, Leaned, the sum of $92.00, Into Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-45.00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $11200.00, Into Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-52.01, Gasoline Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-1001-13.01, Salaries - Adjustment Board, the sum of $570.12, Into Planning Department, Item #001-1001-21.001, FICA Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-1001-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $312.00, Into Planning Department, Item #001-1001-22.00, Retirement Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-1001-13.00, Salaries - Zoning Board, the sum of $100.00, Into Planning Department, Item #001-1001-22.00, Retirement Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-1001-13.01, Salaries - Adjustment Board, the sum of $329.00, Into Planning Department, Item #001-1001-22.00, Retirement Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-1001-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $267.53, Into Planning Department, Item #001-1001-22.00, Retirement Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-1001-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $45.46, Into Planning Department, Item #001-1001-22.00, Retirement Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-1001-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $400.00, Into Planning Department, Item #001-1001-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-52.02, Materials, the sum of $232.60, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-40.00, Travel Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $17.04, Into Civil Defense, - Item #001-1401-43.00, Utilities, Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-21.00, FICA, the sum of $13.96, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Civil Defense, - Item #001-1401-22.00, Retirement, the sum of $32.15, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $36.47, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-41.00, Communications, the sum of $90.38, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-45.00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $1.90, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1410-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-64.00, Parts and Equipment, the sum of $18.21, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-52.02, Materials, the sum of $173.74, Into Civil Defense, - Item #001-1401-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-52.02, Materials, the sum of $54.65, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-52.01, Gasoline Transfer from Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-46.02, Maintenance of Equipement, the sum of $117.50, Into Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-41.00, Communications a Transfer from Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $49.18, Into Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-41.00, Communications Transfer from Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-100-40.00, Travel, the sum of $87.18, Into Medical Examinater Item #001-1300-34.00, Contractual Services Transfer from County Administrator Item #001-0800-40.001 Travel, the sum of $290.00, Into Personnel Department, Item #001-0801-31.06, Medical and Surgical Supplies Transfer from Personnel Department, Item #001-0801-40.00, Travel, the sum of $68.54, Personnel Department, Item #001-0801-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Personnel Department, Item #001-0801-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $3.00, Into Personnel Department, Item #001-0801-49.22, Medical and Surgical Supplies Transfer from County Administrator Item #001-0800-40.00, Travel, the sum of $63.601 Into Personnel Department, Item 001-0801-49.24, Advertising Transfer from County Administrator, Item #001-0800-40.00, Travel, the sum of $78.67, Into Personnel Department Item #001-0801-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-45.00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $2,278.59, Into Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-0902-46.011. Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-23.00, Group Insruance, the sum of $239.27, Into Courthouse and Annex Item #001-0902-64.02, Capital Outlay - Other Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $425.75, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-21.00, FICA Taxes 7. Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $242.78, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-22.00, Retirement Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $9.75, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-42.00, Transportation Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $413.47, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-40.00, Travel, the sum of $1,130.23, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-52.01, Gasoline Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $.80, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-52.11, Food and Dietary Transfer from Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-21.00, FICA, the sum of $31.88, Into Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-41.00, Communication Transfer from Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $27.93, Into Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-41.00, Communication Transfer from Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $63.12, Into Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Welfare Services, Item #001-1802-31.01, Medicaid Hospital, the sum of $2,167.18, Other Welfare Serivices, Item #001-1802-31.02, Medicaid Nursing Home Transfer from Welfare Services, Item #001-1802-31.03, County Nursing Home, the sum of $60.00, Other Welfare Services, Item #001-1802-49.05 Pauper Burials Transfer from County Home, Item #001-1803-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $20.14, Into County Home, Item #001-1803-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from AARP - Key West, Item #001-1901-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $.22, Into AARP - Key West, Item #001-1901-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from AARP - Key West, Item #001-1901-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $1,030.00, Into B. P. Senior Citizens, Item #001-1905-62.00, Capital Outlay of Buildings Transfer from AARP - Key West, Item #001-1901-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $79.20, Into B. P. Senior Citizens, Item #001-1905-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Marathon Airport, Item #001-2400-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $62.40, Into Marathon Airport, Item #001-2400-40.00, Travel Transfer from Marathon Airport, Item #001-2400-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $457.04, Into Marathon Airport, Item #001-2400-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $91.67, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-40.00, Travel, the sum of $78.35, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-41.00, Communications, the sum of $60.51, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-41.00, Communications, the sum of $180.29, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-43.00, Utilities 9. Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $686.50, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-46.03, Administrative Building, the sum of $850.00, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Key West Animal Shelter, Item #001-910-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $20.00, Into Key West.Animal Shelter, Item #001-910-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Key West Animal Shelter, Item #001-910-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $390.89, Into Key West Animal Shelter, Item #001-910-52.01, Gasoline Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $14.71, Into Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-12.001 Salaries, the sum of $53.48, Into Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $160.14, Into Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-911-52.11, Food and Dietary Transfer from Upper Keys Animal Shelter, Item #001-912-22.00, Retirement, the sum of $99.14, Into Upper Keys Animal Shelter, Item #001-912-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Upper Keys Animal Shelter, Item #001-912-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $4.00, Into Upper Keys Animal Shelter, Item #001-912-52.04, Tools and Small Implements Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $1,000.00, Into Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-43.00, Utilities 10. Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-40.00, Travel, the sum of $127.00, Into Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $1.100.00, Into Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-45.00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $978.89, Into Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-52.04, Tools and Small Implements, the sum of $573.00, Into Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-64.00, Capital Outlay of Equipment, the sum of $815.00, Into Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-64.00, Capital Outlay of Equipment, the sum of $10,040.15, Into Plantation Key Garage, Item #001-911-52.01, Gasoline Transfer from Pollution Control, Item #001-990-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $618.41, Into Pollution Control Item #001-990-52.04, Tools and Small Implements Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-1001-40.00, Travel, the sum of $72.67, Into Planning Department, Item #001-1001-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-1001-40.00, Travel, the sum of $.84 Into Planning Department, Item #001-1001-54.02, Subscriptions Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-64.00, Capital Outlay of Equipment, the sum of $2,750.001 Into Building Department Item #001-1002-40.00, Travel 11. Transfer from Parks and Beaches, Item #001-920-64.00, Capital Outlay of Equipment, the sum of $113.28, Into Building Department, Item #001-1002-41.00, Communications Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-1002-51.00, Office Supplies, the sum of $96.64, Into Building Department, Item #001-1002-44.00, Rentals Transfer from County Administrator, Item #001-0800-41.00, Communications, the sum of $28.75, Into Personnel Department, Item #001-0801-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $990.09, Into Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-13.00, Salaries - Non -Payroll, the sum of $347.66, Into Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-21.00, FICA, the sum of $222.81, Into Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-22.001 Retirement, the sum of $479.61, Into Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $39.97, Into Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-40.00, Travel, the sum of $131.641 Into Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-46.01 Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-44.00, Rentals, the sum of $65.00, Into Courthouse and Annex, Item #001-902-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings 12. Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $141.11, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-45.00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $1,224.71, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $84.481 Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-52.01, Gasoline Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $4.10, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-54.02, Subscriptions Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $57.21, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-903-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0100-40.00, Travel, the sum of $21.70, Into Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0100-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0100-49.24, Advertising, the sum of $162.13, Into Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0100-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0201-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $1,000.00, Into Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0201-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0201-40.001 Travel, the sum of $300.00, Into Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0201-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $116.21, Into Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-40.00, Travel 13. Transfer from Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $25.00, Into Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-49.24, Advertising Transfer from Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $100.74, Into Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-52.01, Gasoline Transfer from Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-21.00, FICA Taxes, the sum of $1,671.44, Into Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-64.00, Capital Outlay of Equipment, Transfer from Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-22.00, Retirement, the sum of $1,146.11, Into Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-64.00, Capital Outlay of Equipment Transfer from Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $433.00, Into Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-64.00, Capital Outlay of Equipment Transfer from Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $423.85, Into Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-202-64.00, Capital Outlay of Equipment Transfer from Clerk of the County Court, Item #001-204-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $110.00, Into Clerk of the County Court, Item #001-204-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Clerk of the County Court, Item #001-204-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $66.62, Into Clerk of the County Court, Item #001-204-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Clerk of the County Court, Item #001-204-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $448.01, Into Clerk of the County Court, Item #001-204-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Data Processing, Item #001-205-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $700.56, Into Data Processing, Item #001-205-64.00, Capital Outlay of Equipment 14. Transfer from Circuit Item #001-601-12.00, the sum of $95.00, Into Circuit Court, Item #001-601-64.011 Capital Outlay Under Transfer from County Item #001-602-34.00, the sum of $50.11, Into County Court, Item #001-602-41.00, Communications Transfer from County Item #001-602-34.00, the sum of $25.33, Into County Court, Item #001-602-44.00, Rentals Court, Salaries, $100 Court, Contractual Service, Court, Contractual Service, Transfer from State Attorney's Office, Item #001-603-34.00, Contractual Service, the sum of $232.43, Into State Attorney's Office, Item #001-603-41.00, Communications Transfer from State Attorney's Office, Item #001-603-31.00, Contractual Service, the sum of $150.27, Into State Attorney's Office, Item #001-602-54.021, Subscriptions Transfer from Public Defender, Item #001-604-43.00, Utilities, the sum of $265.13, Into Public Defender, Item #001-604-41.00, Communications Transfer from Elections, Item #001-702-49.00, Miscellaneous, the sum of $10.82, Into Elections, Item #001-702-49.24, Advertising Transfer from County Administrator, Item #001-800-41.00, Communications, the sum of $1.76, Into County Administrator, Item #001-800-44.00, Rentals Transfer from County Administrator Item #001-800-40.00, Travel, the sum of $210.00, Into Personnel Department, Item #001-801-31.06, Medical and Surgical Supplies Transfer from County Administrator, Item #001-800-41.00, Communications, the sum of $103.57, Into Personnel Department, Item #001-800-44.00, Rentals 15. Transfer from County Administrator Item #001-800-40.00, Travel, the sum of $396.90, Into County Administrator, Item #001-800-49.24, Advertising SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL REVENUE FUND (#2 Transfer from Public Library, Item #002-2600-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $54.65, Into Public Library, Item #002-2600-64.01, Capital Outlay Under $100 Transfer from Public Library, Item #002-2600-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $300.00, Into Public Library, Item #002-2600-46.01, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Public Library, Item #002-2600-12.001, Salaries, the sum of $5.52, Into Public Library, Item #002-2600-49.24, Advertising Transfer from Public Library, Item #002-2600-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $350.00, Into Public Library, Item #002-2600-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Public Library, Item #002-2600-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $19000.00, Into Public Library, Item #002-2600-66.00, Subscriptions Transfer from Public Library, Item #002-2600-41.00, Communications, the sum of $16.92, Into Public Library, Item #002-2601-64.01, Capital Outlay Under $100 Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-41.00, Communications, the sum of $135.21, Into Library, Item #002-2602-571-66.00, Subscriptions Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-43.00, Utilities) the sum of $13.23, Into Library, Item #002-2601-571-66.00, Subscriptions 16. Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-46.02, the sum of $3.34, Into Library, Item #002-2601-571-66.003, Subscriptions Maintenance of Equipment, Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-51.00, Office Supplies, the sum of $288.311, Into Library, Item #002-2601-571-66.00, Subscriptions Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-64.00, Capital Outlay of Equipment, the sum of $79.99, Into Library, Item #002-2601-571-66.00, Subscriptions Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $2,703.93, Into Library, Item #002-2601-571-66.00, Subscriptions Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-13.00, the sum of $.08, Into Library, Item #002-2601-571-66.005, Subscriptions Salaries - Non -Payroll, Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-21.00, FICA, the sum of $963.15, Into Library, Item #002-2601-571-66.00, Subscriptions Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-22.00, Retirement, the sum of $857.61, Into Library, Item #002-2601-571-66.00, Subscriptions Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $1,655.70, Into Library, Item #002-2601-571-66.00, Subscriptions Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-31.06, Medical Expenses, the sum of $112.92, Into Library, Item #002-2601-571-66.00, Subscriptions Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-42.00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $62.63 Into Library, Item #002-2601-571-66.00, Subscriptions 17. Transfer from Library, Item #002-2601-571-45.005, the sum of $2.117.23, Into Library, Item #002-2601-571-66.00, Subscriptions Insurance and Bonds, Transfer from Library, Item #002-2600-571-45.00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $1.009.11, Into Library, Item #002-2600-571-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Library, Item #002-2600-571-45.00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $1,417.82, Into Library, Item #002-2600-571-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Library, Item #002-2600-571-45.00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $11.38, Into Library, Item #002-2600-571-41.00, Communications Transfer from Library, Item #002-2600-571-45.00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $73.00, Into Library, Item #002-2600-571-62.00, Capital Outlay of Buildings Transfer from Library, Item #002-2600-571-45.00, the sum of $387.38, Into Library, Item #002-2600-571-46.04, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Library, Item #002-2600-571-46.02, the sum of $156.80, Into Library, Item #002-2600-571-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Library, Item #002-2600-571-46.02, the sum of $106.56, Into Library, Item #002-2600-571-52.01, Gas, Oil, and Lubricants Insurance and Bonds, Maintenance of Equipment, Maintenance of Equipment, Transfer from Library, Item #002-2600-571-49.00, Miscellaneous, the sum of $119.38, Into Library, Item #002-2600-571-52.01, Gas, Oil, and Lubricants Transfer from Library, Item #002-2600-571-49.25, Communications and Fee, the sum of $107.21, Into Library, Item #002-2600-571-52.01, Gas, Oil, and Lubricants 18. AIRPORT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Transfer from Key West Airport, Item #004-2401-31.00, Contractual Service, the sum of $21464.81, Into Key West Airport, Item #004-2401-46.01, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Key West International Airport, Item #004-2401-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $200.00, Into Key West International Airport, Item #004-2401-41.00, Communications Transfer from Key West International Airport, Item #004-2401-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $5,000.00, Into Key West International Airport, Item #004-2401-43.00, Utilities Transfer from Key West International Airport, Item #004-2401-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $303.75, Into Key West International Airport, Item #004-2401-21.00, FICA AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT $ REPLACEMENT FUND (#5 Transfer from AD & R, Item #005-2403-62.06, Contingency the sum of $11.35, Into AD $ R, Item #005-2403-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from AD & R, Item #005-2403-62.00, Capital Outlay, the sum of $11,415.69, Item #005-2403-62.05, Construction MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT (#104) 11-3-81 Transfer from MSD Administration, Item #104-0970- 12.00, Salaries, the sum of $40.00, Into MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-31.06, Medical and Surgical Transfer from MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $700.00, Into MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-40.00, Travel Transfer from MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $200.00, Into MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-52.01, Gasoline 19. Transfer from MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $312.77, Into Cudjoe Landfill, Item #104-0971-21.00, FICA Transfer from MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $46.21, Into Cudjoe Landfill, Item #104-0971-22.00, Retirement Transfer from MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $100,00, Into Cudjoe Landfill, Item #104-0971-41.00, Communication Transfer from MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $17.67, Into Long Key, Item #104-0973-22.00, Retirement Transfer from MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $300.001 Into Incinerator - Administration, Item 9104-0974-40.00, Travel Transfer from MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $400.00, Into Incinerator - Administration, Item #104-0974-52.01, Gasoline Transfer from MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $30.00, Into Key Largo Transfer, Item #104-0975-44.001, Rentals Transfer from MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $2,000.00, Into Key Largo Transfer, Item #104-0975-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Tranfer from MSD Administration, Item #104-0970-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $1,200.00, Into Key Largo Transfer, Item #104-0975-52.01, Gasoline Transfer from Cudjoe Incinerator Item #104-0976-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $2,700.00, Into Cudjoe Incinerator, Item #104-0976-45.01, Maintenance of Buildings 20. Transfer from Key Largo Incinerator Item #104-0979-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $100.00, Into Key Largo Incinerator, Item #104-0979-34.00, Contractual Services Transfer from Key Largo Incinerator Item #104-0979-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $400.00, Into Key Largo Incinerator, Item #104-0979-52.04, Tools and Small Implements MSD TAX DISTRICT 100-A (#701 B.C. Ambulance, Item #701-1420-45.00, the sum of $43.90, Into B.C. Ambulance, Item #701-1420-49.24, Advertising Insurance and Bonds, CARD SOUND BRIDGE (#401 Transfer from Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-3200-13.00, Salaries - Non -Payroll, the sum of $1,204.00, Into Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-3200-25.00, Unemployment Compensation Transfer from Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-3200-13.00, Salaries - Non -Payroll, the sum of $9,198.37, Into Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-3200-12.00, Salaries Transfer from Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-3200-13.00, Salaries - Non -Payroll, the sum of $837.11, Into Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-3200-22.00, Retirement Transfer from Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-3200-13.00, Salaries - the sum of $203.91, Into Card Sound Bridge Item #401-3200-23.00, Group Insurance Transfer From Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-3200-21.00, FICA, the sum of $59.30, Into Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-3200-40.00, Travel Non -Payroll Transfer from Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-3200-34.00, Contractual Service, the sum of $600.00, Into Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-3200-43.00, Utilities 21. ROAD & BRIDGE Transfer from 5th and 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-34.00, Contractual, the sum of $2,003.29, Into 5th and 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.11, Narcissus Lane, Big Pine BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinabove forth. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board on the lq+v, day of A10ye M *,#t- , A.D. 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA y _ 4. `I�t�:yor C airman ' (SEAL) Attest: 3-4 Lwtal) • I ►l . �.0 C er APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EGA4 StJMUE1N ay Anorney'& Office