Resolution 341-1981 ....... r~SOLUTION NO'1Al -1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF 110NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT, TO APPROVE AND EXECUTE AN AGREEtlliNT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION CONTROL SER- VICES FOR DISPOSITION OF SANITARY HOSPITAL WASTE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY Crn1MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as the Governing Body of the Municipal Service District, is hereby authorized to approve and execute an Agreement by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and Environmental Pollution Control Ser- vices, a copy of same being attached hereto, for disposition of sanitary hospital waste. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as the Governing Body of the Municipal Service District, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of November, A. D. 1981. ~1 BOARD OF COUNTY CO~lliISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT 7 c~ . . ?.r1 /! By L;-"~~/~ai~ci~("'<, L~ 0 .. /' '..l.. i~;/ (Seal) . Attes~~':~.1 f~~ .~~~. ."~: p Cl~_21 . .i."'~ t'~,;~ ~\I. . ~ '\l~u\u.) M. ~ O,t. <J 0 Clerk ' c APPROVeD AS TO FORM ~~~$NC~_J \~~/] 8Y .__~~--_... . Attorney's Office / ~ AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT entered into by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, party of the first part, and ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION CONTROL SERVICES, whose office is located at 1621 S. W. 23rd Avenue, t1iami, Florida 33145, party of the second part; WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of the covenants and understand- ings hereinafter set forth, th~ parties do agree each with the other as follows; WHEREAS, the party of the first part has an incinerator located on Key Largo, the services of which are desired by the party of the second part, and vn1EREAS, for and in return for such services and privilege of using the aforesaid facility, the party of the second part does hereby agree to the following terms and conditions, to-wit: 1. To pay the sum of $25.00 rer ton to the party of the first part for any and all sanitary hospital waste delivered to said incinerator site, the same to be billed as per delivery ticket in the customary and usual practices of businesses of this sort. 2. The parties do hereby agree that either party may ter- minate said agreement on ten (10) days notice in writing to the address of said party as is described in the caption hereof. 3. All such waste delivered at the site by the rarty of the second part shall be delivered by the party of the second part and the disposition of the same shall be made by the party of the second part's personnel at said incinerator site. 4. The priority of delivery as concerns disposition shall be at the exclusive discretion of the party of the first part. 5. Any and all liability whether it be personal or other- wise shall be borne by the party of the second part and prior to the effectiveness of this contract, the party of the second part shall tender unto the party of the first part for its inspection a copy of said liability insurance policy wherein the party of the -2- first part shall be shown thereon as "the insured". The insurance menitoned herein shall include any liability that could be in- curred by the party of the first part and shall cover all types of liability envisioned-by party of the first part's contract involve- ment as is described hereinbefore. 6. The parties do agree that the contents of this agreement contain all the understandings between them relating to said waste disposition. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have subscribed their hand and seal this l7th day of November , 1981. BOARD OF OFMO COUNTY COMMISS:O~2RS COUNTY. FLORIDA 2: ./7/'., /J ../r:;' L C _J 4:---' (/ ,~' , ayor/Chairman i By (Seal) Attest: r' ~ "": ~"." ~ ~ fill ... .. ,.."" .....-.-.t 1""''' '-~f"! _'",.,~ ,."Il. iull "~,,~.." - . ~ "\~~ M.?~ ()c a- ~ Clerk I ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION CONTROL SERVICES By President (Corporate Seal) Attest: Secretary APPROl'fD AS TO FORr,1 AN~ tfoAL SUFFIC/~N~. --....' ) BY ~~ ~~ AttOl'MJ'/.OHicB '0