Resolution 363-1981 -- ,,..,-- RESOLUTION NO, 363 -1981 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING HONROE COUNTY'S POSITON AS TO THE PRIORITY FOR THE SEWAGE FUNDING PROGRM1 NOW BEING CONTEMPLATED BY THE CITY OF KEY COLONY BEACH AND GOING ON RECORD IN ESTABLISHING SAID PRIORITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PERMITTING FUNDING FOR THE SM1E, \vHEREAS, the City of Key Colony Beach is desirous and making plans for a sewage restoration project for its community, and WHEREAS, it is needed and required that a priority be estab- lished permitting said City to be considered for said funding, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Monroe County Commission hereby declares that the City of Key Colony Beach, for the purpose of funding its sewage restoration plan, be considered as a first priority under the terTIlS and conditions of the 201 Study Grant No. C-120602010 granted by the Environruental Protection Agency to the Monroe County Waste Collection and Disposal District now known as the Nunicipal Ser- vice District, Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of December, A.D. 1981. . ." t .. BOA~ COUNTY C()mlISS:ONE~lS /'J OF t . ROE COUNTy~t ,"FLO~~!~.}1~ I_ t/ ..-----.,...-. c ~(~ (),. ( .../ - ~ By /"... . Mayor/Chairman (Seal) . A tt,e, sf::, ',' / )j)~,. /":,, " ,'/, , . / /.'.-r:,/ /~/?'" "', ,.~/~/'l/'''''''~ ,// --- _-~. ,,- " . c.~..;~ L C erk APPROVED AI TO FORM AND LEGAL stJ1:F1CJE1tCv. flY A"~__ t