Resolution 364-1981 / ---.... it't '.. ..... RESOLUTION NO. 364 -1981 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COM1vH SS I ONERS OF i'-10NROE CCi:,JNTY, WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Retord, as follows: The applicant is proposing the construction of a vertical concrete bulkhead with tiprap at its base to replace an existing concrete and riprap seawall, The proposed bulkhead would be constructed waterward of the existing seawall (approximately five feet water- ward at its waterward-most point), Also proposed is the enlarge- ment, deepening, and bulkheading of an existing boat basin, This basin is presently seawa1led in the same manner as the shoreline seawall, ie, concrete over riprap. The basin is shallow (-1 to 4 feet MLW) and provides mooring for a single small pleasure boat. The entire seawall that now exists appears to be one of the older revetments in the area, It is undercut at its hase and cracked throughout its superstructure, At present, this seawall is some- what bowed from end to end, The applicant is proposing to straighten the shoreline in line with nearby bulkheads to the south, The present seawall was constructed below MLW with a riprap base scattered out into the deeper channel area of Sister's Creek. The existing seawall is sloped landward where it is cemented over, It is then capped at its landward-most point, This entire area would be backfilled for the new bulkhead extension, Total amount of backfill proposed is 120 cubic yards, of which 100 would be water- ward of MHW, Total amount of material to be dredged from the existing basin is estimated at 38 cubic yards, Approximately 20 cubic yards would be excavated landward of MHW. Excavation would be by backhoe from the upland, A 35' x 15' area would be dredged with a final dredge depth proposed at -2 feet MLW at the terminal end, sloping to -5 feet MLW at the mouth, All spoil from the dredging operation would be used as backfill for the proposed bulkhead, Construction of the bulkhead will be from a barge, The project site is located on the eastern shoreline of Sister's Creek, a natural- free-flowing tidal connection between Boot Key Harbor and the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean, This particular shoreline was filled in the late 1950's of 1960's from various dredge projects in the area, including the deepening of Sister's Creek itself, The opposite shoreline remains in an unaltered condition, with lush mangrove growth extending for some distance back from Sister's Creek The eastern shoreline on which this project is proposed has been vertically bulkheaded to the south by numerous single family residences. The shoreline to the north is undeveloped, with red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) displayed along the water/land interface, Resolution William S, Daniels Seawall Page Two The applicant's shoreline was seawalled some time ago, eliminating the possibility of mangrove regrowth, At present, the base of the seawall provides habitat for numerous fish, crustacean, and mooluskan species of marine life, The basal concavities appear to be especially lucrative as marine habitat, Due to the marl-like composition of the sediments found throughout Sister's Creek, water clarity is not as good as that found off- shore. The waters found here do, however, provide backwater refuge for a variety of schooling type fish species such as mullet, menhaden, pilchards and silversides, along with larger predatory fish species, Along the open water shoreline, the bottom drops fairly rapidly from the existing seawall, although this drop varies in sharpness, This drop to channel depths is very sudden along the southern ' portion of the lot, whereas a ledge is found more to the north. The applicant's basin displays a fairly barren marl bottom, The only significant established growth within the basin is a sparse growth of green algae (Caulerpa sp,), The primary impact of concern is the elimination of existing riprap habitat along the applicant's shoreline. This shoreline is, however, unnatural and the newly proposed bulkhead alignment should not significantly impact the overall biological intergrity due to its inclusion of riprap at the base of the bulkhead, Although it is not anticipated that this entire shoreline will be suitable for basal riprap, any amount of riprap placed here will partically off- set any habitat loss that occurs, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissionffs of Monroe County, Florida, this 15 day of December 19 81 , at a regularly scheduled meeting, BOARD OF COUNTY COMJv!ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA '\'8"_"~ / ~ ./ ~'I"'"' /'. ..,;'t... url<-' __ , ~~ / ,j./? ~_' (~:, '-' '~-_....../' '~:'~ '-- By', .../~ ~rI)' P /i' (1/7 I ," ,; .-i r-.layor o ".~...~," ''''~~" (Seal) Attest: w.--....." ,/ :' ,//'/ . .~- {. . ;:', /... . " ~' /? Z '--,~..,..~./ "',/.,..... :, 1: 1 e r k' . AJ IM1. AS TO FORM z:S~71CIENCY. BY -===~... .... Attor' " ~n 21 "" -o.:::~.-'~ i~:) --- t::::'_~ ---~-.J ___ -'. .."~! ...;-. r--------~ '-'"' -'~"- -p~/;'~ ..~~' ~-- ~~ '1..~t,,~~~~~{t.e"';.....,.~;'t; r.\ '--.,. - ~,I~~{~';-~~~ .. .. . ."...."","'t.r...'li~'\.l!rl . , ,;""'~r"."V*.U'1 ~r., ....~"...~ ~i" ~':1 "'-,'_' ,~.~ '1.1> ...,~ t' ;1... -;,- :"t ,._~ -.';(' __..I0:>OI'.-_ -. _.r:-,,,~~,_~. ~r:~.'-.---t' '\. "?0~;:~V ~ "l)), :\j;"'-, oK~,~iYk~~~04~E OfElCe ,OF.: '. Henry r, \'.e1 nkam, 01 rector Building, Planning and Zoning ,16ARD OF COUNTY CQivlivli;:,::iIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 ' MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 (305) 2944641 P.O, BOX Room 205 Hi ng I I Public Service Building 5825 Jr, College Rd, W, Key West, Floirda 330430-439 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 2. Resolution (William S. Daniels) ~ ~ ~ Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 3, Permit ~/ 4, ft.pplication for Permit (seawall, rlprap, dredging) v ~ 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map ~ v 7, DER Assessment DATE I~ -3-?/ BY ~/J O~L) d ~,~~rn~w~~ DEe 71 1981 COUNTY J\TTY. .8 ' 'TOPS 'y" FORM 3397 LITHO IN U. S. A. DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE December 3, 1981 SUBJECT Daniels, W., Seawall To :::::tF~e::::~":~Q~::;::o~,{) DEP'TBuilcling, Planning and Zoning FROM DEP'TPlanning and Zoning Township Waloriss Boot Key LEGAL 66 S, Range 32 E, Section 15, Subdivision, Lot 18, Plock F, (Marathon) , Zoned RU -1. INTRODUCTION This project is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code, DISCUSSION Applicant proposes to replace a deteriorated concrete and rip-rap seawall with a vertical concrete bulkhead with rip-rap at the toe, The new seawall will be placed 0 to 5 feet waterward of the existing structure in an effort to straighten tDe bulkheaced shoreline and align it with seawalls to the south, Approximately 120 c,y. of backfill will be required, of which 100 c,y, will be placed waterward of the MHW line, Also proposed is the maintenance dredging and expansion of an existing boat basin and the re-construction of its seawall, The present boat basin is "U" shaped and is approximately 15 ft. wide at the mouth and 35 ft. long, The proposed dredging will create a retangular basin measuring 15 ft, x 35 ft. with a bottom contour of-2 ft, MLW at the terminal end sloping to -5 ft, MLW at the opening, The total amount of excavated material will be 38 c.y, yards, of which 18 c,y, will be waterward of HHW, A discussion of the biota present and a description of the area to be impacted is provided in the attached Dept, of Environ, Reg, report. EVALUATION AND RECO}~ENDATION No long term negative impacts are expected as a result of this porject, therefore, approval is recommended. ~._.... E....".~ ~'....-;-.r.".. "'~- ~~~7 ,,[:: . '.' '. '. ';;; '~.- lr' '-" . "c,,'" · ,. t.,.",--..z,'.'-"'~" l-1" '}.. ';' ". '. ifIl" -! k' ..-,..,. f : Ie:, l' t. ti f" f' . ." ~.: '." k:.., _ ~.. ~ ' " (; \~":- ~'~ f" ,:f . tr' MON~ClE ;~~"~ PL\i'-.1Hl\G, B1;ILDI:IG & ZONING DEP ART~!ENT PERiHT I COUNTY ~f], PErJ-lIT FOR EXCAIJATIG:i, THE DEPOSIT OF r-:O. i ~l"! FILL, OR STRrCTURAL ACTIVITIES lOT THE 1 ~ ~ -~?~~' i~ I HATERS OR HETLANDS OF NON ROE COUNTY 1) Property m,"Uers name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEP AR T'-!ENT USE O::LY William S, Daniels Sept, 25, 1981 Resolution No, 'Route 1, Box 39 3) Phone number Marathon, Florida 33050 743-3826 Date: 4) Contra-ctor agent's mailing address & phone number I or name, I ! KeyCology 414 Simonton St, Kpy Wpst, Florida 33040 Legal description of property: 4-8719 5) Section 1 S Key Marathon Subdivision Waloriss Tmmship 66S Lo t 18 Block F Range 32E Street, road or mile marker Boulevar De Palmas Volume of material: dreci2ed/excavated filled/c.epositeci 18 c. y, water,.Jard of M,H,j.J, 20 100 20 c,y. landward of N.H.H. c,y. landward of t1.H,H, c.y. waterward of H.H,H. ZONING: RU - 1 PURPOSE: Cost of Pemit Estimated COSt of Construction .<'>.pproved by Chaiman BO.\RDOF COU;:TY COfI:f1 S S IO~:ERS OF ~m~ROE COr~TY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - RestYic::ions or Special Conditio:1s i~ any: CODV in File Date .. . , , '. ~~ ~ ~ ,~~ ... - - _. I . ~ ~ -. . , ....-. ---. ", I ..... - -. ;.... ~ -~ 4::~9::~;I::<:::::='::{:;:::t~;4iL'<'<';' i~~ ~ f~ ~I !..,;. r;~<~ r.~ ... ;~ i;t1 ih. ~:~ t~,:~ ~;~ ~4 :~: ;;-...:., I}' ro.- .~t&', ~~ ..). ~'. - :... ;" -' .:" .^~ ,.~', - ~ ' . -- -: -.... -, - ,;.~_;~';.:.o~_~..:! .;..:.:..;.....'~.:-._.._.:.J,~.:~.:,,~_~~~........:....;.~_.,. ,- \ ::::ES +=::E-S1PEtlcc: '----' L-/--\ \ L-- 1';'c.(7'''' i"Li(='i';",~J \"'- } - ----------- 13:;' _------ \'~\ -'\Eo<.. ST. CGI,C, E/H: /7) \ i \ PROPOSED :1/\IrlTENANCE DREDGE AND SEi\\iflLL RECONSTRUCTION ;\ \ ~\ , ;\,\- PRO F \ LE ;,<'0 I Sf-( E cT .::L C)!= .;;L I o I '30 I IS ".3-0 'F c.t r PL.-AN "'D RED (7 E. \~\ -' \j\ ~ \\' 11 - e.' \ I'~\ \, l'\l \ \) \\l \ \\ 'fj "" \II f 1\',\ \~\ '~.\ ~ f '--\ \\\ \' ~: o. ,,~ , I ~ "'- "". , ~ PlJRIJOSE: Private Protection of Upl dnd Property -8/ D!\TU~1 r'1ean Sea Level ADJ/\CENT PROPERTY mJrJERS: David R. and Barbai'a Dorn John \L Shorter, Etux D/ITE: 9/25/81 .l\PPLICt'iJlT: \-Jilli<1m S. J2ni,:ls IN: AT: Sistu"s Creek ~~':1~"~ j~l)n rOU~JTY () : ",)11 roe - I ~,' 1 i 1 <..;' ~ I f r~ " i'l r ") ,j, '.. ,. I __ l>, ---~----------".--~- ,- ~ '1 Tr" I," -~ ' " ,,' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ , \ --------' \------.. , L: !-i !.' ~: ~ ~ r ~:~ ~.;. '0\ \) r " c iI\ L "'? 'C\) I t;: --', -~~ \ I \ .). ':, :-'"~ ';l d t . !~ ~ j' '; . ,~~'~:,-~~': '1[:: I,PPLlCMiT: llilliam S, Dani~J I f~ ,,~'";:,;;'''''~'':-~'':':;'.;;:~'_'-'''''''.~-'''''~-,-~ ,..,~ .....,.~-,.;.u.......~._.._~.,. _. _.___ ,_."_ _._____ '.~ .--.--..--.-----.- .,-~--_._. r" r' e rl(:V~',.." ,[:5, Inc. b:' Co. ''''<;-- 414 Simonton 51. Key \'. < :, ri., 3:::40 294:(1719 TYPICAL SELTl C"l f"-! A -A., C::::ONCRE..TE BULKHE.I\P 10 0 - -......... 10 FE.ET --, /------ I'TGP05ED VERT, CONG, :C>/\-lcAD / [0....H.W_ '='0 C,.,I' BACKFILL , .W 51 STE: R C-RE. E.K. E><. I ST. 5EA-WALL \IN.DEJ2../v\INiNG.. AMOUNT Of=' YV'A'TE'R:'NAP-P OF ;v-..,H,'N, LANDWARD OF M.H,'-'V, l=ILL 100 =.'/. dO c ''7' TYPIC.AL SECTION B-B RE-C:ONSTR.UC.T BA.S IN. f I 30 L- ^ ,A/v\o0NT OF EX-G.6-,V"""TION '.V.-^>..T E P:s.../ARD OF /'o'\,H,Vv'. ~ ,L....,~~ [)'-NA.~D r~F /"'-'\.., H"v--!, 16 c..y. ~o el" )-.lO~c \0 r'"",- U"':~CT; AS B,..,CkFILL SHC:ET 2 OF 2 ',.':- "~=~~=,T'.~~~_~ _._~~.,__ ~~:~ _.~_~__',~_'~~~.. ; i . i f t I , I i ~y. 'or ------ ,..--- h~ ,}~~~~\ ,~~- "\f'" , ~( /-'.,..1 i~ I --:-) \~ ~~~ \C~~~' ~ . ,,~/ ~ BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR Victoria Tschinkel SECRETARY 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE November 12, 1981 William Daniels C/o Key Colony Inc, 414 Semonli Street Key West, Florida 33050 Re: nonroe Co" File #44-48241-SE Seawall, Rip Rap, Dredging Dear ~1r. Daniels: As we advised you on October 12, 1981 , you= a??1icat~on is i~com?1ete wi~~out local ap?r~val, ~u=sua~t to Sec~icn 253.124, Florida Stat~tes, for =i11ing waterNard of ~~e ex~st~~g mean/ ordi~a=y ~igh wate~ line. Please su=~t t~e enclosed c09Y of ou= ~iological cc~ents together with your permit application to the 3ca=c cf Co~~ty Ccmnissioners/City Co~,cil or their ~uthorized ?e~.itti~g authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city cOlli,cil n, .shall have in h~~d the (b" '1) t d -. -' .1-, -" r.... -........ t +- ~o_ogl.ca repor an t~na.~ngs ,-,.ereOI:. I.. :::u= _~J,er s .3. ...es , "'!'~e report shall be read into t..';,e recor=- and c.u.ly cor:.s~dered at the s~ue meeting at which ~~e board of county commissioners or ot~e~ authorizec body takes =inal action en the ap91icat~on for 9€.r::-Joi t. " You will need to obtain a cOFY of the ~~r:.utes of t~e meeti~g or .3.-'1 ap?ro?ria te i.::cica tion 0 f the 10c2.1 apFroval, Thi.s letter, resolu~ion or copy of t~e mi:l~tes shculd be sent to th~s c==ice. Ycu=.ap?l~catic~ will =e~ci~ i~c~n?lete ~~~~~OU~ valid local a?proval. ~1is ?rCCeCUr21 ~lease I.f you have ::J _~. c.;.....j c;uesticns co~ce=Y:-=-ng cc.::-:act t!S. 3}JC loh - - ;::.11-,.., S" ~::> _J.4......__ ~-- Si.::cerely I I / (Z~~jV0{J/ a). &L~ [CL-( , Ihchard 1'7, Ca:ltre11 &1,-- Dredge and ~il1 Supervisor ~~2 ?8~ l7-l.l22(50) . . DNR DANIELS, WILLIAM S, #44-48241-5E Monroe County - Marathon Page Two A. The applicant is proposing the construction of a vertical concrete bulkhead with riprap at its base to replace an existing concrete and riprap seawall. The proposed bulkhead would be constructed waterward of the existing seawall (approximately five feet water- ward at its waterward-most point), Also proposed is the enlargement, deepening, and bulkheading of an existing boat basin. This basin is presently seawalled in the same manner as the shore- line seawall, ie, concrete over riprap. The basin is shallow (-I to -4 feet MLW) and provides mooring for a single small pleasure boat. The entire seawall that now exists appears to be one of the older revetments in the area. It is undercut at its base and cracked throughout its superstructure. At present, this seawall is some- what bowed from end to end, The applicant is proposing to straighten the shoreline in line with nearby bulkheads to the south. The present seawall was constructed below 11LW with a riprap base scattered out into the deeper channel area of Sister's Creek. The existing seawall is sloped landward where it is cemented over, It is then capped at its landward-most point. This entire area would be backfilled for the new bulkhead extension. Total amount of backfill proposed is 120 cubic yards, of which 100 would be water- ward of MEW. Total amount of material to be dredged from the existing basin is estimated at 38 cubic yards. Approximately 20 cubic yards would be excavated landward of MEW. Excavation would be by backhoe from the upland, A 35' x 15' area would be dredged with a final dredge depth proposed at -2 feet }~W at the terminal end, sloping to -5 feet MLW at the mouth. All spoil from the dredging operation would be used as backfill for the proposed bulkhead. Construction of the bulkhead will be from a barge, B. The project site is located on the eastern shoreline of Sister's Creek, a naturally free-flowing tidal connection between Boot Key Harbor and the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This particular shoreline was filled in the late 1950's or 1960's from various dredge projects in the area, including the deepening of Sister's Creek itself. The opposite shoreline remains in an unaltered condition, with lush mangrove growth extending for some distance back from Sister's Creek. D~'" . 1 DANIELS, WILLIAM S, {f44-4824l-5E l'fonroe County - Marathon Page 'Ihree TI1e eastern shoreline on which this project is proposed has been vertically bulkheaded to the south by numerous single family residences, The shoreline to the north is undeveloped, with red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) displayed along the water/land interface. C. The applicant's shoreline was seawalled some time ago, eliminating the possibility of mangrove regrowth. At present, the base of the seawall provides habitat for numerous fish, crustacean, and molluskan species of marine life, The basal concavities appear to be especially lucrative as marine habitat, Due to the marl-like composition of the sediments found throughout Sister's Creek, water clarity is not as good as that found off- shore. The waters found here do, however, provide backwater refuge fora variety of schooling type fish species such as mullet, menhaden, pilchards and silversides, along with larger predatory fish species, Along the open water shoreline, the bottom drops fairly rapidly from the existing seawall, although this drop varies in sharpness. This drop to channel depths is very sudden along the southern portion of the lot, whereas a ledge is found more to the north. The applicant's basin displays a fairly barren marl bottom, The only significant established growth within the basin is a sparse growth of green algae (Caulerpa sp,). D, The primary impact of concern is the elimination of existing riprap habitat along the applicant's shoreline. This shoreline is, however, unnatural and the newly proposed bulkhead alignment should not significantly impact the overall biological integrity due to its inclusion of riprap at the base of the bulkhead. Although it is not anticipated that this entire shoreline will be suitable for basal riprap, any amount of riprap placed here will partially off- set any habitat loss that occurs. , . - -"II- I i-)-'j.)-:':':'~ ~I'~J-.~;~;o,.~ UUIHUt.. l)""jJ'ropert.y owners nar..e & r.'la:;'~:;':'.(; 'C)/ 1/1/ /}/rj S, j) ,.;J/.) ,<If .:2.. It l 1.3 d (..... J 9 _' in ,J ,) .,~) ,T /!,'/'."/ /-- z... /;~ ;/ '/, <,'-~ _ ,; -' -," .. C':' " ...tu\.4...~.:.>~ S2pte:T,~er 25) 1981 71;)',;).2)/' /J rj)' J f,~& 4) Contractor or agc:'.t's n~~c, ~~~~ln~ ad~rcss~ '~hone & certification number.' 1< <:-1 C",/ u 6'1 1 I /.,. ' ,. tV \-I 11/ if, ';;' jr) v.v /" <.J..., . J /- 1/' 1.1) ,-- ,', ~. '/ L// (! j ;- '/ c 330f0 5) Lep,al description of pro?crty: .' Subdivision, tJ./t)l.,f...{ f r Zonin?" 15 66 32 (if acreage) f) '1-'1 'PI) ,(L, , 'Key, Marathon Section, Range, Street., / .j Block, I~ road or mile marker. ;]J/d/.,:J. T),~ ~/, Township, Lot, 6) Describe the proposed a~tivity, methods of constr~tion & amount of material (in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharRed. ~scribe purpose & intende useof project. Construct solid-poured bulkhead and maintenance dredge existing basin , nex~ to.applicant's'existing under-mining seawall, Seawall will be constructed from barge; \ baSln wlll be excavated by backhoe from upland, Spoil ~rombasin will be used as backfill. additional backfill.will be brought by truck and spread with dozer. Riprap will be placed' I at toe of seawall wlth backhoe and hand, Turbidity screens will be utilized. \ drcdr,ed/excavated filled/deposited 1 volume of material: 18 20 100 20 I c.y. c.y. c.y. c.y ,., ~ t e. J:'\ 7 <1r d '1 a.. d war d H ~ t: D r. ti,o:.. fl,.rd. ' .ol n tI. . .'. a. X',G. 0.1. il, 11 , F,. 0 f ~f. 1T . H . 0 ~ f\ t a I J'1 11 \'1 :. 7) ~ a me, add res s & zip cod e 0 fad j 0 in in g pro per t y o,m e r s who s e pro p '7 r t y a f fro n i I water 'Way. Davi d R. and Barbara Dorn John ~~. Shorter) Etux 1134 Boulevar De Palmas 623 Lake Point Marathon, Florida 33050 Gross Point) 'Michigan 48250 8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, this site N/A b) If application has b~~n suh~it:c~ fo~ this project (o~ one simirar) in t past, explain :2ason :O~ n~~ ~~~:ic~:io:'. anrl ~ivc applicant's name if ~ifferent from- cur=c~: ~??lica~:. ~UA 'j List all Federal and project. St~t~ z'1'2r.cie.s that have received applications for t State of Florida; DER Army Co rps of Eng i nee rs This completed ~pplication form will be accompanied by the following. or it will NOT Be processed. a) Two (2) sets of dr~wings, on 8~ x 11 pAper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of propOSAl, drawn to scale. b) ApplicRtion processing fee as fol10ws~ $25,00 for dredge, fill, docks OR Any structures affronting natural water bodies. $10,00 for vertiCAl seawalls on man-mAde bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of the above activities per Rite. Application is hereby made for a perr.'lit to Authorize the act~vities desc:ibe~ herein. I certify that I am familiar with the tnformationcontained ~n this appl~cnt~on, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & Ac~u:ate.. , I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed act~v~tie6., All provisions of laws nnd ordinancesgovernin~ this ty?~ of work will be complied w~th whether specified herein or noe. The granting of a pcrmlt does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, stAte or jederal law regu la ting cons true tion or pe rfonnance of cons trut t~n, oft,his typ~ ?f faci li t,Y.,. '/.\. ),,:\iJ,.. .-;" ,/.-\/V J"!-I.l! 'l~..2 r:FI' S';"~;'\:-~l~n ot a~)pll.c.ai1l'/agenL val William S. baniels '- j '0 r Department Use nnlv/ .. .7~':.;4-.-:;-;---- '(.~O;-jl:.:inH ~7/f)34 ~c~~DreceiP t: II Approved by AS6~t. Direct a..p~ ic.-.c ion tt~~~~___. .{',-..T..- ,-:--;;-"'-;',-.-;-.7,,",- ~-,: "r.'",,-cri,\;\C"';\i1\i'U"t7\:. u L ... U l\ Ii ~ lo--a-c; .-