Resolution 365-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 365 -1981 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from Gunnar D. Svalmark and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant proposes to bulkhead his waterfront property shoreline on Key Largo, Monroe County. The proposed bulkheading will consist of a total of 200+ linear feet of concrete-reinforced seawall extending between-the +1.0 and -1.5 ft. (MHW) elevations along both the property's Atlantic Ocean (66~ In. ft.) and canal front (135~ In. ft.) shorelines. The proposed seawall will match the height, thickness and shoreline contour of two existing seawalls on adja- cent properties. In addition, said seawall constructed will require the deposition of approximately 20 cu. yds. of "clean, coral rock" backfill materials to match the existing upland property elevation. The applicant's property is located within the Sunrise Point Sub- division (S.P.S.) in southeastern Key Largo, Monroe County. S.P.S. consists of a small (26 acre), single family residence (S.F.R.), waterfront community on the Atlantic Ocean side of Key Largo. S.F.R. "waterfront" within this community is provided by a series of three, 1,000+ ft. long by 50+ ft. wide deadend finger canals and one, 250+ ft. long by 25+ ft. wide canal all of which are connected to-a series of shoreline peripheral canals providing access to the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantic Ocean waters in this area are Class III (Sect. 17-3.081; FAC). Approximately half of the available properties within this subdivision are presently developed with many additional residences observed to be under construction at the time of inspection. The majority of the existing S.F.R's are equipped with some type of boat mooring (ie, docks, basins) and/or launching facilities (ie, ramps, davits). The applicant's property consists of an average-size rectangular, residential lot bordered to the south and northwest by similar residential properties, to the northeast by an unnamed, artifi- cially created, deadend finger canal and to the southeast by a peri- pheral channel to the Atlantic Ocean. Both of the adjacent residen- tial properties are developed with existing two-story S.F.R's (and associative facilities) and, as a result, are presently vegetated by largely landscaped flora. As mentioned in the application, both of these properties are presently equipped with concrete seawall bulkheads/docks similar to that proposed here. The applicant's upland property, although presently undeveloped, is somewhat dis- turbed. Most of the central property areas have been cleared of vegetation to provide storage space for several pieces of heavy construction equipment (ie, backhoe w/flatbed). As a result, there is presently little significant remaining upland vegetation. The predominant substrate in this area is Key Largo oolitic limestone. The proposed project area consists of the applicant's shoreline property and adjacent transitional and submergent lands. Property transitional areas presently consist of a 20-30 ft. wide fringe growth along both the existing canalfront and oceanfront shorelines. Vegetation observed in these areas included sea daisy (Borrichia spp.), purslane (Sesuvium spp.), blite (Suaeda spp.), glasswort (Salicornia spp.), buttonwood (Conocarpus spp.) and small red Resolution Gunnar D. Svalmark Seawall Page Two (Rhizophora spp.) and black (Avicennia spp.) fringing mangroves. Although apparently stable at present, the gradually sloping shore- line grade observed throughout the project area suggest that some erosion has occurred along this property shoreline. Isolated coral rock boulders along Atlantic Ocean/peripheral channel property shoreline areas suggest that some type of riprap revetment once existed in this area. The adjacent unnamed artificial canal is 75 ft. wide by 1,000 ft. long (deadenc finger orientation) by 10! ft. deep (MLW). Submergent vegetation observed in this area consisted of green and brown algal patches along the upper portions of the canal walls and in adjacent littoral areas. Water quality within said canal appeared good at the time of inspection. The Atlantic Ocean (southwestern) property shoreline is presently bordered by a 60~ ft. wide by 1,000~ ft. long (parallel to shoreline) by 8-10 ft. deep (MLW: varies) artificia1ly- created peripheral channel. This channel is protected on its entire waterward (ocean) periphery by a boulder riprap breakwater. Ocean access from said channel is presently available via access channel cuts existing at each channel end. Channel biota observed included the algal species listed above and several unidentified species of juvenile fish. Water quality within this channel area appeared excellent. The primary direct project impact will be in the removal and loss of approximately 5,000 sq. ft. of transitional and wetlands vegetation presently growing within the proposed seawall and back fill constru- tion areas. This vegetation presently provides shoreline stabili- zation, storm runoff filtration and detrital nourishment for the enhancement of both the adjacent upland and submergent marine ecosystems. Indirect project effects include elevated turbidity levels within state waters during project construction activities and the loss of an unspecified amount of presently valuable littoral microhibitat area through long term seawall bottom-scouring effects. Under the provisions of Chapters 253, 123, 253.124, 403.087 of the Florida Statutes and Sections 17-3.121 (28) and 17-4.07 of the Florida Administrative Code, I hereby recommend that this applica- tion for permit be denied Departmental approval unless one of the following alternative suggestions can be incorporated into the overall project design: 1. Specification that 1imerock boulder riprap (2~ ft. diameter) be placed along the toe of said seawall structure approxima- ting a 1:1 slope (ie, 45 degree angle). OR: 2. Specification that a meandering (ie, following contours of existing shoreline), large diameter (3 to 1 ft.), boulder riprap revetment with filter sand retainer material be substituted for said seawall structure. Retainer material will be placed both beneath and behind said revetment structure. The revetment structure's waterward face will approximate a 1:1 slope. The latter alternative (riprap revetment) provides the additional benefits of reduced cost, additional microhabitat surface area and a more natural appearnace. In addition, it is recommended that the following construction pro- cedures be utilized in the interest of preserving state water quality. Resolution Gunnar D. Svalmark Seawall Page Three 1. Turbidity curtains be utilized during seawall/revetment construction (placement) activities. 2. Backfill materials be deposited to form a reverse slope away from said bulkhead structure to prevent excessive upland storm runoff. 3. No fuel or fuel products be stored upon said bulkhead facility. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Borad of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this day or 19 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR~OE UNTY, F~;~IDA ~ t1 r c:!J ~.A;;., e;," ~,........, -- ~ "r;;', ,.".". <,,~ 7 " By ,,'f U i/ Mayor (Seal) --------- Atte~ / // ... .. '. .1':;:{/ (' :) Ii..: // . y"" /'/1 ". L . L./" . ., SE,\:':\LL~~, S"!\LL JOC~<t ::'\::..\\:.\7rn.':S. "\:;~) ::-rL:":~::-; .\ P :' L ; ~ \'~ I (: ~: '~ :,IO:;;zOf: COU\'fY au I L;) [:.r. .\:.D ::cr; L';r; :)(::)\Rr![~::T PI.: \Sf: T'1'\,I: :):~ r'~~ [';T " E n. '.1 IT :~ W' f1 17 R ) :\':\ [ R "S :, ,u r: C; t./ /7 n cL r ;) 5~ cL I ~ a.. y k ClI\'NE R 'S: I,U L r:'~r;,\[) [)rH' 55 --.//7"7" Wd t.I k (C> I C'L ;1 CONTRACTOr::.' s :i,\:,IE Sa. ~ (!'Z n\Tr /~ L./-- g>'/ PIfCl:n: 5/,98' CJC:) 5<" Rcil1/o-rChbY'ooA; Z'/. ~ 00('2 PI r n ~~ E .5" O-h-t- t? CO:\TRACTOR's :L'\ILI:.lG ADOI~ESS__...<)G ~ .:" PROPERTY DESC~IPTO:.l: PROPOSED KEY.~~4:..~_Q..~_~~_~_~LOT J~J BLO.C K_L. _~"___,~ ' SU ED IV '( S ~ ONn~_~_.tJ..,1J.:~:_~~~~__~__,=-,~.._ STREET OR ROAD G rtJ LjAJ ~ r L t:::t h~ --r--- ~_ CO :-.: S T R U C T I 0 }.d/ C' W, r' cue r "",r-"o re t. CL. r'Pt t' PI? 11<:.a.. / / C-W( /' ,.c- /,1 ( .~J.2Q~-:;;:s...-~~ PROPERTY OW~ERS -PLEASE LIST THEIR CO~PLETE MAII.ING ADDRESSES ADJACENT W;9 <;;n /c:'h - , . \ ~ L t:. () C It /.? (' <J C. k ;;; S <Y h N S <" ,0<70' C ('IT/. <t. >:f-;h' ~. A -,I' _ /or"d<t l>- Yo c.I P<;3 Y t.-. a. he. _ L ~ ~___ i () t: -L.f; IS I a c tf 8; S tL # rr' N~7 / d. 7') ~/d>Y '.J<b<_ C r () i.( t!_t:" r L. a.. h (?, . ' ---.:......~__. ~ !If!;d(/~/I:t/I1f;I/Vt"ru /1./ APPLICATION WILL BE ACCO~,IP;\NIED BY THE FOLL01VING OR IT WILL NOT BE PROCESSED: 1. Application fees as follows: Seawalls: Upland canals $10.00; Open Water $25.00 DUCKS: $.25.00 Excavations: $25.00 Filling: $25.00 . (I f a p p 1 i cat ion i s f i 1 e d for Sea 10; all , do c k , fill i n g 0 r ex c a vat ion or any combination and all "work is on one (1) lot - Flat Fee '$25.00, On either open water o~ upland can~l). 2. Two (2) sets of drawin~s or p'lans as follows: D r a loJ i n g s 0 r p I an s s h <11 1 b eon a 8 :'2 II x I 0 II pie ceo f pap e r Dr a win g s will s how t 11 e folIo Iv i n gin for 1:1 at ion a. Top view b. Side view - cross section c. Plot plan d. Drawn to scale e. Neat and legible 3. L 0 cat ion [,1 a p I hereby certify that I have read and examined tllis application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governIng t his t y ~ e 0 f w 0 r k will bee 0 rn p 1 i c d \oJ i t 11 w h e t 11 e r S:l e (' i fie c! h c -: ('; in,);: n 0 L " J C1 C ~ :" :! ;1 -: i :-.;:; ;:; f '" Y e n:< .i. L C1 0 e s not pre s U ;:l e t 0 Z i v e aut h 0 r i t Y to vi 0 1 ate (; rea n c a1 the pro'! i s ion so::' any 1 0 c aI, S tat Cor r. e d era 1 L a Iv reg u J a tin g co 11 S t rue t ion ' 0 r the perfornance or CO:1struction of this type of facility. Si.~natu:"c: ~ncr or contractor) ;; IS S U:\:~ CEO F P E r~: I IT API' !~CJVED P~rson :\ C L: Cpt 1. i1 ,:]. ~L]J fJ 1 i cat i 0 11 . 5~J.Q;1J llL~* -.- ,-. - .~ -~ - .. .. - t- ....- i\.:,,")l~")L.'~~ll... dllC l..O.l.. _ PL[:\SF; r~f:TIJ",\; :\P;)LTC.\TIW; TO: GUNNAR SVALMARK 1144 'lIaukegan Hd. Northbrook, It 60062 )1"/ /.'n Vl-":,\",( (" ) ,,;. I,'t. <:l '- - t... v {.. _ 1..v-. I- ..... {: \..f . I I I:'~/ c_ ,,(../ -.-:-.c :-;:,~"!'~ , , C 0 S toe Per ::1 -: t ".2.. 5', (} " [sti::1atcd cost of in~ro':c;ncn~/l1fooo..oa = ......: ---" ~) ':.. 'l. _ '/ 1,'.(.' ,1 :~- ': . , "'iJ!-f.) (.: (.:.")-1.<) - .q I ./... ~.J / ,.}.,:.;- ;/(. .:. '( f ~""-:::".../ ,.,1 /''''. /.,,,,,, L.- ~_ .' -- . C '" (J ..... '.:f<.: ) I .) ,; .,./r/ . , H"';' .,. # - '/. , '- '-, ~ . l. .'~ ~ . '". ~ ,. '.;,. -". . , t OV-.H.J~]Z-.. ~tJt--.J,J,/';:.....tz. "~V""J-M^F'-~ - },lD~f-1 ~--p;o~ IlL" ~t.Ji?'DJ"1 'S1c;>t..J : .rbuN~I1.>~~ FO/""'/T ~ ~y I-Af'~a / I ( H~vJ ~~fZ.F-:TP- r::G--r?- II'~ 1 NC;f Nt.... L-t- ~r=:I~ Nol-~ Ael:7'1F- t/A1 ~ l / 1 / Bl ?7~~~-r '- ~- 00. ^ ~. .... . ~. ~. " '-- . '''-':. r:'.. l--o-r 17 f5 J-ovt~ 8 " - (~ '-~ ~ <\' ~ ;;;c--, \-' /~ ~--, ~~ ---. -:;> ..-<::~ ~O'" I',. "IL' ~ .-1 --' ~ .',.~',/,/ <:::5 /\/.J.".... .' . . ('>.' ~ J / .......... .... ~-< c.f /_~_ c-- .. .......... J' < .'-.- (.. ~~ "- .). "". '\/./ ,/ . 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Il'(\~')( Pf'lO~.IE ~. q .~. - /, ( -."; I'; '_> ---- ~ '") 0 OWNER'S ADDRESS ( MAL LING) J I L.j '-t lL.. Ck.\. I:C=Cf+ iU 0- \), D ,~';~'-n-\ lJ, Pc u'''- ,:::C L .:.0 L C L,.~ CONTRACTOR'S NAME o L_J.~ \\....) ,:=. 0,- PHONE CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS (CERTIFICATE NO.) .L f~'D_ Co ~ LOT it BLOCK u u PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: KEY SUGDIVISION ~ U lG' Q ,+. c::. \DO I n..5\ STREET OR ROAD G 0- G L.R. :P cQ. L r-+-{G~ ZONING A LJ -) SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE ---------, PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION C Co I\.) C. '12 C\ E. C2.. G\l=+ I n...:', f~' G LV (-I L-L_ ..... .:'.r:...L~l=_) Store, Single Family Residence, Mobile Home, Motel ( Units) SQUf.\,RE FEET ESTIMATED TOTAL -COST <1./t? c.'l---G>-C . &-G (ENCLOSED AREAS PLUS BALCONIES) SUB-CONTRACTORS: ELECTRI CAL (CERTIFICATE NO.) (CERTIFICAT~ NO.) (CERTIFICATE NO.) (CERTIFICATE NO,) I)LU~1BING r,1E CHAN I CAL fWOFING UTILITIES: SEWAGE DISPOSAL: SEPTIC TANK - HEALTH DEPT. NO. PACKAGE PLANT - D.E.R. PERMIT NO. CENTRAL SYSTEM REMARKS WATER SUPPLY: F.K.A.A. CONNECTION - METER NO. PRIVATE R.O. OR DE-SAL PLANT - D,E.R. NO. PRIVATE \~ELL CISTERN RHiARKS GENERAL RE~ll;RKS I . I " , , ...-..- , I [ HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COM- I'LIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESur,lE TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY LOCAL, STATE, OR FEDERAL LAW I~IGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PE~ORMAjCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ((is T OF PERMIT - BUILDING EY -- /, 4/" SIGNATURE 'v PLUMBI NG ---------1; OWNERj(:ONTRflC-foR ELECTRICAL ruse. TOTAL APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMIT c:::~ J' ,} -....-J ,~ ASS} :.TANT-'CT()'.' !fERSON-ACCEPTING APPLICATION rWTE: "FAILURE TO Cm~PLY WITH THE r-lECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING H~PROVEfvlENTS" ,...-'.... . DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS p, O. BOX 4970 JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 32232 SAJMB 10 August 1981 GP8l-0732 SAJ-l9 Mr. Gunnar Svalmark 1144 Waukegan Road Northbrook, Illinois 60062 Dear r~r. Svalmark: Reference is made to your permit application dated 29 March 1981 concerning replacement of a reinforced seawall with backfill in the Florida Straits, Section 13, Township 58 South, Range 38 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida. The project as proposed is authorized by General Permit SAJ-l9, a copy of which is attached for your information and use. You are authorized to proceed with the project in accordance with the attached drawings subject to ~ conditions of the permit. This letter of authorization does not obviate the necessity to obtain any other Federal, State, or local permits which may be required. It appears that a permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Regu- lation may be required. They can be contacted at (813) 639-4967. ......... ------ , . Thank you for your cooperation with our permit program. Sincerely, CF: DER, Punta Gorda SAJRD-F 1/ // p./- . A~' /rj ~~ '.' .,/ ?V-.il.-Y1 /~;.vZJ-yy-y~_4- /./ /' . ,,/ -;-17/ ALFRED B. DEVEREAUX, JR. / / Colonel, Corps of Engineers Commander and District Engineer 2 I nc 1 As stated -~~. '. . ,- .. :: , ,~ ..- ..; .:1 ~t;' ,41iE~~~O:r~ .~:: {v~~ .~ . ?.' i:tI!;:~~': ';~. ''\ ~ ... "10 "i~ii(;t~:''<. ' ~~~'~(e~:~~-- ~. ~ ,~ :.. ~'V",~, . '. ,,,.l.>..o~...,) ~'J:'>?';'~"!j<~, :":"~')~~('~.Lf." :..,:-~ '- -t ';0 .~'._~';.w..',*~:ill t.. '0, , ,," "f,' . ~r-4.. -I' ," .:0.-; ...,,~;, -<,. .~~' ~tt..; ',"{', ',,~~,~./' -<,)'"'' ~1'';'.A'?-:",- '). . ..... .;;';', .....~~':i: .. .'1:',:' ~> ..!. "-':;' A.. ';" ;.;,' ~. - , :1:~-r,~~' 0(:::" ,~~ t~, ~. .' ..'~.~ ~':?{',O'i1". t/..,.: ~. :~''',.. .<1' ..~,~.!;~~~r ; :-"';"""~' '. a ~;:'~""'~> '.... '"':W .'"~I':'''''_'''~''' ~".. t.., . ~.,...~ ~'(:, .~. ~~~~;;;~::~.,. A:::ii A:'.,'.~,.,. 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' M ~ ~'t~, III ! i III "''',30 ~~"I' ! .-., ------: 1 I ~ ~.' ~ ': ~ '1" I' ~ lIt f ~ ,': J) , ! ~ t5 -_.-..:._--~.------ - ~ C"--- ------.j fP ~,~ I ~ f1': ~~ ,." 0' c-D. ~I ~ ! (~':.-~._-_.-t r~. i (-) n --<...J I "-, l:t ' ,:::::. 15. ,~ I' ~ ~ 'j ~ ~ I ~ I' ::l -., I ~ . - I III ~n : ,... rv ____ 1. : : CJj .' , -. -r.1 '. ' rx :' CD -....,. H I ~"'i, I I ....... I ~8- ~lT-~l I w ~I r- 1 ~ II I,~ tr~: : ~ 1'0 \])j i ; I I I. - ;. = 1 - ~ 'fJ'J : - I ----, I- I -~ ! l---~ I j . ,~ ! :, ()l ;J.. I", ~ l~~ r\.) i' N ~ I .. ..q/ / ... ." . .' N CD N ....., ~ I.D r.l ; - z .. . r::- or fT -e r' )> 7') G! C o 1144 Aaukerran Hoad Northbrook: IL 60062 September 26, 1981 Hr. Hobert Dennis BUi16ing Department Fublic Service Building ~inrr II Stock Island P.O. Eox - Key 'est, FL 33040 I~e2 r ii~ r. ['2YlYJ i:3 : ~nclo2ed is Permit humber 44-41840-53, dated 9-22-81 fro~ the ~epart8ent of Snvironrnentsl fie 2,'J.10 t i on, 1 trust thst the information is complete for processing my applicaticn to rebuild c seaw2ll on l\.e y oLe; r?'o. ThanK you very much for your help in this regard. GS:ls - c:, ~nc. ~ Yours truly, #=::~~ 9- ,-:-' .:; - ,,)/ , ~..' -";. ;' " 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 (ft ~tt'l/1~ ~~~\ 1G;;::::~.:-~~,q ''i i~~ .s>""E Of FlQ9.~ ~ C- -P/ CJ _ :-- 'I BOB GRAHAM { GOVERNOR SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE, September 22, 1981 Gunnar Svalmark 1144 Waukegan Rd. Northbrook, III 60062 Re: Monroe County, File No. 44-4l840-5E Dear Mr. Svalmark: Enclosed is Permit Number to seawall with rip-rap issued pursuant to Section 44-4l840-5E , dated 9-22-81 253.123 & 403.087, Florida Statutes Should you object to this permit, including any and all of the con- ditions contained therein, you may file an appropriate petition for administrative hearing. This petition must be filed within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of this letter. Further, the petition must conform to the requirements of Section 28-5.201, Florida AdministrativE Code, (see reverse side of this letter). The petition must be filed with the Office of General Counsel, Department of Environmental Regulation, Twin Towers Office Building, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. If no petition is filed within the prescribed time, you will be deemed to have accepted this permit and waived your right to request an administrative hearing on this matter. Acceptance of the permit constitutes notice and agreement that the Department will periodically review this permit for compliance, including site inspections where applicable, and may initiate enforcement action for violation of the conditions and requirements thereof. PRE/RWC/wb Enclosure Sincerely, ~q~ District Manager DER Form 17-1.122(66) 1/2 A petition may be denied if the petitioner does not state adequately a material factual allegation, such as a substantial interest in the agency determination, or if the petition is untimely. (Section 2 tl-:, . 201 ( 3) (a), F AC) ******************** (g) Other information which the petitioner contends is material. (f) A demand for relief to which the petitioner deems himself entitled; and (e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the rules and statutes which entitle the petitioner to relief; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; (c) A statement of when and how petitioner received notice of the agency decision or intent to render a decision; (b) The name and address of the petitioner or petitioners, and an explanation of how his/her substantial interests will be affected by the agency determination; (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (2) All petitions filed under these rules should contain: (1) Initiation of formal proceedings shall be made by petition to the agency responsible for rendering final agency action. The term petition as used herein includes any application or other document which expresses a request for formal proceedings. Each petition should be printed, typewritten or otherwise dup- licated in legible form on white paper of standard legal size. Unless printed, the impression, shall be on one side of tne paper only and lines shall be double-spaced and indented. 28-5.201 Initiation of Formal Proceedings. PART II FORMAL PROCEEDINGS RULES OF THE ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION MODEL RULES OF PROCEDURE CHAPTER 28-5 DECISIONS DETERMINING SUBSTANTIAL INTERESTS "'> ~"'~ 4~ ((~~, ~ or- f\cJI.~ STATE OF FlORIDA DEPARTMENT OF-eNVtRONMENTALREGULATION BOB"GRAHAM GOVERNOR 320nioLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 SECRETARY SOUTH fLORIDABRANCH OFFICE APPLICANT: Gunnar Svalmark 1144 Waukegan Rd. Northbrook, III 60062 PERM IT/CERTIFICATION NO. 44-4l840-5E COUNTY: Monroe PROJECT: Seawall, Rip-Rap Thi\Rfr~it is issued under the provisions of Chapter 253 & 403 ,Florida Statutes, and Chapter 17-3 & - , Florida Administrative Code. The above named applicant, hereinafter called Permittee, is hereby authorized to perform the work or operate the facility shown on the approved drawing(s), plans, documents, and specifications attached hereto and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows: to install 203 linear feet of vertical concrete seawall, with necessary backfill, and approximately 900 cubic yards of loose rock rip-rap; in a canal adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, and in the Atlantic Ocean (Class III Waters), a natural waterbody, in Sunrise Point, Monroe County. PAGE 1 OF 3 DER FORM 17-1,122(63) 1/4 (1/80) PERMIT NO,: APPLICANT: 44-4l840-5E Gunnar Svalrnark GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1, The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations, and restrictions set forth herein are "Permit Conditions:, and as such are bind- ing upon the permittee and enforceable pursuant to the authoritY of Section 403.161 (1). Florida Statutes, Perm ittee is hereby placed on notice that the department will review this permit periodically and may initiate court action for any violation of the "Permit Con- ditions" by the permittee, its agents, employees, servants or representatives. 2. This permit is valid only for the specific processes and operations indicated in the attached drawings or exhibits. Any unautho- rized deviation from the approved drawings, exhibits, specifications, or conditions of this permit shall constitute grounds for revoca- tion and enforcement action by the department. 3, If, for any reason, the permittee does not comply with or will be unable to comply with any condition or limitation specified in this permit, the permittee shall immediately notify and provide the department with the following information: (a) a description of and cause of non-compliance; and (b) the period of non-compliance, including exact dates and times; or, if not corrected, the antici- pated time the non-compliance is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the non- compliance. The permittee shall be responsible for any and all"damages which may result and may be subject to enforcement action by the department for penalties or revocation of this permit. 4. As provided in subsP.Ction 403,087(6), Florida Statutes, the issuance of this permit does nGt convey any vested rights or any ex- clusive privileges. Nor does it authorize any injury to public or private property or any invasion of personal rights. nor any infringe- ment of federal, state or local laws or regulations. 5. This permit is required to be posted in a conspicuous location at the work site or source during the entire period of construction or operation. 6, In accepting this permit, the permittee understands and agrees that all records, notes, monitoring data and other information re- lating to the construction or operation of this permitted source, which are submitted to the department, may be used by the depart- ment as evidence in any enforcement case arising under the Florida Statutes or department rules, except where such use is proscribed by Section 403.111, F .S. 7, In the case of an operation permit, permittee agrees to comply with changes in department rules and Florida Statutes after' a reasonable time for compliance, provided, however, the permittee does not waive any other rights granted by Florida Statutes or de- partment rules. 8. This permit does not relieve the permittee from liability for harm or injury to human health or welfare, animal, plant, or aquatic life or property and penalities therefore caused by the construction or operation of this permitted source, nor does it allow the per- mittee to cause pollution in contravention of Florida Statutes and department rules, except where specifically authorized by an order from the department granting a variance or exception from department rules or state statutes. 9. This permit is not transferable. Upon sale or legal transfer of the property or facilitY covered by this permit, the permittee shall notify the department within thirty (30) days. The new owner must apply for a permit transfer within thirty (30) days. The permittee shall be liable for any non-compliance of the permitted source until the transferee applies for and receives a transfer of permit. 10. The permittee, by acceptance of this permit, specifically agrees to allow access to permitted source at reasonable times by de- partment personnei presenting credentials for the purposes of inspection and testing to determine compliance with this permit and department rules. 11. This permit does not indicate a waiver of or approval of any other department permit that may be required for other aspects of the total project. 12. This permit conveys no title to land or water, nor constitutes state recognition or acknowledgement of title, and does not consti- tute authority for the reclamation of submerged lands unless herein provided and the necessary title or leasehold interests have been obtained from the state. Only the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund may express state opinion as to title. 13. This permit also constitutes: [ ] Determination of Best Available Control Technology (BACT) [ ] Determination of Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) [Xl Certification of Compliance with State Water Quality Standards (Section 401, Pl 92-500) PAGE 2 OF 3 ni=p "i=A~M'17-1 1??IF;:'ll ? Perr.:; t No.: I\ppl icant: 44-41840-5E Gunnar Svalmark Specific Conditions: 1. Turbidity screens shall be utilized and properly maintained during the construction of the seawall and' the placement of rip-rap. 2. Rip-Rap shall consist of boulders 2' diameter or larger and shall be placed at the toe of the wall on a lV:lH slope. 3. No fuel nor related products shall be stored on or adjacent to the seawall. 4. The proposed project shall comply with applicable state Water Quality Standards, namely - 17-3.05l - Minimum Criteria for All Waters at All Times and All Places. l7-3.061 - Surface Waters: General Criteria 17-3.121 Criteria: Class III Waters - Recreation, Propagation and Management of Fish and Wildlife: Surface Waters Ex:"r;t!I"" 1),\11' October 1, 1983 . , . -.l : ~ . J 1 ~'\;' , 22 ;',J, . September 81 , ~ ,': ,~ -. ~ \ ~ ;:...! ) ,;-",~ 2 I'.t';.'] .:'.! :.11 . "" '7]0,' ,... ',"(\r ",",' ",'" ",'"'' " : .....~Q~~ Philip R. Edwards, District Mana(er 'AGE -_LC'-3::5~A. DER FORM 17.1 122(63) 4/4 (1/80; 'J 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 ~~ !~-- ~ ~ /L- ~~ ~ ~ '" :r,<4/'f Of f\cJI.~ STATE OF FLORIDA BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR Victoria Tschinkel SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE August 14, 1981 Gunnar Svalmark c/o Robert Beck 701 Grouper Lane Key Largo, Florida 33037 Monroe County, File No. 44-4l840-5E, Seawall Dear Mr., Svalmark: Enclosed is a site inspection report indicating that your project, as proposed, will have an adverse impact on the environment. However, with the modifications suggested by the inspector, the impact could be lessened to an extent which would eliminate the justification for' the denial recommendation. Please consider these modifications. If you feel that you can modify your proposal as indicated, or in some other manner which would reduce the adverse impact on the environment, please submit a revised sketch/letter of agreement to the changes by 8-31-81 If we have not heard from you by this date or if you do not wish to modify your proposal as suggested, we will continue to process your application as submitted. Eric Loken of this office will be glad to answer any questions you may have concerning ~~e suggested modifications. Mr. Loken can be reached at the Marathon DER office (305) 743-5955. Sincerely, ~tW~ Richard W. Cantrell, Dredge & Fill Supervisor RWC/wb Enclosure DER Fo~ 17-1.122(52) SV AU1ARK, GmmAR f,t44-4l840-5E Honroe County - Key Largo Page 1\010 A. The applicant l)roposes to bulkhead his ,00aterfront property shoreline on Key Largo, rlonroe County. The pro?osed bulkheading will consist of a total of 200+ linear feet of concrete-reinforced seawall extending bet'ltleen-the +1,0 and -1. 5 ft. (HHH) elevations along both the nroJertv's Atlantic Ocean (A6+ ln ft.) and canalfront (135+ ln, ~t.~ sh~relines, The nro~oseJ seawall will match the heighi, thickness and shoreline contour of th'O existing semvalls on adja- cent prooerties, In addition, said seawall construction will require the deposition of anuroximately 20 cu, yds. of "clean, coral rock" backfill materials to match the existing upland property elevation, B. The applicant's nronerty is located within the Sunrise Point Sub- division (S.P.S.) in southeastern Key Largo, Monroe County, S.P.S, consists of a small (26 acre), single family residence (S.F.R.), waterfront COTI1Tnuni ty on the Atlantic Ocean side of Key Largo. S. F. P.. "waterfront" ",vi thin this communi ty is provided by a series of three, 1,000~ ft. long by 50! ft \vide deadend finger canals and one, 250+ ft. long by 25+ ft, wide canal all of which are connected to-a series of shoreline oeriryheral canals ~roviding access to the Atlantic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean waters in this area are Class III (Sect. 17-3,08l; FAC). Approximately half of the available properties within this subdivision are presently developed with TIlany additional residences observed to be under construc~ion at the time of inspection, The majority of the existing S.F.R's are equi??ed with some type of boat mooring (ie, docks, basins) and/or launching facilities (ie, ramps, davits). The applicant's property consists of an average-size rectangular, residential lot bordered to the south and northwest by similar residential ;::>ro-:Jerties. to the nortlleast by an unnaIlled, artificially-- created, deadend finger canal and to the southeast by a peripheral channel to the Atlantic Ocean Doth of the adjacent residential properties are developed with existing two-story S.F.R's (and associative facilities) and, ilS 2 result, are presently vegetated by largely landscaped flora, As mentioned in the a9plication, both of these ~)roperties are ryrCscllt 1'7 cqui'lT)ed \\7ith concrete sec\'Jall bullcheads! docks s imi lar to cha l 'Jro11osed here. The a'JD liean t ' s UP land 1'rOTJer ty. al thouGh TJ"~CS ('111:: 1 ',,' 11:: dc\'e lODed, is someHlla t dis turbed, I' ~los t of the CC:l t r:ll :n-CJ',crt': Llreas have been cleared of veget3 tion to nrovide s to;-n c:c :"TJ:1 ce ~f or several nieces of heavy construction equinTI1ent (ie', ;);lck)lOP ~'J/flatbed) 'jAS a result. there is c:>resentl? little ,..;: :...; i.::"...~ ~-c""nininf, uT)lanl veGetation. The predoQinant substrate i~ ~l' S 2rea is Kev Lar~o oolitic lime- stant.: , SVAU1ARK, GUNNAR il44-418~0-5E Monroe County - Key Largo Page Three C. The proposed project area consists of the applicant's shoreline property and adjacent transitional and subm~rgent lands. Property transitional areas presently consist of a 20-30 ft, wide fringe growth along both the existing canalfront and oceanfront shorelines Vegetation observed in these areas included sea daisy (Borrichia spp.), purslane (Sesuvium Spy ). blite (Suaeda spp.), glasswort (~alicornia SP?,), buttom'lOod (Cono~us spp,) and small red (Rhizophora spp.) and black (Avicennia spp.) fringing mangroves. Although ap?arently stable at present, the gradually sloping shore- line grade observed throughout the project area suggests that some erosion has occurred along this property shoreline. Isolated coral rock boulders along Atlantic Ocean/peripheral channel property shoreline areas suggest that some type of riprap revetment once existed in this area. The adjacent unnaoed artificial canal is 75 ft. wide by 1,000 ft. long (deadend finger orientation) by 10~ ft, deep (l1LH). Submergent vegetation observed in this area consisted of green and brown algal patches along the upper portions of the canal walls and in adjacent littoral areas. Hater quality '\vithin said canal appeared good at the time of inspection. The Atlantic Ocean (south'\vestern) uroperty shoreline is presently bordered by a 60+ ft. wide by 1,000+ ft. long (parallel to shoreline) by 3-10 ft, deep (I1LH; varies) artlficially- created peripheral channel This channel is ~rotected on its entire waterward (ocean) periphery by a boulder riprap break'\vater. Ocean access from said channel is nresentlv available via access channel cuts existing at each channel end. Channel biota observed included the algal species listed above and several unidentified species of juvenile fish. Hater quality Hi thin this channel area appeared excellent. D. The pr~mary dire~t project impact llill be in the removal and loss of approxlmately ~.,-,OO.sq: ft,- of transitional and wetlands vegetation p~esently growlng wlthln tne proposed seawall and backfill constru- tlO~ areas. This vegetation presently orovides shoreline stabili- zatlon, storm runoff filtration and detrital nourishment for the enhancement of both the adjacent upland and submergent marine ecosystems. Indirect project effects includ~ elevated turbidity levels within state wat~r~ ~uring project construction activitie~ and the loss of an unspeclfleG aeount of oresentlv valuable littoral microhibitat are3 through 101"1:0- rE.'r~ c:;c","',11 '."'~o~-C:"('I'lrl''''''(T co+'Fects .......J .} ,- _1.~ '- .~_.~ ..J- ',-',-_~_ -, .....i.. l . ""-.~_" L:.L... _ ,,_. SV AU'1ARK, GUNNAR #44-418LfO-5E Monroe County - Key Largo Page Four E. Under the provisions of Chanters 253.123, 2S3.124, 403.087 of the Florida Statutes and Sectio~s 17-3.121(28) and 17-4.07 of the Florida Administrative Code, I hereby recommend that this applica- tion for permit be denied Departmental approval unless one of the follo\ving alternative suggestions can be incorporated into the overall project design: '~ _~ I, Specification that lirnerock boulder riprap (2~ ft. diameter) be placed along the toe of said seawall structure approximating a l:l slope (ie, 45 degree angle). OR: 2. Specification that a meandering (ie, following contours of exis- ting shoreline), large diameter (3 to I ft.), boulder riprap revetment 'vith filter sand retainer material be substituted for said seawall structure. Retainer material will be nlaced both beneath and behind said revetment structure. The r~vetment structure's waterward face will approximate a l:l slope. The latter alternative (riprap revetment) provides the additional benefits of reduced cost, additional microhabitat surface area and a more natural appearance, In addition, it is recommended that the following construction pro= cedures be utilized in the interest of preserving state water quality: 1. TU1:bidity curtains be utilized during seawall/revetment con- struction (placement) activities. . 2. Backfill materials be deposited to form a reverse slope away from SQid bulkhead structure to prevent excessive upland storm runoff. 3. No fuel or fuel products be stored upon said bulkhead facilitv. ERL/dvo ... C i? r/-t:[ 1TIC R LOKn1,~E;,,~v' SPE(~ ;, /' D:1t e : J uI7~ il:?J' 19 ~ :' RC:ld: ~k/'~:Y b/2'/~)'/___ ~ ,T'()l? " . .lJ .I." ..),_." - . / I /