Resolution 377-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 377 -1981 RESOLUTION STATING AND SETTING FORTH MONROE COUNTY's DESIRE TO CONTINUE THE DESIGNATION "AREA OF CRITICAL CONCERN" FOR A PERIOD OF AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR; STATING REASONS AND THE PURPOSE FOR SAID INTENTION. WHEREAS, the designation under State law for Monroe County as an "Area of Critical Concern" is under study at this time with a V1ew in mind of terminating the same sometime in the early Summer of 1982, and, WHEREAS, because of the planning and the restructuring of cer- tain County functions 1S now underway, and it is likely that the same will not be concluded by the early Summer of 1982, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the designation for Monroe County under State law, to- wi t: "Area of Cri tical Concern" be continued for a period of one (1) year from the date of normal expiration hereof. 2. That the County Administration desires and intends to re- structure and implement its standards and procedures as concerns the Building Department and Zoning Departments as concerns the enlargement thereof and the full utilizati~n thereof will not be accomplished with- in the time originally targeted for the termination of said designation as "Area of Critical Concern". 3. That the administration of the County fully intends to exam1ne all areas of land use and to the best of its ability cause an orderly growth of this County. That this policy shall also include the serving to the County and this State the basic ecological character of Monroe County. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Mon- roe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15th ~ay of December, A.D. 1981. , '~" :~~~~O~~~~~YF~7~!~ONE;'S O~ ,C:S~EAL) I,., .' '" --del~~1<' ./ I - . '/'/~'~: ~ ~ .~ .."'" )~"-..'. ... ,~;.,)~ /' /' At t'~~t : -If