Resolution 226A-2004 MONROE COUNTY OPPICU\L RECORDS FILE #1457987 BK#2026 PG#1737 RCD Ju1 19 2004 02:39PM DANNY L KOLHAGE:, CLEPF Commissioner McCoy RESOLUTION NO. 226A- 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 166- 2004, AND AUTHORIZING A TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY TO THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY FOR PURPOSES OF ESTABLISHING A WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY ON CONCH KEY. WHEREAS, the County Commission recognizes that the issue of wastewater treatment is of substantial importance to the health and welfare of the residents of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority applied for the transfer of property on Conch Key for the establishment of a wastewater treatment facility; and WHEREAS, since the application for the tract for a wastewater treatment plant, it has been determined that a site on Conch Key is needed for a lift transfer station rather than a wastewater treatment plant; and WHEREAS, on April 21, 2004, the County Commission did authorize through Resolution No. 166-2004 a transfer of a tract of property larger than is needed by Party of the Second Part property for the lift transfer station; and WHEREAS, in accordance with F.S. 125.38, it is deemed in the interest of public health and welfare that said property be transferred to the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority; and WHEREAS, prior to the adoption of the original resolution authorizing transfer of the larger parcel of property, was published at least once a week for two weeks, the proposed transfer of land, as required by F.S. 125.35; and WHEREAS, the County Commission deems a transfer of a smaller parcel of property to Party of the Second Part to be in the best interest of the residents of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the deed approved for execution on April 21, 2004, was not recorded due to the interim information regarding the need to transfer only a smaller parcel of property; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. Resolution No. 166-2004 is hereby rescinded. 2. The unrecorded deed approved April 21, 2004, is hereby rescinded. FILE 11 45 7 9 8 ~ 3 8 ~ i7\2h PGl1 BKI2\U " 3. Monroe County shall transfer to the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority that parcel of property situated on Conch Key I described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 4. property. The Mayor is authorized to execute a quitclaim deed transferring said PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said board held on June 1'. 2004. Mayor Nelson Mayor Pro Tem Rice ..:"",~~;:~;-'-~missioner McCoy /i!J:?;~ ')~" . ~ issioner Neugent .\.-,;,/' - j \..,r _ . A.'."'.....~ ." C.'. -==1 ~(--.fip..... s.loner Spehar h~;/~;~F: 23 . _ ~;;;~ II:;:,,' .,. .,~ ,'" -, ~",'--::') '. ~'t U I '~';,~r-f~ . ({i/?"~- ~~~l~l' KOLHAGE,CLERK '"~~ ~~1;:J J +', ) ~~" ',~ c" oruuiV' Deputy Clerk ~ m= ~ ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~u~ By Mayor/Chairperson !:j N 0::: ..:r u.J .( 0 M c.:J -' U <t &to. l.LJ fC :::::~>= Q: _...1 (..) I- '-. .% 0::: r- :::~ e:: ::) 0 .)0 l.&.. t - (..) .... 0 -J . -~ l4.I ::> :-0 W ...., :,: '-' a:: -J < :z ..::r 0 0 c::= l..1... c::= X ('..,j COUNT\{ ~ONROE . RECORDS OFFICIF\L ' This instrument prepared by, or under the direction of, Suzanne A. Hutton. Esq, FBN 336122 Office of County Attorney P,O,Box 1026 Key West, FI. 33041-1026 MONR08 COUNTY 08'F'fCTAL HF;CCJFIOS FIL8 #1 457 988 B K # 2 (2) 2 6 P G # 1. 7 :3 9 ReD Jul 19 2004 02:33PM DANNY L KOLHAG~, CLERK QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE, Made this 16th day of June, 2004, by and between MONROE COUNTY, Party of the First Part, by and through the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida 33040, to FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY, Party of the Second Part, a special district of the State of Florida with offices at 1100 Kennedy Drive, Key West, Florida 33040. WITNESSEm WHEREAS, Party of the First Part did heretofore acquire title to a parcel of property, on Conch Key, Florida, as recorded in Official Records Book 1848 at Page 2315 of the Public Records of Monroe County Florida; and Whereas, on April 21, 2004, Party of the First Part did authorize through Resolution No. 166-2004 a transfer of a larger tract of property than is needed by Party of the Second Part property; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 166-2004 has been rescinded and Party of the First Part Has resolved to transfer to Party of the Second Part the below described property; NOW, THEREFORE, TIllS INDENTURE WITNESSEm: That the Party of the First Part, in consideration of acceptance of title to said property by the Party of the Second Part for a public purpose, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the Party of the Second Part, and assigns, forever, aU the right, title and interest of the Party of the First Part to the property herein described aU that certain land situate on Conch Key, in Monroe County, Florida, to wit: See Legal Description in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, Subject to a reversionary interest in said property should FKAA cease to use said property for wastewater purposes, Part. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD, the said premises and the appurtenances thereof unto the Party of the Second ~':~SS WHEREOF, the Party of the First Part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by i,!><~_qf~~ommissioners acting by the Mayor of said Board, the day and year first above written. ,c' . c Ir~ \ .': :, 'rQ~FI9~TI~" ~ ~\ ATTEs-tJl ~,\ , DANNY L. KbLHAGE BY:~aL.lC'~ I!lu)f~ Deputy Clerk ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA B~~/ l/?([ ~~ Mayor d MONROE COUNT" ATTORNEY APPROVED !\s r (. 7 9- 8 8 PIL8 #145 81<,#2026 PC;jf1740 LECAL OESCRIP170N Monroe County nghl or way conveyonce to F/onda Keys Aqueduct Aulhon"ty A parcel of land on Conch Key lying in fractional section 15, Township 65 South, Range 34 East, Monroe County, Florida; said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the intersection of the southwesterly right of way line of South Conch Avenue extended and the northwesterly right of way line of State Road 5 (US-1): thence S 67'16'34" E along said extension of the southwesterly right of way line of South Conch Avenue 71,76 feet to 0 point lying on a line 150,00 feet northwesterly of and parallel with the baseline of survey as shown on the Florida Department of Transp'artation Right of way Map for Conch Key, Section 90050, Sheet 12 of 28: thence N 68'33'26' E along said parallel line 73,44 feet to the Paint of Beginning; thence continuing along said parallel line N 68'33'26" E, 50,00 feet; thence departing said parallel line S 21'26'34" E, 50.00 feet to a point lying on a line 100.00 feet northwesterly of and parallel with the aforementioned baseline of survey', said point also lying 100.00 left of baseline of survey Station 151 + 75: thence S 68'3326" W along said parallel line 50,00 feet to a point lying 100,00 feet left of baseline of survey Station 151 +25; thence departing said parallel line N 21'26'34" W, 50,00 feet to the Point of Beginning, The total amount of right of way to be conveyed in this description is 2,500 square feet. The bearings used in this legal description are based on Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Map, Section 90050-2509, sheet 12 of 28, The information used to compile this legal description and sketch was taken from Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Map Section 90050-2509, sheet 12 of 28, a plat of Conch Key recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 130, a deed recorded in Q,R, Book 1848, Page 2315 and a field survey performed on 4-01 -04. Please see Sheet 2 for the sketch of the legal description, This sheet is not valid without Sheet 2, MONROE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 10600 AVIATION BOULEVARD MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 305-289-6074 ' '"'1''' This legal description was written under my direct supervision and is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, ..,.,' . FlELD DATE: WORK: 4-01-04 5-26-04 FlELD SC BOOK: 04-01 none TOWNSHIP 65 South DRAWN BY: J, Wilder RANGE CHECKED BY: 34 East J, Wilder SECTION DWG, NAME: 15 fkoopump,dwg COUNTY SHEET OF Monroe 2 '~ff,4/oJ' PSM 6042 raised seal of Florida Conch Key ~ Plat Book 2, Page 130 / " ~" / s' -....../...... O~tf) ',....... , Co' ~ , , I]cf)' , , ' , ~ _ _____ . ~ .<1v~ '....... ~- 0. ~~c';; ) I]~~_____ '>< ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ I . Q~ / ---- _I __ p/W ----- /' ---- /' /' I I ----- /' /' LEGEND /' /' " '26 68']] P.O.B. - Point of Beginning P.O,C, - Point of Commencement q/' utility pole &: guy wire R/W Right of way 'b utility pole &: /' /' Please see Sheet 1 for the legal description, This sheet is not valid or complete without Sheet 1, SKETCH OF LECAL OESCR/P170N Monroe County n'ght 01' way conveyance to nor/do Keys Aqueduct AlIthon'ty MONROE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 10600 AVIATION BOULEVARD, MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 305-289-6074 ' . , sJ-414 signature and original raised', icensed Surveyor and Mapper' map, plat. or sketch is for purposes only and is not valid. PILE #1 457 988 BR# 2 (2) 2 6 PG# 1 7 4 1 ~}) ----- ----- /' /' /' /' /' /' , /' /' // j(Ooo ,/ 05p"ol , 'if/fie 20 /' ----- Sto. 151+75 1{)(}' LT. SID, 151+25 1{)(}' L T. /' /' /' /' /' ---- ../ tf1ent /' of po'" /' -edge /' /' ,..veo'" coocn c.. '\ /' /' /lOrtn \.S~ '.J! /' S..- '\ :.---- ./' ~ \) ---=-;;t "." e J -po.,et1'e SU\ /'01 0' /' 1iJge ---- /' ---- /' /' /' /' /' /' --- Certification: Certified for Sketch of Legal Description I hereby certify that this sketch meets the Minimum Technical Standards as set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers in Chapter 61 G 17 -6, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes, This sketch was performed under my direct supervision and is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, 50 0 50 100 ~~~f~ FlELD DATE: WORK: 4-01-04 5-26-04 FlELD SCAlE: BOOK: 04-01 1" = 50' TOWNSHIP 65 DRAWN BY: South J, Wilder RANGE CHECKED BY: 34 East J. Wilder SECTION DWG, NAME: 15 Ikoopump,dwg COUNTY SHE OF 2 Monroe 2 MONROfi: COUNTY OF'FICIAL RECORDS