Resolution 003-1961 RESOLUTION NO. ;.... 1961 WHEREAS, the Honorable George Smathers has served his Nation and state well and able in the Senate of the United States over the years, and WHEREAS, he has become recognized throughout these United States as one of this country's leading statesmen, and l..frIEREAS, he has always been willing to aid the people of Monroe County in matters of vital importance to the advancement of the economic and cultural life of this county, and WHEREAS, the people of Monroe County feel greatly indebted to him for the friendship he has shown to this county while serving in the United States Senate, now, therefore, BE IT RESJLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COl"IT1ISSIONERS OF MON.. ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the day of }'larch 25, 1961, is hereby design..- ated as Senator George Smathers day in the County of Monroe and all Fraternal, Civic, Patriotic and other organizations as well as the citizenry in general are asked to cooperate in making this day a tr~ mendous success. Dated January loth , 1961