Resolution 046-1961
46 -1961
WHEREAS, Fishermen's Hospital, Inc, is now Lessee from the
County of Monroe, State of Florida, a political subdivision of the State of
Florida, of a Lease dated February 4, 1958, said Lease being recorded in
Official Records Book 147, Pages 200-204, of the Public Records of Mon-
roe County, Florida, said Lease bearing a metes and bounds descrip-
tion of a parcel of land to be used by the said Fishermen r s Hospital, Inc.
for a hospital site and for no other uses and purposes whatsoever, and
WHEREAS, the Federal Government has awarded a grant to
Fishermen's Hospital, Inc., under the Hill-Burton Act to construct a
ho spital on the said site, and
WHEREAS, the Federal Government has conditioned said grant upon
acquisition, by said Fishermen's Hospital, Inc" of fee fimple title to said
parcel rather than a Leasehold interest, and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,
Florida deems the land de scribed in the above referred to Lease to be
required for use as a hospital in the Marathon area in Monroe County, and
said land is not needed for County purposes, now, therefore,
OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following described land, situate
in Marathon, Monroe County, Florida, to-wit:
Commencing at the intersection of the East line of Gov't.
Lot 3, Section 10, Township 66 South, Range 32 East,
Tallahassee Meridian, Key Vaca, Monroe County,
Florida, and the centerline of U. S. Highway #1, as exist-
ing June 15, 1957; thence in a Westerly direction along
said centerline 2564.86 feet; thence at a right angle to
said centerline and in a Southerly direction 50,00 feet to
the Southerly R/W line of said U. S. Highway #1, the
POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing in a Southerly
direction and at a right angle to said centerline 390 feet,
more or less, to the M. H. W. L. of Boot Key Harbor;
thence meandering said M. H. W. L. in a Westerly direc-
tion to a point that lies 350.00 feet at a right angle to the
preceding course; thence in a Northerly direction and
parallel to the Easterly boundary line 440 feet, more or
less, to the Southerly R /W line of U. S. Highway #1; thence
at a right angle along said R/W line 350.00 feet to the Point
of Beginning;
be, and the same is hereby declared surplus, and is not needed for County
purposes, and that said land be deeded to Fishermen's Hospital, Inc., a
Florida corporation whose principal place of busine ss is Marathon,
Monroe County, Florida, upon payment of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00)
to Monroe County, Florida.
BE IT FUR THER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Clerk of
said Board be, and they are hereby authorized to execute the necessary
Deed transferring said property to Fishermen's Hospital, Inc., and to
have included in said Deed a reverter clause, in the event said land
cease s to be used as a hospital site.
Da te d
June 13th
, 1961.