Resolution 206-1993 RESOLUTION NO.206. 1993 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING AMENDED BUDGET. WHEREAS. it is necessary to conduct a public hearing as required by seCtiotE 129\.03. ~ Florida Statutes. to amend the Monroe County Tourist Development Coun~~t c- for the fiscal year ending September 30. 1993, now therefore. ,;j:--~ ,_ 1 BE IT RESOLVED BY mE BOARD OF COUNIY COMMISSIONERS OF MO. comfty. FLORIDA. that a Public Hearing to be conducted on May 25. 1993 at 5:05 p.~~ to J::: --<- \0 amend the Tourist Development Councll Budget and to adopt an amended ~ budget as follows: 1 ... V1 ',., rT1 ~ --' ',-, .-:' - .,-^"> " -' -, Revenues 117 00000o 312105 Bed Tax 117 00000o 361000 Interest 117 00000o 361001 Interest - Bchs 117 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 117 00000o 389003 Balance Forward 117 00000o 389004 Balance Forward Total Revenues - Distrtct I FYI993 Current Budget 1.172.869.00 17.700.00 60,000.00 (62,528.00) 160.963.00 2.528.264.00 Appropriations 117 110500 552888 Reserves for Distrtct 117 11050 1 552990 Admin. Reserves Various All Others Unchanged Total Appropriations - District I 41.444.00 21.633.00 2.465.187.00 2.528.264.00 Increase or (Decrease} 32,804.61 0.00 0.00 (1.640.68) ( 160.963.00) 282.944.14 153~145.07 152.210.15 934.92 Q..OO 153.145.07 FYI993 Proposed Budget 1.205.673.61 17.700.00 60,000.00 (64.168.68) 0.00 1.462.204.14 2.681.409.07 193.654.15 22.567.92 2.465.187.00 2.681.409.07 Revenues 118 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 118 00000o 361000 Interest 118 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve 118 00000o 389003 Balance Forward Total Revenues - Distrtct II FYl993 Current Budget 104.847.00 6.450.00 (5.565.00) 115.522.00 221.254.00 Appropriations 118 110500 552888 Reserves for Distrtct 118 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves Various All Others Unchanged Total Appropriations - District II 25.723.00 1.874.00 193.657.00 221.254.00 Page 1 Increase or IDecreasel 6.866.04 0.00 (343.15) (6'389.OB} 133.81 (61.88) 195.69 Q..OO 133.81 FY 1 Proposed Bu~t 111,713.04 6.450.00 (5.908.15) 109.132.92 221.387.81 25.661.12 2.069.69 193.657.00 221.387.81 FY 1 Increase FY 1 Cmrent or Proposed Revenues Budget (Der.rP.a~) Bv.dget 119 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 250,847.00 28,541.85 279,388.85 119 00000o 361000 Interest 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 119 00000o 38900 1 Less 5% Reserve (12,692.00) (1,427.44) (14,119.44) 119 00000o 389003 Balance Forward 8.772.00 28.079.96 36.851.96 Total Revenues - District ill 249,927.00 55,194.36 305,121.36 Appropriations 119 110500 552888 Reserves for District 119 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves Various All Others Unchanged nmm PENNY - DISlRICT IV FYI993 Increase FY 1993 Cmrent or Proposed Revenues Budget (Decrease) Budget 120 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 290,948.00 30,374.64 321.322.64 120 00000o 361000 Interest 23,000.00 0,00 23,000.00 120 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve (15,697.00) (1,519.13) (17,216.13) 120 00000o 389003 Balance Forward 266.189.00 19.260.25 285.449.25 Total Revenues - District IV 564,440.00 48,115.76 612,555.76 Appropriations 120 110500 552888 Reserves for District 42,492.00 38,300.56 80,794.56 120 110501 552990 Admin. Reserves 5,575.00 9,813.20 15,388.20 Various All Others Unchanged 516.373.00 Q.OO 516.373.00 Total Appropriations - District IV 564,440.00 48,115.76 612.555.76 FYI 3 Increase FYI Cmrent or Proposed Revenues Budget (Decrease) Budget 121 00000o 312100 Bed Tax 368,956.00 32,256.66 401,212.66 121 00000o 361000 Interest 27,000.00 0.00 27.000.00 121 00000o 389001 Less 5% Reserve (19,798.00) (1,612.63) (21,410.63) 121 00000o 389003 Balance Forward 384.752.00 12.067.78 396.819.78 Total Revenues - District V 760,910.00 42,711.81 803.621.81 Appropriations 121 110500 552888 Reserves for District 76.844.00 30.507.75 107,351.75 121 11050 1 552990 Admin. Reserves 6,875.00 12.204.06 19.079.06 Various All Others Unchanged 677.191.00 Q.OO 677.191.00 Total Appropriations - District V 760,910.00 42,711.81 803,621.81 Page 2 Total All Revenues 4.324.795.00 299.300.81 4.624.095.81 Total All Appropr1at.1ons 4.324,795.00 299.300.81 4.624.095.81 BE IT FURnlER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD t the Clerk of said Board. upon the receipt of the above, is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items. as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOP'IED by the Board of County CommisSioners of Monroe County. Florida. at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 25 t h day of May . A.D. 1993. M11yor London yes Mayor Pro Tem Cheal ye s Commissioner Freeman yes Commissioner Harvey yes Commissioner Reich ye s BOARD OF COUNIY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNIY. FLORIDA BY r I ChaIrmaI1 Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOU:IAGE. Clerk ~C.~~ Clerk Date~ ey's OfIlce Page 3 --~.~-'~'.'-'~ ! ,.