Resolution 058-1961RESOLUTION NO. 58 -1961 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. OF MONR.OE, COUNTY, FLORIDA., FIXING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE. COUNTY C.OMMIS$IONERS' DISTRICTS IN MONROE, COUNTY, FLOR.IDA WHEREAS, it is. considered necessary and expedient to change the present boundaries. of.the County Commissioners' Districts in Mon- roe County, Florida, and. to establish new County Commissioners.' Districts in Monroe County, Florida, now, therefore., BE IT RESOLVED. BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE .COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the County Commissioners' Dis- tricts of Monroe County, Fio.rida, shall b.e and they are hereby estab- lished, as follows: 1. COUNTY .COMMISSIONERS' DISTRICT NO. 1 shall comprise. all of the territory on the Island of Key West, Florida, within the, follow- ing boundaries,: Commencing at the intersection, of, the center line of Reynolds, Street and the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean, and running thence in a Northwesterly direction along the center line of Reynolds. Street to where it intersects the center line of United Street; thence at right an- gles in an Easterly direction along the center line of United Street to where it intersects the center line of Packer Street; thence at right an- gles. in a Northwesterly direction along the center- line of Packer Street to where it intersects. the center line of Catherine Street; thence at right angles, in. an Easterly direction along the center line of Catherine Street to where it intersects the center line of Florida Street; thence, at right angles, in a Southwester-ly direction along the center line of Florida. Street to where it intersects the center line of United Street; thence at right an- gles in a Westerly direction along the center line of United Street to where. it intersects the center line of Tropical Street; thence at right angles in a Southwesterly direction along the center line of Tropical Street to where it inters.ects the center line of Flagler Avenue; thence at right angles_ in an Easterly direction along the centerline of. Flagler Avenue projected to the waters of Cow Key Channel. Z. COUNTY CO,MMISSIONERS.' DISTRICT NO. 2 shall comprise all of the territory on the. Island. of Key West, Florida., within the follow, - ing boundaries: Commencing at the intersection. of the center line of South and Whitehead. Streets and, running thence in an Easterly direc- tion along the, center line of South Street to where it intersects the cen- ter line of Simonton Street; thence at right angles in a Northwesterly direction .along the center line of Simonton Street to- where it intersects. the center line of Fleming Street; thence at right angles in an F�asterly direction along the center line of Fleming Street to where. it intersects the center line of William Street; thence at rigtit angles, in a Northwes_- terly direction along the center Line of. Wiiiiam Street projected to the waters of the harbor. 3. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS,' DISTRICT NO. 3.shall co.mpris.e all of the territory on the. Island. of Key West, Florida, within the follow- ing boundaries: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of William Street and_ the waters of the harbor and running thence in a. ;Southeasterly direction along the center line- of William Street to where it intersects the center line of Fleming Street, thence ,at right angles in a. Westerly direction along the center line of Fleming Street to where it intersects the center line of ,Simonton Street; thence at right angles in a Southeasterly direction along the center line of Simonton Street to where it intersects. the center line of South Street; thence at right angles. in a Westerly direction along the center line of South Street to where it inter- sects the center line of Whitehead Street; thence at right angles in a Southerly direction along the center line of Whitehead Street to the s.hore- line of the Atlantic Ocean; thence meandering the shoreline in an Easterly direction to. the intersection_ of .said' shoreline and Reynolds_ Street; thence along the center line of Reynolds Street in a Northwesterly direction to where it intersects, the. center line of United Street; thence at right an- gles. in an Easterly direction along, the center line of United .Street to where it intersects the center line of Packer Street; thence at right angles in a Northwesterly direction along the center line of Packer _Street to where it intersects, the center line of Catherine Street; thence at right angles, in an Easterly direction along the center line of Catherine Street to where. it intersects the center line of George Street; thence at right angles in. a Northwesterly direction along the. center line of George Street to where it intersects the center line of Roo-s.evelt Boulevard; thence at right angles in an Easterly direction along the center line of Roosevelt Boulevard to where it. intersects the center line. of 13th Street; thence. at right angles in a Northwesterly direction along the center line of 13th Street projected to the waters, of. the Gulf. 4. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' DISTRICT NO. 4 shall comprise all of, the territory on the Island of Key We.st, Florida, within the follow- ing boundaries: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Flaglex Avenue and Ro.os.evelt Boulevard and running thence in. a Wes- terly direction along the center line, of Flagler Avenue to where it- inter- sects the center line of Tropical Street; thence at right angles. in a North- westerly direction along the center line of Tropical..Street to where it intersects the center. line of. United Street; thence at right angles, in an Easterly direction along the center line of United Street to where it in- ters:ect.s the center line of Florida. Street; thence at right angles in a North- westerly direction along the. center line of Florida Street to. where it in- tersects the center line of Catherine Street; thence at right angles in an. Easterly direction along the center line of Catherine Street to where it intersects the center line of George Street; thence .at right angles, in .a Northwesterly direction along the center line of George Street to. where it intersects, the center line. of R-oos.evelt Boulevard; thence at right an- gles. in an Easterly direction- along the center line of Roosevelt Boulevard to where it intersects the center line of 13th Street; thence at right angles. in a Northwesterly direction along the- center line- of 13th Street projected, to the waters, of the Gulf; AND. all -of the Florida Keys lying Northeast from the: Island of Key West, Florida., up to and including No Name Key and Big Pine Key. r R- 5. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' DISTRICT NO. 5. shall comprise all that territory in Monroe. County, Florida, within.the following boun- daries: Beginning with Spanish Harb.o.r Keys and including all the Keys in Monro.e County, Florida, North and. East from Spanish Harbor .Keys. up to Key Largo and all that area in Monroe. County, Florida, situate upon the mainland of. the. State of. ,Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. BY ,SAID BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, that this. Resolution be entered in the Minutes of the Board. of County Commissioners, and a, certified copy thereof be pub- lished once each week for four (4) cons.ecutive weeks. in The Key West Citizen, a newspaper published. in Monroe County, Florida. Dated lst 1961. STATE OF FLORIDA, ss. COUNTY OF MONROE, I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board duly held on the 1st day of August, A. D. 1961. WITNESS my hand and official seal on this day of August, A. D. 1961. Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (Seal)