Resolution 013-1962 RESOLUTION NO. 13 -1962 WHEREAS, the surveyor who prepared the plat known as CULF- REST PARK, recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 119 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, as shown on the attached Affidavit, admits that there was an error in transcribing a North and South line on said plat, and has requested that the custodian of the records be authorized by Resolution to correct said typographical error, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to make the neces sary corrections to the typo- graphical errors as set forth in the attached Affidavit on the original plat known as GULFREST PARK, recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 119 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, indicating thereon his authority to make said corrections, and to record said Affidavit in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. Dat e d March 6th , 1962. AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) 88: ) COUNTY OF MONROE PEaSONALLY APPEARED before me, the underaiped authority duly authorized to aAft1I;ftiater oaths and take acknowledgments, C. G. BAILEY. who, after beiq first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: "My D&IIle is C. G. Bailey, I am relistered land .urveyor number 6l0, of tbe State of Florida; I have prepared a Plat known as GULJ"UST PAAK, which was approved by the Resolution of the Board of Couaty Commissioner s of Monroe County, norida on the lOth day of April, 1959; said Plat wa. recorded in Plat Book 4, page 119 of the Public Record. of Monroe County, Florida; after reviewilll .aiel Plat I fiDd there was an error in tran.cribiDI a North and South lille on said plat; the plat reflect. the Easterly liae of Barcelona Drive as bet III 1,645.93 feet aM the proper meal\lremen.t 11 1,145.93 feet; the We.t liDe of Barc.eloD& Drive as reflected Oft said plat is shown as I, '21.41 feet &Dll sbaWd properly be I, 1ll. 42 feet; the center line of BarceloGa Drive 1. reflected as 1,611. 4Z which should be 1,721. 42 feet; it i. respectfully r.4(Uested that the custodian of the record. be autho~ ~ re80latioD to correct these typographical error. as ..t forth llIlnela oa die eli,f1. LI Plat U recorcle4 ia Plat Book., pale 119 of tIM PabI1c Record. of Woaroe County, norida." FUaTHEa AFFIAHT SAIni NOT. c:~ C. . . llfa to &ad s..cribed before 11M A. D. 1961. '-'......,.,...r.I1. . -";,;,,,", l: .",...!fII...... .lit, - 0&0110. & 1..""'J<: . 'U.ItATMOM "L."""~l.\ ~. .. , ._-