Resolution 019-1962 RESOLUTION NO. 19 -1962 WHEREAS, at the regular session of the Legislature of the State of Florida for the year 1961, several special laws were passed concerning Monroe County, Florida, which contained provisions requiring a referen- dum election to be held at the next regular primary election to be held in Monroe County, Florida, to determine if said laws shall become effective, and WHEREAS, said next regular primary election is being held in Monroe County, Florida on the 8th day of May, A. D. 1962, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida to call and conduct said referendum election, and to give notice of said election as required by the Laws of Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY 1 FLORIDA, that a referendum election be held in Monroe County, Florida on May 8, 1962, at the same time and at the same polling places as the first Primary Election is being held, to determine whether or not the following special laws passed at the 1961 session of the Legislature of the State of Florida shall become effective, to-wit: 1. Chapter 61-621, entitled: "An act relating to Monroe County; providing for the Board of Public Instruction of Monroe County to set the annual salary of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of Monroe County; providing a basis for computing the annual salary; providing a minimum and a maximum salary; providing a referendum. " 2. Chapter 61-2501, entitled: "An act amending Section 1 of Chapter 31015, Laws of Florida, Acts of the Legislature, year 1955, entitled IAn act amending Section 6 of Chapter 27746, Laws of Florida, Acts of the Legislature, year 1951, entitled "An act authorizing, empowering and directing the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to manage, operate, maintain and control the public hospital owned by said County, situate on Stock Island, Florida; prescribing said boardls jurisdiction, powers, functions, authority, duties, rights and privileges; authorizing said board to adopt by-laws, rules and regula- tions for the government of said hospital and amend same from time to time; authorizing the appointment of a super- intendent for said hospital; providing for the levy of an annual ad valorem tax not to exceed two mills on the dol- lar for the maintenance and operation of said public hos- pital; authorizing and empowering said board to fix and e s- tablish from time to time and collect reasonable compen- sation for services rendered by said hospital; authorizing the establishment of a training school for nurses; authorizing the acceptance of donations of property for the benefit of said public hospital; declaring the establishment and use of said hospital to be public purposes; authorizing said board to allocate to the ho spital funds and publicVmoneys not otherwise appropriated; abolishing the board of trustees heretofore appointed for said hospital; repealing Chapter 26040, Laws of Florida, Acts of the Legislature year 1949, repealing all laws and parts of laws, whether general or special, in conflict with this act to the extent of such con- flict; and providing when His act shall take effect, " by providing for the levy of an annual ad valorem tax not to ex- ceed 2 -1/4 mills on the dollar for the maintenance and op- eration of said public hospital and by authorizing the board of county commissioners to set aside a portion of taxes levied for the construction of additional facilities, I by providing for the levy of an annual ad valorem tax not to exceed 3-1/2 mills on the dollar for the maintenance and operation of said public hospital and by authorizing the board of county commissioners to set aside a portion of taxes levied for the construction of additional facilities; repealing all laws or parts of laws, whether general, special or local, in conflict with this act to the extent of such conflict; providing for a referendum; and providing when this act shall take effect. II 3. Chapter 61-2504, entitled: "An act relating to Monroe County, prescribing qualifi- cations and standards for the employment of deputy sheriffs and employees of the Sheriff of Monroe County; providing for a referendum; and providing an effective date. " 4. Chapter 61-2506, entitled: lIAn act providing civil service for employees of the of- fice of the Sheriff of Monroe County and creating a civil service board to administer this act; providing for a referendum; providing an effective date. " 5. Chapter 61-2508, entitled: "An act relating to Monroe County; amending Section 11 of Chapter 26042, Laws of Florida, 1949, as amended by Chapter 57-1591, Laws of Florida; providing for the compensation of commissioners of anti-mosquito district in Monroe County; providing for a referendum. "; and that the same election officials conducting said first Primary Election are hereby authorized to conduct said referendum election. BE IT FUR THER RESOL YED BY SAID BOARD that notice of holding said referendum election be published as required by the Laws of Florida. Dated c~4e # lilt, , , 1962.