Resolution 020-1962 RESOLUTION NO. 20 -1962 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7-FOOT DEEP BY 90-FOOT WII>E CANAL THROUGHOUT THE. FLORIDA KEYS TO MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Congress at its 79th Session did authorize the de- velopment of a 7 -foot deep and 90-foot wide canal from Miami, Florida, to Key West, Florida, but appropriations for the project have never been made, and WHEREAS, the total estimated cost to the Federal Government for said project is $2,860,000.00, and the 87th Congress, in its Public Works Appropriation Bill 1962, Calendar No. 1078, included $40,000.00 for an economic restudy of the uncompleted Intracoastal Waterway Project, Miami to Key West, and WHEREAS, it is of the utmost economic importance that such a canal be constructed to insure the safe passage of Federal, State, private and com- merCial waterborne traffic through the Florida Keys in Monroe County, and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys are economically dependent for food and water, which comes over bridges, and other necessities of life, upon the Bridges of U. S. Highway No.1, and WHEREAS, these bridges are threatened and hazarded by each pass- ing tropical storm and hurricane, and were heavily damaged by Hurricane Donna in September, 1960, and WHEREAS, the lack of a protected waterway throughout the Florida Keys has caused private industry to bear a more substantial cost for the hauling of heavy construction material and equipment than that provided by waterborne traffic, and WHEREAS, the increase of population on the Florida Keys is readily apparent, and WHEREAS, the most economical way to move petroleum products is by barge, and WHEREAS, in the event of war this waterway would be a vital link to supply the Key West Naval Base via a protected waterway route, and WHEREAS, we are already two wars late in the completion of this waterway, and WHEREAS, Latin America is being infiltrated by Communists, and Cuba has been taken over by them, and WHEREAS, such infiltration poses a threat of internal chaos in such countries of an unpredictable potential and extent, and WHEREAS, local interests headed by the Monroe County Inland Water- way Commission are initiating an economic survey to substantiate the need of this waterway, and WHEREAS, while multi-millions are being spent for national defense and foreign aid, a vital part of that defense network, the harbors and in- land waterways, are being practically eliminated in the name of economy, and WHEREAS, local interests are at present undertaking the construction of marine terminals, hotels, motels, restaurants and additional boats are under construction-all indications of the need of this waterway, and WHEREAS, the expanding economy is to the betterment of the Federal income by the increase of per capita income and gasoline tax, etc., and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has constructed roads along the Florida Keys abutting on the pro- posed Intracoastal Waterway, and in the future will continue to construct roads and boat ramps, and has set aside funds for the promotion of said water- way, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That this Board endorses the construction of this waterway, and prays the Congress of the United States to authorize the appropriation suf- ficient for its construction. 2. That said Board hereby agrees to furnish, free of cost to the United States, all needed lands, easements, rights-of-way and spoil dis- posal areas for new work and maintenance when and as required, and to hold and save the United States free from damages which may result from provision of the proposed inland waterway. 3. That the actions of the Monroe County Inland Waterway Com- mission be endorsed, its final report accepted, and that all citizens be requested to act with it in the completion of said project to substantiate the need of this waterway. 4. That the Clerk of this Board be, and he is hereby authorized to forward certified copies of this Resolution to Honorable Spessard L. Holland and Honorable George A. Smathers, Senators from the State of Florida, and to Honorable Dante B. Fascell, Congressman from this District. Dated April 3rd, 1962.