Resolution 042-1962RESOLUTION N0. 42-1962 RESOLUTION REQUESTING RE -OPENING OF VETERANS ADMINISTRATION OFFICE AT KEY HEST, FLORIDA WHEREAS, There are approximately 55000 veterans, widows, and children of deceased veterans residing in the County of Monroe and State of Florida, the majority .residing in the City of Key West, Florida; and WHEREAS, A great number of said veterans, widows and children had been receiving daily services from the Veterans Administration Office, which was situated at the Federal Post Office Building, Key West, Florida; and WHEREAS, The Veterans Administration has closed the Key West Veterans Office as of December 29, 1961; and WREP�AS, The reports of the activities *of the Key West Office indicate the average monthly interviews conducted were 672, or an average of approxi- mately 5 per working day, and WHEREAS, Among the many duties of the Key West Office which the Veterans Administration Representative was called upon quite frequently was to seek admission of veterans, widows, and children in the U.S. Naval Hospital in Key West, Florida, a check of records revealing a total of 113 patients occupying hospital beds for a total of 2,133 bed -days during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961; and WHEREAS, A great number of the said hospital cases are of a great emergency nature wlherein the life -of a veteran may be imperiled unless immediate action is taken, and, the next step being to contact the nearest Veterans Administration Office, which is in Miami, Florida, and approximately 167 miles from X ::7 Wes-:,, and, to process the necessary papers which, due to the grea:J distance of theemergency and Miami Officecauses a delay on one day or more; and WHEREAS., The papers f^r admission in the hospital may arrive at a time too late to be of earthly bonefit to the veteran, widow, or child; and NHER.FAS, The Veterans Administration has now terminated the local Veterans office which been staffed once a month; and WHEREAS, :in the event of an emergency the only recourse open is to contact the nearest Veterans Administration Office in Miami, Florida, which is approxi- mately 167 miles from Key West, Florida; and WHEREAS, The needs for our area would be to take care of approximately 175 interviews weekly; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT tTHE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY , requests the re opening of the Veterans Administration Office on full time basis in Key liest, Flc ida, inasmuch as we feel an absolute need of Veterans Administration assistance exists, and request that immediate action be taken by.those in authority in order that the Veterans Administration Office may again serve those who served first. ATTEST: BY: ADOPTED: