Resolution 045-1962
, 1. I, .I
RES 0 L UTI 0 N .",No. 4,-1962
WHEREAS the Federal Government collects over 4.3 billion
dollars annually in gasoline and other automotive taxes for Federal-
aid highway improvements; and
WHEREAS, only sixty per cent (60%) of these funds are placed
in the Highway Trust Fund for Federal-aid highway improvements, and the
other forty per cent (40%), which amounts to over 1.7 billion dollars
annually, is diverted to the General Fund and used for other than road
purposes; and
WHEREAS, this diversion of motor funds is depriving the
motorists of almost 60,000 miles of road improvements annually; and
WHEREAS, the House Committee of Ways and Means of Congress
has before it for consideration H. R. No. 8612, entitled "A National
Home Rule Road Program," which provides for amendments to the Federal
Aid Acts and Gasoline and Motor Vehicle Tax Acts, to require that all
Federal gasoline and automotive taxes be placed in the Highway Trust
Fund to be used exclusively for highway purposes; and
WHEREAS, said program will provide that sixty per cent (60%)
of the Trust Fund, the same amount that now is used, shall be allocated
for improvements on the Federal-aid Highway System; and the forty per
cent (40%) that now is diverted shall be allocated to the states for
the improvement of state and local roads; one-half of the funds to be
used for state roads, the other half to be allocated by the states for
the improvement of the local roads and streets in the Counties and
cities; and
WHEREAS, enactment of the National Home Rule Road Bill, H. R.
No. 8612, will end the federal diversion of motor revenues, help re-
store national prosperity, provide employment for hundreds of thousands
of men in the greatest state and local road improvement program in our
nation's history, promote the civic welfare of every community and
state in the nation, and help to reduce our state and local road tax
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we endorse the National Home
Rule Road Bill, H. R. No. 8612, and inform our United States Senators
and our Representatives in Congress of our action, and request their
aid and influence in getting the bill reported from the House Committee
of Ways and Means for prompt action by Congress; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be
forwarded to United States Senators Spessard L. Holland and George A.
Smathers, Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C., and to Congress-
man Dante Fasce11 , House Office Building, Washington,
D. C., and to our local newspapers, radio and television stations, to
our Motor Clubs, Chambers of Commerce and other civic groups for their
information and cooperation.
Passed at a regular meeting of the Board County COTll.'T1issioners
of the County of Monroe in the State of Florida on the
24th day of July , 1962.