Resolution 053-1962 RESOLUTION NO. 53 -1962 WHEREAS, Rimersburg Coal Company, a Florida corporation, de- sires to convey certain lands to the County of Monroe, a political subdivi- sion of the State of Florida, for road purposes, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to accept said conveyance, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following described land in Monroe County, Florida, described as: A strip of land to be used for road purposes, on Cudjoe Key, County of Monroe, State of Florida, more particularly de- scribed as follows: From the intersection of the centerline of U. S. Highway #1 and the West line of the E. 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Section 28, Twp. 66 S., Rge. 28 E., go South along the West line of said E. 1/2 of the SE. 1/4 for a distance of 100.201 to the Southerly r /w line of U. S. Highway #1 and the point of beginning of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence continue South along said West line of the E. 1/2 of the SE 1/4 for a distance of 567.031 to the South line of said E. 1/2 of the SE 1/4; thence East along said South line for a distance of 25' to a point; thence North and parallel to the West line of the E. 1/2 of the SE 1/4 for a distance of 567 t, more or less, to the Southerly r/w line of U. S. Highway #1; thence Westerly along said r/w line for a distance of 25.051, back to the point of beginning. This strip of land to be otherwise known as the West 25.1 of that portion of the E. 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of 28-66-28 which lies southerly of U. S. Highway #1; being deeded by Rimersburg Coal Company, a Florida corporation, to Monroe County, Florida, for road purposes, be, and the same is hereby accepted and approved, and the Chairman and the Clerk of said Board be, and they are here- by authorized to execute the necessary acceptance on said deed of conveyance, and cause same to be recorded in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. Dated August 14th , 1962. ~ ''ii Form — Florida WARRANTY DEED. " (From Corporation.) °FPCL 258 RECORD Aria3r 4.- A AV 4 ,e- 4: -v '"' t .,, PAGE ' ii gi TUTBLANX REGISTERED U. PAT OFFICE , Tuttle Law Print,Publishers,Rutlanakt P. f:,_ p° '"•,., - ,1 t ,,, -}0/;' ei 1 $ tk tar .0 1 T: '1, 1 i , 01 l'.11.. 4, .' ij It '5' Aot, i t :4 . iN #, 1 t t: 1Z 4 ,I• 1- - ..,...023 . ,, „ .,,,. ,,,„ ,-,. A ' 4 ' ' - '4• 4 01 ''''N$40 ,.0, ' 4 .-40: 4, ,','' ' ' .`, - 44" , ' . # .. 431 Made this /...1/-." ' day of August , - , .4. .p, 19 62 , 4 ,Letween Rimersburg Coal Company, a corporatioii-existing under ,the laws of the ,State of Florida 1 • having its principal place of business in the county of Monroe and State of Florida party of the first part, and County of:Monroe, • j State of Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, wxfictigiDezoziaazipnie -34Inziiiittraftwft party, of the second part, - -- - WitneSSeth., That the said party of the first part,for and in consideration of the sum of----Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerations--- to it in; hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bar- gained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and CONS7722-unto the said party of the second part, and its successor's xipivwxan,d assigns forever, all that certain parcel of land lying and being in the County of Monroe and State of Florida, more particularly described as follows: A strip of land to be used for road purposes, on Cudjoe Key, County of Monroe, State of Florida, more particularly described as follows: From the intersection of the centerline of U. S. Highway #1 and the West line, of the E. 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Section 28, Twp. 66 S. , Rge. 28 E. , go South along the West line of said E. 1/2 of the SE 1/4 for a distance of 100. 20' to the Southerly r/w line of U. S. Highway #1 and the point of beginning of the parcel of land here- inafter described; thence continue South along said. West line of the E. 1/2' of the SE 1/4 for a distance of 567. 03' to the South line of said E. 1/2:bf the SE 1/4; thence East along said South line for a distance of 25' to a point;,,thence North and parallel to the West line of the E. 1/2 of the SE 1/4 for a distanee of 567', more or less, to the Southerly r/w line of U. S. Highway #1; thence Westerly along said r/w - - line for a distance-of 25. 05', back to-the-point of beginning.- - - This strip of land to be otherwise known as the West 25' of that portion of the E. 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of 28.-66-28 which lies southerly of U.S. Highway#1 . The above described land is being deeded for road purposes only, and in the event said land ceases to be used for road purposes, it shall re-vert to.the grantors here- in. ;;; •• ,' ' ; 2 I 1 . • r,Zogetther with all the tenements, hereditamentsi and.appurtenances, with -:_.-- everyprwilege, right, title, interest and estate, reversion, remainder and easement thereto belon,gin,g or in anywise appertaining: TO Have arin_- to Hold the same in fee dimple forever. and the said party of the first part cloth, covenant with the said part y of the second part that it is lawfully seized of the said premises; that they are free of all incumbrances, and that it has good right and lawful authority to sell the same; andthe said_party_of the Ant part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the la-WfUlelciims.of all-persons whomsoever. , :4 , ;::::::- •,, In Witipteso Whereof, the said party of the firstrpart has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its/President, and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its (Corporate. -.:,:, '',; Assistant Secretary, the day and year above zvriteen. f . - ::,;'1] .i:' .',.•;i:$015 CM :-' . ii ,." RIMERSBURG COAL COMF'ANY ,-,;.A,..:„;,,---.:`,•:i; 4,1,,,..*1.,:, . „-- ..;;.- :0:: :".".!'j`N, Assistant Secret y. • Bye ,,,,se,/l ,e ,--;-,t-',` ''"°: -•,i,!-.-'i.t ,- , 1 '':'`, 1'-•jr?,4:::::,-'-'-'. ' , _ Vic 1Presiden4:_ Signep'elled and Itelivered in Our Fresenee: , f:: ., - ,- ,' - ,. .- re a7 - FILED FOR RECORD t 196Z AUG 1 6 PH 2: 4,1 EARL H. ADAMS. CO,. CT.CT. , - ,......., OFFPGIOr State of lilor�. �,9 R till PAGE ` ss.. County of MONROE, I HERD:IY. CERTIFY, That on this /°� 'f day of August, J. D. 1962 , before me personally appeared N. E. Bourgeois and Paul E. Sawyer , Vice- , President and Assistant Secretary, respectively of Rimersburg Coal Company , a corporation under the iazas .of-the 'State of Florida to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregtoin4 conveyance to - County of Monroe, State of Florida, and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers,-for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and the said instrument is the-act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at Key West, - -• - ----- = in the County of -- _ Monroe - --_.-- - - -and-State�-of`Florida;=-the day`and year last aforesaid. (ZI9a, 4e--7r.-r__) ) f'/----). ‘::::-*!..Nikrriissiorb Expires __ Xotarij P lic; State' of Florida at Large. . No y puw,c,.State of Florida at Large .(,S cal`)7"li th,Y'Ctinytfr ►fin Expires Aug. 2, 1966 _, h. .00,90;ty trterloan Surety Co.of N.V. •., �, ` , ECfr d ED GN OFFIdt1 NROE.CLtih ry, 1.;' • ' =L1iFIL . . , 1?A� s • 3' ;ARK, OF eiRp iT • . c4 c. n._0 0 N•n. O 5 t, 0 t n. N O r_ C tit, C9� �' f1 �' I g* i f..4n Ell'?o N ' w'' • H H" S Cl!._,,.., � � O ; 0 ° � ® .,�on �, ®CI, � o ° n e° 1 hi o .. :4, gi � �, ter. wR, � � � to _ „ ,,, Zo O "'��' Og 4 . ._J Oc t4' I' + O }Cn a D a; `n�. �Q � � �,p O b 0 ` - cc 11 Y � O 1 y l oz rQ.,,... y co Q co Q q cw. I •0 . nn'n, nUo, co � � rn' w � epiao13,'"�qurioJ aoauoyAt jo saauoisstuzcuo0 iiiunoJ To pxeog am jo Naaio orDtjJo, xa _pu•e• `•epi.zol3 °l.vunop"aoauoyI Io :ano0 Itnoat0:ati °To 1a-al.J }�'�''� :; y,Y __ -•• dam? ;' •paeog atj pi u•euz.t-veu�J h , , ,. 1 ,(lees).. vaIli0 3 `AZNIlO�J aO2INOInI _ `e,, r. 30 suaNOIssIlAIWOJ AJNf100 30 CDIVOS - 'I, , j rj •epiaot3 :`Aluno'D•boa -tow jo saauoisspnuxo0 kuno0 yo pieog at; Io uoi;nlosou Aq- `�9(;-j: ';Q i :•v- ."`gsn nV jo �•ep w/ sits . panoadd•e pu•e pa;daoo•e Agaaati s•enn aou•eAanuoo 2uto$aaol et/