Resolution 056-1962
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,
Florida, sitting as a board of equalization, reduced some assessments on
the 1962-63 Tax Rolls, and
WHEREAS, said Board desires to change some items in the various
budgets for the year 1962-63, now, therefore,
OF MONROE COUNTY, as follows:
That the amount of the assessed valuation in the General
Revenue Income Fund budget be changed from $75,008,443.00
to $74,905,773.00.
That the item under income for taxes be decreased from
$540,060.79 to $539,321. 56.
That the item for the Monroe County publicity be decreased
from $75,008.44 to $74,905.77.
That the Public Library fees be increased from $100.00 to
That the total estimated receipts be changed from $808,273.73
to $808,281. 83.
That the 5% discount be changed from $40,413.69 to $40,414.09.
That the 95% of estimated receipts be changed from $767, 860.04
to $767, 867. 74.
That the total estimated receipts and balances be changed from
$917, 860. 04 to $917, 867. 74.
That the following items be changed in expenditures of the
General Revenue Fund:
Maintena.nce of other county buildings reduced from $14, 120.00
to $9, 120.00.
That the election and registration be changed from $13, 000.00 to
That the Civil Defense be changed from $14,500.00 to $16,300.00.
That the Zoning Department be changed from $87,500.00 to
That the Inland Waterways Survey be changed from $2, pOO. 00 to
$1, 000.00.
That the Capital Outlay, Parks and Beaches be changed from
$10,310.00 to $5,310.00.
That the transfer to Fine and Forfeiture (Sheriff1s Budget) be
changed from $105,363.15 to $121,363.15.
That Publicity, Special Act of the Legislature, be changed from
$71,258.02 to $71, 160.48.
That the total appropriations be changed from $812,860.04 to
That the reserve for contingency be changed from $15,000.00 to
That the total budget be changed from $917,860.04 to $917,867.74.
That the amount of the assessed valuation in the Fine and For-
feiture Fund budget income be changed from $75,088,443.00 to
That the item under income for taxes be decreased from
$195,021. 95 to $194,755.00.
That the total estimated receipts be changed from $264,601.95
to $264, 335.00.
That the item less 5% be changed from $13,230.10 to $13,216.75.
That the 95% of estimated receipts be changed from $251,371. 85
to $251, 118.25.
That Transfer from Other Funds (Road and Bridge, General Re-
venue) be changed from $135,363.15 to $151,363.15.
That the total estimated receipts and balances be changed from
$476,735.00 to $492,481. 40.
That the following items be changed in Expenditures of the Fine
and Forfeiture Fund:
Salaries, Sheriff, Deputies and A.ssistants from $167,555.00 to
Expenses other than salaries, Sheriff's Budget, from $106,000.00
to $110,000.00.
Equipment, Sherifffs Budget, from $19,090.00 to $21,090.00.
That the total appropriations be changed from $386, 735. 00 to
That the reserve for contingency be changed from $10, 000.00 to
That the total budget be changed from $476,735.00 to $492,481.40.
That the amount of the assessed valuation of the Building Cer-
tificate Income Budget be changed from $75,008,443.00 to
That the item Income from Taxes be changed from $30,003.38 to
$29, 962.31.
That the total estimated receipts be changed from $30,018.38
to $29,977.31.
That the less 50;. be changed from $1,500.92 to $1,498.87.
That the 95% of estimated receipts be changed from $28,517.46
to $28,478.44.
That the total estimated receipts and balances be changed from
$39.417.46 to $39,378.44.
That the following items be changed in the Building Certificate
Expenditure Budget:
Reserve for contingency from $3,217.20 to $3, 178.18.
That the total budget be changed from $39,417,46 to $39.378.44.
That the amount of the assessed valuation in the Bathing Beach
Bonds Income Budget be changed from $75.008,443.00 to
That the item under income from taxes be changed from
$15, 001. 69 to $14, 981. 15.
That the total estimated receipts be changed from $15,011,69
to $14,991. 15.
That the less 5% be changed from $750.58 to $749.56.
That the 95% of estimated receipts be changed from $14.261. 11
to $14,241. 59.
That the total estimated receipts and balances be changed from
$25,661. 11 to $25,641. 59.
That the following items be changed in the Bathing Beach Bonds
and Interest Expenditures:
Reserve for cash balance to be carried forward to be changed
from $8.724.86 to $8, 705. 34.
That the total budget be changed from $25,661. 11 to $25,641. 59.
That the amount of the assessed valuation in the Monroe County
1962 Jail-Sub-Station, Marathon, Monroe County, Florida,
Building Fund, Income Budget, be changed from $75.008,443.00
to $74,905,773.00.
That the income from taxes be decreased from $15,001.69 to
$14,981. 15.
That the total estimated receipts be changed from $15,011.69
to $14,991. 15.
That the less 5% be changed from $750.58 to $749,56.
That the total estimated receipts and balances be changed from
$14,261. 11 to $14,241. 59.
That the following items be changed in the Expenditures of the
Monroe County 1962 Jail-Sub-Station, Marathon, Monroe
County, Florida, Building Fund:
Reserve for contingency from $3,936.11 to $3,916.59.
That the total budget be changed from $14,261. 11 to $14,241. 59.
September 7th
, 1962.