Resolution 060-1962RESOLUTION NO. 60 -1962 WHEREAS, the Overseas Medical Center, Inc. desires. to place .signs indicating the location of the hospital operated by said. Overseas. Medical Center, Inc. on Plantation Key, Florida, .said. signs. to be. placed on the right-of-way of U. 5,. Highway #1 adjacent to the road leading to said. hospital, in order that same may b.e seen by the traveling public, and, in order that the public may easily locate said hospital property from said U. $. Highway #1 in ca.s.e of an emergency, now, therefore., BE IT RESOLVED BY THE, BOARD_ OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE .COUNTY, FLORIDA., that said Board_ hereby recommends. to the State Road_ Department of. Florida that the ne.ces,sary permission be granted, to said Overseas Medical Center, Inc. , to place such signs_ on the right-of-way of. U. S.. Highway .#1 adjacent to said hospital operated by the .O.vers.eas. Medical .Center, Inc. on Plantation Key, Monroe. County, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. BY SAID. BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to forward, certified copies. of. this. Resolution to the .State Road. Department with a request for appropriate action.. Dated September 11th, 1962_.