Resolution 080-1962
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WHEREAS, Chester F. Tingler and Lillian P. Tingler, his wife,
have previously deeded certain lands on Boot Key, Monroe County, Florida
to the County of Monroe, State of Florida, for public purposes, which said
deed contained a reversionary clause whereby said lands would revert to
the grantors upon failure of the grantee to use said lands for the purposes
for which same was deeded, and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,
Florida has never used said lands for the purposes for which same were
deeded, and
WHEREAS, the said Chester F. Tingler and Lillian P. Tingler, his
wife, desire to deed other lands to said County of Monroe, State of Florida,
in exchange for said lands previously deeded, and not used for the purposes
for which same were deeded, and
WHEREAS, said lands previously deeded to the County are not needed
for County purposes, and the County desires to acquire the lands to be ex-
c hanged for same for County purposes, now, therefore,
OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following described lands, pre-
viously deeded to the County of Monroe, State of Florida by Chester F. Ting-
ler and Lillian P. Tingler, his wife, to-wit:
Beginning at a point that is on the intersection of the
Easterly Right-of-Way Line of Florida Highway 931 as
surveyed, constructed and existing July 15, 1952, and a
Line that is 800t South of and parallel to the E- W 1/4
line of Sec. 15, T. 66 S., R. 32 E., Tallahassee Meri-
dian, Monroe County, Florida; thence East to the M. H. W.
line of the Straits of Florida; thence meandering the
M. H. W. line in a Southerly direction 400t, more or less,
to the intersection of the M. H. W. line and a line that is
Parallel to and 1200' South of the E-W 1/4 line of said
Sec. 15; thence West to the Easterly Right-of-Way Line of
said Florida Highway 931; thence along said Right-of-Way
Line in a Northerly direction 400., more or less, to the
point of beginning;
be, and the same are hereby declared surplus, and deemed to be not needed
for County purposes, and that such property should, for the best interest
of said County, be exchanged for the following described lands, to-wit:
A tract of land in a part of Government Lot 1, Section
14, T. 66 S., R. 32 E., and a part of Government Lot 1,
Section 15, T. 66 S., R. 32 E., on Boot Key, Monroe
County, Florida and being more particularly described
by metes and bounds as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Section 14, bear
South along the line dividing Sections 14 and 15 for a dis-
tance of 1117.94 feet to the Point of Beginning of the tract
of land hereinafter described; from said Point of Beginning
bear West for a distance of 263.68 feet to a point, said point
being on the easterly right-of-way line of State Road No.
S931 and also being on a curve, said curve having a central
angle of 13 degrees and 42 minutes and a radius of 1860.08
feet; thence along said curve in a southerly direction and de-
fleeting to the left for a distance of 209.21 feet to a point;
thence bear East for a distance of 850 feet, more or less,
to a point on the shoreline of the Straits of Florida; thence
meander the shoreline of the Straits of Florida in a northerly
direction to a point which is 200 feet, measured at right an-
gles to the preceding course; thence bear West for a distance
of 620 feet, more or less, back to the Point of Beginning, con-
taining 4.0 acres, more or less.
the Clerk of said Board be, and they are hereby authorized to execute the
necessary deed to transfer the County-owned property described above to
the said Chester F. Tingler and Lillian P. Tingler, his wife, in exchange
for the property described above, previously deeded to said County, and
that upon receipt of deed from the said Chester F. Tingler and Lillian P.
Tingler, his wife, the Clerk is hereby authorized to deliver to them the
County1s executed deed in exchange for said lands.
Dated -J1I/-'Vl-'rt....kG I?l. Ci!-- .
, 1962.
(To Corporations RE���� PAGE - Tuttle Law Print,Pub/ishers,Rut/and,lh.
0; . 4
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Made this 15ah day of November, ,.1. D. 19 62,
• Between Chester F. Tingler and Lillian P. Tingler, husband and wife, - .
of the County of Monroe, and State of Florida,._- :_
part ies of the first part, and the County of Monroe, State of Florida-,:- a political
subdivision of the State of Florida, _ .
ritrationx� a awAx Axt x tx.21‹
St of party of the second part,
Witn.esseth-, that-the-said-pdrties---of-the- irst p art,for and in consideration
of- the sum of One Dollar ($1 . 00) Doilams
to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha ve
granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, enfeoffed, conveyed and con-
firmed and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release,
enfeoff, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part and its succes-
sors •and assigns forever, all that certain parcel of land lying and being in the
County of • , Monroe ` and State of Florida, more particularly
=described as follows: .
A tract of land in a part of Government Lot 1, Section 14, T. 66 S. , R. 32 E. ,
and a part of Government Lot 1, Section 15, T. 66 S. , R. 32 E. , on Boot Key,
Monroe County, Florida and being more particularly described by metes and
bounds as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Section 14, bear South along the line
dividing Sections 14 and 15 for a distance of 1117. 94 feet to the Point of Beginning
of the tract of land hereinafter described; from said Point of Beginning bear
West for a distance of 263. 68 feet to a point, said point being on the (easterly
• right-of-way line of State •Road No. S931 and also being on a curve, said curve
having a central angle of 13 degrees and 42 minutes and a. radius of 1860. 08 feet;
• thence along said curve in a southerly direction and deflecting to the left for a
distance of 209. 21 feet to a point;.thence bear East fo.r a distance of 850 feet,
more or less, to a point on the shoreline of the Straits. of Florida; thence mean-
der the shoreline of the Straits of Florida in a northerly direction to-.a point
which is 200 feet, measured at right angles to the preceding course; thence
bear West for a distance of 620 feet, more or less, back to the Point of Begin-
ning, containing 4. 0 acres., more or less.
Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, with
every privilege, right, title, interest and estate, dower and right of dower, reversion,
remainder and easement thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining:
To Have and to Hold the same in fee simple forever. •
.4n,d the said part i e s of the first part do covenant with the said party of
the second part that they are lawfully seized of the said premises, that—they are
free of all incumbrance, and that _ •they have good right and lawful_ authority
to sell the same; and that said-parties- of-the first-part- hereby fully-war-rant—,
the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all
persons whomsoever.
. In " fitness Whereof, the said parties of the first part have hereunto
set their hands and seal,sthe day and year above written.
..,-,,-..: ,,Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Our Presence: T -T7
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State of FloridFFlorida, RECORD PAGE 'Q
County of MONROE, :7
/ )(6-7-e-1.441((..6,\
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this / '• day of r
✓1. D. 1962 , before me personally appeared Chester F. Tingler and Lillian P.
Tingler, his wife, )
to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the, foregoing
conveyance to the County of Monroe, State of Florida, a political subdivision
of the State of Florida, \
and severally acknowledged
the execution thereof to be their free act and deed for- the uses and purposes
therein mentioned.
WITNESS my signature and official seal at--, Marathon,
in the County of Monroe / and .State of Florida, the day and
year last aforesaid. -)
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,1. :1, .JVI `:g nnvission Expires Notary Public. State of l"orida at Large.
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