Resolution 048-1963
WHEREAS, potential enemies of the United states have the arsenal and
delivery systems to subject the United States to a devastation attack em.ploying
nuclear, chemical, biological or conventional weapons, and sabotage or other acts
of clandestine warfare, or a combination of any or all of such weapons; and
WHEREAS, responsibility for the civil defense of Florida vested in the
State and its political subdivisions; and
WHEREAS, preparation by the County of Monroe, including all Departments,
and services thereof, both Constitutional and Elected officials, their
facilities equipllent, all Municipal and Industrial Civil Defense Organisations having
civil defense re~ponsibllities, all other agencies baving civil defense
responsibilities, to meet the conditions of war adversity will determine the
effectiveness of the County"s operational survival capability; and
WHEREAS, basic to 81Ilergency operational capability is a public well in-
formed on the el_ants of individual survival and the provisions of govermaent
plans for the protection of the people;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County COJDDlissioners, in
1'eplar session assembled, do hereby agree and approve the Monroe County Civil
Defense Plan (Revised Edition of 1963 and. substitute for the Monroe County
Operational Survival Plan 1960), together with its serveral annexes, for the
Civil Defense of Monroe County promulgated pursuant to the provisions of
Chapter 2.52, Florida Statutes, Executive Order, dated 31 August 19.51, Office
of the Governor State of Florida and the Florida Civil Defense Pland - 1962,
as a necessary step in advance of actual disaster or catastrophe, and as a
part of the comprehensive plan and progr81ll~;for the Civil Defense of Monroe
Dated July 23, 1963.
Passed and duly adopted this day
of , 1963.
Clerk to the Board