Resolution 005-1964 RESOLUTION NO. , -1964 WHEREAS, the Alnlighty. in His Divine Providence. has seen fit to remove from our midst William A, Parrian, 51'.. outstanding pioneer of J.1arath.on. Monroe County, Florida, and WHER.EAS, during the Ufe of tne said Willian; P" Parrish, $1'., he waa out. tanding asa public servant, and contributed ITlueh to the growth. and welfare of the Florida Keys, and WHEREAS. his death has eauaed much aorrow to nUll'lerOu,s relatives and friends, and it is fitting and proper that an expression of re- gret and Iilympathy be lrlade, now, tnerefore, BE IT REBOl,VED BY THE BOARD OF COUN"fY COMNlSSIONERS OF MONROE COUN1'Y t FLORIDA, that our sympathy and heartfelt regret is hereby expressed on the pailsing of Willian: A. Parrish, 51'., beloved father and out.tandin. citizen of ,Monroe COllnty. Florida. and deep sympathy is hereby extended lo an hiarelatives and to his frierld. who knew, admired and respected him. :BE IT FURTHEIl RESOL VEP that a copy of this Resolution be sent by the Clerk (Jl this Board to the family of the said Willian, A. Parrish.. Sr. Dated February 25th. 1964. (Seal) ChairR'lan, Board of County Commissioners. Attest: Clerk or the 'Board.