Resolution 006-1964RESOLUTION N.O. 6 -1964 WHEREAS, J. A. Davis. and Sarah V. Davis have petitioned the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida to vacate portions. .of a plat of a subdivision known as Matecumbe Ocean - Bay Subdivision Sec- tion Two, a s.ubdivis.ion on Lower-Matecumbe Key, Monroe County; Florida, as hereinafter des-cribed, and WHEREAS, said personshave duly published notice of their in- tention to apply to the Board of. County Commissioners for the vacation of said portions of said plat, and WHEREAS,, said,persons. have furnished said. Board of County Commissioners_ with Proof of Publication of their intention. to vacate said_ portions. of said plat, together with certificate showing that all taxes., inclu- ding current taxes, have been paid on said lands. .owned by them and sought to be vacated., and WHEREAS, said. persons .are the owners of, the fee simple title to that part of said. plat sought to be vacated., and the vacation of such portions, by said_ Board, will not affect the ownership of persons, owning land in other parts of said. subdivision,. now,. therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONRO.E -COUNTY, FLORIDA.,- that the following portions_ of_'a recorded, plat, located in Monroe County, Florida, more particularly desc.rib.ed. as. follows; All of Block 4, and the 201 private road adjacent to and. lying Westerly of said. Blo-ck 4, and. Lots 15. to 21, in- clusive, of Block 5, of the Plat of the Subdivision known as Matecumbe Ocean -,Bay Subdivision Section Two,. a subdivision on Lower Matecumbe Key, Monro.e County, Florida, .as reco.rd.ed. in. Plat Book 2, Page 98, of the Public Records. of Monroe .County, Florida; be, and the same is. hereby vacated, and said. portions of said plat .are hereby returned into. acreage for the purpose of taxation,. Dated February 25th 1964.