Resolution 235-1993 RESOLUTION NO. 235-1993 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF THE SIXTH YEAR SOLID WASTE RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION. ~VHEREAS, the Florida Department of announced the application deadline for Recycling and Education Grant, and; Environmental Regulation the Sixth Year Solid has Waste IlliEREAS, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation has divided the application into two parts in order to enable the Department to calculate the grant awards, and now therefore; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Monroe County Environmental Management Division Recycling Department has approval to submit the Sixth Year Solid Waste Recycling 2Dd Education Grant application to the Department of Environmental Regulation, and that; 2. The Board authorizes the County Administrator to have signature authori ty on the Solid Waste Recycling & Education Grant Application and payment requests, and that; 3. This resolution shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and adoption and authentication by the signatures of the presiding Officer and Clerk of the Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of June, A.D. 1993. Mayor Jack London ~ Commissioner Pro Tem Cheal ~ -7 t'3 -.., Commissioner Harvey ~ C) :z: ;,.., Commissioner Reich ~ ~~'-- ;--::::1 - c- Commissioner Freeman ~ c:: .,., :;:::::: (Seal) N COUNTY COMMI SSIONERS ~ ~TY z - "'I London Attest: ~c A?v~ Danny L. Kolhage~Clerk By Date ----.~-~-~-_....,.,_.._..... . '. -'~~~"" A ~------. '-<,0, ".>0, _,"-:--.__'::;. .p_ " ' '..... ..-'- - -'0' I~ r--=>--;' -T \ ~ \ ICeI "i\l>! ~;~-- ,6! 0, ',' " ",;:1 / ~/ . r.. . / "" S' ';" ~ // '<~~~~\O/ )ER Form 17-716.900(1) ElTective Florida Department of Environ1nental Regulation Twin T()\vers Office Bldg. · 2600 Blair Stone Road · Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 La wton Chiles. Governor Virginia 8, Wetherell, Secrptarl' Solid Waste Recycling and Education Grant Application Part One 1. Name of Applicant: Monroe County 5100 Co11e~e Road - Rm #511. Wing II-B Key West. L 33040 2. Address of Applicant: 3. Federal Employer Identmcation Number: 50-6000-749 4, Telephone Number of Applicant: ( 3051 292- 4434 5. List of Counties and Municipalities Included in the Application: Monroe County. City of Key West, City of Key Colony Beach, r.i ry of T,,qyron 6, Name andIrtle of ponUlct Person.(person handling program on daily basis): Name: Conn~e GraDO~S m~ Recycling Director 7. Address of Contact Person: 5100 College Road ~~y#~~~trW}Le3~64~ 8. Telephone Number of Contact Person: (3051 292 - 4434 9. Name and Title of Authorized Representative: Name: ~m~s W Br~wn Title: M reCount Administrator 10. Required Attachments (Due July 1 of each year): ~A copy of any inter10cal agreement entered into between local governments to accomplish the purposes of this rule, Rule 17-716.410(f) I CERTIFY that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to apply for this grant on behalf of this local government. Signature of Authorized Representative Date Please return form to: Department of Environmental Regulation Bureau of Waste Planning and Regulation Solid Waste Section 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Page 1 of 1 R~9'C/~~ Paper ,,""Ird If'llb So?t &S#'d Ittb