Resolution 016-1965 el RECORD 341 PAGEt49 m 127320 03� u, r— AX rn • s› --0 on rn 70 PROOF OF PUBLICATION T 70 -a rn 3 Otle 1Krg lo Put (ittzPtt w Published Daily T' -.. CD Key West, Monroe County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I COUNTY OF MONROE } ss. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of County Com- Before the undersigned authority personally appeared missioners of Monroe County, Florida, will hold a public hear- ing at 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, Feb-i NQI lafP. Artman , who on oath says that he is ruary 23, 065, at the Monroe County Court House in Key West, ' Publisher , of The Key West Citizen, Forida, to determine whether or not the following described road, street, alley-way or highway a daily newspaper published at Key West in Monroe County, Florida; that the attached shall be renounced and disclaim- ed and/or vacated: copy of advertisement, being a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEI'RING An undesignated parcel of land approximately 1385.i feet in length and 15 feet in width situated North of and adjacent to the North line of Lots 2 to 28, inclusive Block in the matter of an undesignated parcel of land approximately a, ording:ANA,the subdivision 1385.7 feet in length and 15 feet in width situated North according to plat there- from recordJohn in a certain deet of and adjacent to the North line of Lots 2 to 28, al., to John George Engel, et al., recorded in Book G-51, inclusive Block 1, of OCEANA, a subdivision according to page 198, of the Public Rec- the plat thereof of record in a certain deed from John orris of Monroe County, Flor- ida, and bounded on the East George Engel, al., to John George Engel, et. al, by northerly extension of et the east line of Lot 28, Block 1, of said subdivision on the recorded in Book G-51, page 198, of the Public Records of west by the east line of the Monroe County, Florida, etc. right-of-way of the Old Dixie Highway, and on the North by the north line of Section 14, Twp. 61 S.R. 39E DATED at Key West, Florida, this 3rd day of February, A. D. 1965. . (SEAL) EARL R. ADAMS Cerk of the Circuit Court of • Monroe County, Florida, and ex officio Clerk of the Xxthir WPM Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida. • igai 1966 ' was published in said newspaper in the issues of February Ltth, A.D. 1965. Affiant further says that the said The Key West Citizen is a newspaper published at Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has hereto- fore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida, each day (except Saturdays and Christmas) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida, for a period of one year next preced- ing the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says ,4Q�,. 5 that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, re- `,,>+' p �; ',,`! bate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication •�, ,,.. coon/�' As in the said newspaper. 44°' 0 Epp • '`y` G - .- 7.,.: (r. e. ..,.,.,cAt; %-.- i:: -4.r. �'a 4 t t t c� (SEAL) ...a .o,,„�E V.,,., ,17 ice. , ,,°°-` . "'"., Sworn to and subscribed before me this __/2 ________ ' � 1�' g�E day of _ � f., r^rtlt►t9�t°R�, y _________—______ ____---------------------, A. D. 1 ' ?320 Notary Public, State of Florida at Large y mmissidn Expires March 26, 19 i red In Otticial Record 8001 my co mi American Surety Co, of +f 2 bilonroe County,Florida EARL R. ADAMS O1lIERi pF CIRCUIT COURT REG �V�EROtFt Q 4 11 RECORD 3IL PAGE35O RESOLUTION NO. 16-1965 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has been petitioned to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat; and WHEREAS, due notice has been published and a public hearing has been held in accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes 1963; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing no objections were made to the renouncing and disclaiming of any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley-way,road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat,now,therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby renounces and disclaims any right of the County and the public in and to the following described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described mapor plat, to-wit: is C] CD CCAn undesignated parcel of land approximately 1385.7 feet in (•Q length and 15 feet in width situated North of and adjacent to chifccfthe North line of Lots 2 to 28, inclusive, Block 1, of OCEANA, a subdivision according to the plat thereof of record in a p N c' certain deed from John George Engel, etal. to John George 1-1.- CC o a Engel, et al. , recorded in Book G-51, page 198, of the Public ® Q Records of Monroe County, Florida, and bounded on the East by _Wt - a northerly extension of the east line of Lot 28, Block 1, of said subdivision, on the west by the east line of the right-of-way LU of the Old Dixie Highway, and on the North by the north line of Section 14, Twp. 61 S. R. 39 E. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby ordered to publish notice of the adoption of this Resolution by said Board in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes 1963. Dated February 23rd, 1965. STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF MONROE. I, EARL R-. ADAMS, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of RESOLUTION No. 16-1965, as adopted by the ,Board of County Commissioners in and for Monroe County,Florida; -a ,Regular Meeting held on February 23rd 1965, as filed and rec*ded 14 N 'nute;Book "I" on page 389 in the Public Records of,Monrci!,', 6-Uncy,,' l .r6 WITNESS my hand and ,official seal- 44Yd1. ,k of,= h tCarcuit Court, and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of 104W,q4mal49n .r15rMonroe County, Florida, this 27th day of A r 4 5 p � 'f1 6„}g s� � 'sr tr / 127321EARL p�i��:",i�:v�n isa l u F1.i._�`li�:C,P S'.5 Pg,', i U i t �' 7i;�., iJ? _:3Uflf}fp JC�l :-'. By• '^}` r r, Dols.. EA‘;.1, R. ADP,�'i.ti §r J t 77 I RECORD till P AGE c)51 121322 PROOF OF PUBLICATION Otp Ki ii ill it (itizrn Published Daily NOTICE OF .ADOPTION OF RE- Key West, Monroe County, Florida SOLUTION RENOUNCING AND; DISCLAIMING ANY RIGHT OF THE COUNTY OF MONROE AND STATE OF FLORIDA THE PUBLIC IN AND TO A. SS. CERTAIN STREET, AS DE- COUNTY OF MONROE ) LINEATED ON A. CERTAIN RE- CORDED PLAT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Before the undersigned authority personally appeared pursuant to Chapter 336, Florida Statutes 1963, that Board of ___N01'Ipan____-.__AT_tI[1aI1. who on oath says that he is ' County Commissioners of Monroe publisher t y- ouo , Florida, at a regular , of The Key West Citizen, meeting held on the 23rd of Feb- ruary, A. D. 1965, duly adopted a Resolution renouncing and dis- a daily newspaper published at Key West in Monroe County, Florida; that the attached claiming any right of the Coun- folland aaang stthe i n and torthe copy of advertisement, being a NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described plat, to- wit: An undesignated parcel of in the matter of an undersignated parcel of land approximately land in length and 15 feet approximately 1385.7 feet in length and 15 feet in width situated North feet in n width situated North of and adjacent to the North line of of and adjacent to the North line of Lots 2 and 28, inclusive, ,o 2 to 28, inclusive, Block 1 o , of OCEANA, a subdivision Block 1, of OCEANA, a subdivision according to the plat 1 according to the plat thereof of record in a certain deed thereof of record in a certain deed from John George from John George Engel, et Engel, et. al• Engel,to John George Engel, et to John George et. al, recorded in al., retarded in Book Cr-51,page 19-8, of the Public Rec- Book G-51, page 198, of the Public Records of Monroe County, ords of Monroe County, Flor- ida, and bounded on the East by .a northerly extension of the east line of Lot 28, Block 1, of said subdivision, on the West ne of the right-of-way of the the east i Old Dixie Highway, and on the North • by the north line of Section 14,Twp. 61 S.R.39 E. DATED at Key West, Florida, this 24th day of February, A.D. ixsbecX $ X 1965. (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COM'MIS- SIONERS O�LORIDAE COUNTY, Br:443vGerald Saunders, hest: (sd.) Earl R. Adams, Clerk of the Circuit Court of. Monroe County, Florida, and ex was published in said newspaper in the issues of February 26th, A.D. 1965. officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Mon- roe County, Florida. feb26, 1965 Affiant further says that the said The Key West Citizen is a newspaper published at Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has hereto- fore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida, each day (except Saturdays and Christmas) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida, for a period of one year next preced- ing the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, re- bate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. --- ` ,IllesvPt'tl,ar „.--:-• ,CO, O. -..,7_, .7:.... i.-----g-:_ Z.^s _j (SEAL) -t` iO 4"'_CP ', , Sworn to and subscribed before me this _/�C� _____ 7 { 'c 6 v y . darri 8 o -- ----- - -- 'ft. Gtit, a,in'N _� o c.n r ni o' D C7 rnD "'p Note P S c)c 'T !Y tlblic t.ate of Florida at Large c tV Y Coat i�yifln Expires March 26, 1965 ?N CO ®���� BY American Surety Co. of N. Y. -{.if . ,r• - 3 fT7 1 '7322 n" w o / esC M In®ltficlai Record Book -, o 1 Monroe County, Florida EARL R. ADAMS LEI( OF CIRCUIT COURA MOM YERIFIS)