Resolution 030-1965RESOLUTION NO. 30 -1965
WHEREAS, the Board of County Co.mmis.s.ioners of Monroe County,
Florida, has. been advised. by the Tax. of said. County that taxable
properties, in said County, both real and personal, are presently not ass.ess.ed
at "just value", and
WHEREAS, said. Board ha,s. been advised by its attorney that the
Constitution and laws of the State of Florida. require. all taxable properties
within the. State to be assess.ed at "just value", and
WHEREAS, said. Board, has been informed that inequalities exist in
numerous assessed. valuations., not only among properties of the same clas.s.,
but also among the. different classes of property in the County of. Monroe.,- and
WHEREAS, said Board has been advised by the Tax As.sess.or of said
County that the services of a reputable appraisal company to, aid the County
Tax As_s.ess.or in revising, updating and revaluing all taxable properties, in
the County of Monroe. is. a necessity, in order to comply with th-e Constitution
and the laws of the State of Florida as soon as. possible, by placing all tax-
able properties. within the County of Monroe on the tax roll of said County
at "just value" and equally distributing the tax burden on. all property own-
ers. in said County, and
WHEREAS, said. Board feels that said appraisement is essential to
the. existence of County government in Monroe County, Florida, in. that it
will equitably distribute the tax burden on all property owners in said Coun-
ty,- now, therefore,
OF MONROE: CO.VNTY, that said Board. hereby authorizes, and empowers
the Chairman -of the Board of said County Commissioners to enter into. an
agreement with Hunnicutt & Associates, Inc., a Florida corporation special-
izing in the evaluation of taxable properties for counties and municipalities.,
ganiaations as. work is completed, said. Certificates. of. Indebtedness. to be
retired solely and. exclusively from the special reassessment fund to be
established, into which will go the pro-ceeds of the 1/3. milt reassessment
tax to be levied for the purpose of securing the funds to secure .said. re-
appraisexnent, together with a maximum of four per cent. (4%) interest .
on said Certificates, of Indebtedness.
Attorney be, and, he is. hereby empowered to pursue validation proceedings
through the Court of this. State, up to .and-Ancluding, if necessary, the high-
est Court of this. State, to have said Certificates of Ind.ebtednes.s validated
as. per the laws of. the State. of. Florida..
Dated April 27th , 1.965..