Resolution 033-1965RESOLUTION NO. 33-1965 WHER.EA,S, it has. been brought to the attention of. the Board of County Commis sioner.s of. Monroe County, Florida. that an application has. been filed by Cap -Go. Corporation with the District Engineer, U. S. Army Corps. of Engineers., Jacksonville, Florida, for permit to dredge. and fill a certain portion of. Garrison Bight, Key West, Florida, and to place piers in said. Bight, and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Waterway Developm.ent Authority is protesting said application and requesting said District Engineer to- deny s.aid.pe.rmit, because the original plan indicated a minor fill area in Garri- son Bight, and. WHEREAS, said Board, of County Commis.s.ioners. has, previously r.efu.sed to recommend. to .and. authorize the State Road. Departm.ent to .allow the six piers, eight feet wide, propose.d in said, application, to be placed against the s.e.condary road and causeway in Garrison Bight, and WHEREAS, said Board desires. to join the Monroe County Waterway Development .Authority in protes-ting the- issuance of said. permit, and to recommend that .said permit be denied, for the. reasons s.et forth and, ob- ,, jections. made. by the said, Monroe County Waterway Development Authority in a letter to the District Engineer dated April 30, 1965, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED- BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board of County Commissioners hereby protests the. issuance. of a permit to Cap -Go Corporation fo.r dredging and filling a portion of Garrison Bight, Key West, Florida, and the placing of piers. in said Bight, as s-et forth in Notice of Application for Department of the Army hermit issued by U. S.. Army Engineer District, Jacksonville, Florida., dated April 23, 1965 concerning SA.JSP Permits (65-150), in accordance with plans. filed with said, application, and recommends that said application be denied. , Re,so-bition- to the. State: Road Dep artment, and, to the, District Engineer, U.S. Army Corps, of Engineers., Jacks-onville,. Florida, With. a,,re:qiie:st that same b& BledAnd. made- .a. part :of. the record. -on said. application. .Dated May- 4tb-, 19,65.