Resolution 040-1965 RESOLUTION NO. 40-1965 WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Monroe County, Florida, at a public hearing on March 26, 1965, duly called and held in accordance with the zon- ing regulations of Monroe County, Florida and the laws of the State of Flori- da, considered the request of International Isles, Inc. for a change of zoning on all of Duck Key, Monroe County, Florida, as shown on the plat presented at said hearing, from EU, RU-l, RU-3 and BU-1 to RU-l, RU-3 and BU-2, and WHEREAS, after taking testimony for said request and hearing all per- sons desiring to be heard, said Board granted said request, and WHEREAS, Mrs. Elizabeth Newkirk, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pugh, S. A. Birn Realty Co., Inc., Tiny N, Inc. and Trinidad, Inc., filed an appeal with the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, in ac- cordance with the laws applicable thereto, asking said Board to revers~ the decision of the Monroe County Zoning Board, and WHEREAS, on May 24, 1965, the Board of County Commissioners heard such appeal, and after reviewing the record and proceedings and ac- tion taken at said public hearing held March 26, 1965, and after taking testi- mony for the action requested in said appeal, and hearing all persons desir- ing to be heard, voted to uphold the decision of said Zoning Board, provided that the property owners be allowed to write their own restrictions in so far as lots adjacent to their properties are concerned, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to pass a Resolution upholding the decision of said Zoning Board, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the decision of the Monroe County Zoning Board, made at its public hearing held March 26, 1965, granting the request of International Isles, Inc. for a change of zoning on all of Duck Key, Monroe County, Florida, as shown on the plat presented at said hearing, from EU, RU -1, RU -3 and BU -1 to R U -1, RU -3 and BU -2, be, and the same is hereby upheld, provided that the property owners be allowed to write their own re- strictions in so far as lots adjacent to their properties are concerned, and ~ the appeal filed by Mrs. Elizabeth Newkirk, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pugh, S. A. Birn Realty Co., Inc., Tiny N, Inc. and Trinidad, Inc., requesting the Board of County Commissioners to reverse the decision of said Zoning Board, be, and the same is hereby denied. Dated June 22nd, 1965.