Resolution 051-1965RESOLUTION NO. 51 -1965 WHEREAS, Cudjoe Foundation, Inc., a Florida corporation, de- sires to convey certain lands to the County of Monroe, State of Florida, for road purposes, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida desires to accept said conveyance, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE. COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following described land in Monroe County, Florida, to -wit: Lot 21, Block 12, CUTTHROAT HARBOR ESTATES - FIRST ADDITION, a Subdivision of Gov't. Lot 2, Section 33, Twp. 66 S. , Rge. 28 E. , and Gov't Lot 1, ,Section 4, Twp. 67 S. , R.ge. 28 E. , Cudjoe Key, Monroe County, Florida, as re- corded in Plat Book 5, page 60, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida; being deeded by Cudjoe Foundation, Inc. , a Florida corporation to County of Monroe, State of Florida, for road purposes, be, and the same is here- by accepted and approved, and the Chairman and the Clerk of said Board be, and they are hereby authorized to execute the necessary acceptance on said deed of conveyance, and cause same to be recorded in the Public Re- cords of Monroe County, Florida. Dated July 13th , 1965.