Resolution 102-1965 r:"'\ ~~I RESOLUTION NO. l02 -l965 WHEREAS, it is necessary to create an item under the Fine and Forfeiture Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1965-66, and to increase Item #364, Expenses Other Than Salaries, Sheriff's Budget, and Item #824, Equipm ent, Sheriff's Budget, in said Fine and Forfeiture Fund, to account for funds received and paid out in having to repair and purchase new patrol cars, as a result of hurricane "Betsy", now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: l. That there is hereby created under "Income" in the Fine and For- feiture Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1965-66, an item to be known as Item # l85, Unanticipated Non-R evenue Receipt for Insurance Monies for Damage Done to Patrol Cars During Hurricane "Betsy". Said item shall contain the sum of $l2, 742. 70. 2. That Item #364, Expenses Other Than Salaries, Sheriff's Budget, under "Expenditures" in said Fine and Forfeiture Fund, be increased by the sum of $726.50, and that Item #824, Equipment, Sheriff's Budget, under "Expenditures" in said Fine and FoIfeiture Fund, be increased by the sum of $l2.016.20. 3. That upon receipt of said unanticipated funds from the Security Insurance Company, the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to deposit said funds in said newly created Item #l85, Unanticipated Non- Revenue Receipts for Insurance Monies for Damage Done to Patrol Cars During Hurricane "Betsy". Da te d December 28th , 1965.