Resolution 043-1966RESOLUTION NO. 43 -1966 WHEREAS, Neil M. Knowles and Dorothy A. Knowles, his wife, and William Wright Langley, Jr. and Joan Knowles Langley, his wife, desire to convey certain lands to the County of Monroe, State of Florida, for road purposes, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida desires to accept said conveyance, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following described land in Monroe County, Florida, to -wit: On Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida and is part of Government Lot 1, Section 10, Township 66 South, Range 29 East and is more particularly described as follows: Begin at the northeast corner of Government Lot 4, Sec- tion 10, Township 66 South, Range 29 East; thence East a distance of 1025 feet, more or less to a point in the easterly shoreline of Big Pine Key; thence easterly, and northeasterly along the meanders of said shoreline a dis- tance of 35 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with a line 25 feet North of and parallel with the initial course of this description, thence West along said parallel line a distance of 1037 feet, more or less, to a point of in- tersection with the east line of Government Lot 2, Section 10, Township 66 'South, Range 29 East; thence South 0 de- grees 44 minutes West along the east line of said Govern- ment Lot 2 a distance of 25 feet back to the point of beginning, being deeded by Neil M. Knowles and Dorothy A. Knowles, his wife, and William Wright Langley, Jr. and Joan Knowles Langley, his wife, to the County of Monroe, State of Florida, for road purposes, be, and the same is hereby accepted and approved, and the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board be, and they are hereby authorized to execute the necessary acceptance on said deed of conveyance, and cause same to be recorded in the Public Re- cords of Monroe County, Florida. Dated August 9th 1 1966.