Resolution 051-1966RESOLUTION NO. 51-1966 WHEREAS, the City Commission of The City of Key West, Florida has adopted a Resolution calling for a public meeting for the purpose of ex- plaining and discussing a proposed increase in the millage of .44 mills over the 107o increase as allowed by Section 193. 03, Florida Statutes, and has requested the creation by Resolution of a County Review Commission to ap- prove the additional increase, and WHEREAS, said County Review Commission consists of three mem- bers of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, one of whom shall be the Chairman, and three members of the Board of Public Instruction of Monroe County, Florida, one of whom shall be the Chairman, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Gerald Saunders, Mayor of Monroe County and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, and William L. Osterhoudt and William A. Freeman, Jr., be, and the same are hereby appointed to the County Review Commission, and said members are autho- rized and directed to sit with the three members of the Board of Public In- struction of Monroe County, Florida as a County Review Commission at a public hearing at 8:00 P.M. on September 14, 1966 at the City Hall, Key West, Florida, where the proposed increase in millage over the 107o increase allowed by Section 193. 03, Florida ,Statutes, required to meet the City of Key West Budget for the year 1966-67, will be explained and discussed. Dated September 9th, 1966.