Resolution 064-1966N RtS01 LUTION 1j( J54- 14,66 WHEREAS, the Board of County Coramissionors of Monroe County, - Florida desire® to renounce and disclaim any right of the Couldty and the public in and to 1he hereinafter described street, alley -way, road or highi. way as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat; and 'WHERF.A,S, under Chapter 336, Florida StaWtes, it is necessary!'W., hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in atcord=ce with said Chipter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY. COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that at A:00 P.M. Tuesday, October 11, 1966)v said Board will hold a public hearing to determine whether or not said Board will reno,tuice and disclaim any right of the County and the public in. and to the folio -wing described street, alley -way. road oT' highway: A strip of land 50 feet in width, being known as a part of Warner Street of the "VIRGIL S. LOWE SUBDIVISION"., as recorded in Plat Rook 3, Page 31. of the Public Records of -Monroe Canty, Florida and being more particularly deocribed by mates and hounds as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the South Line of Section 25, T._ 66 S., R. 29 E., and the Northeaste,rly line of U.S.. High - Way No. 1, bear North 22 degrees, 55 minutes,and 33 gecimds West along the Northeasterly Line of U. S. Hijeh,-.*i►ay No. I for a, distance of 545. 2 feet to a point; thence bear South 89 degrees, 3distance'of 254. 00 feet to .9 minutes and 12 seconds East for a the point ,of Beginning of the strip of Wairner. Street hezeintiter described; from said Point of Beginning, bear North 04 degrees, 06 minutes and 48 secoxids West along the -;resterly li=4 of Waxner Street for a distance- of 450. 32 feet to :a point.; thence bear South 89 degrees, 39 minutes, and 12 seconde Eastfor a- distance of So. 15 feet to the easterly line of Warner Street; thence bear $Guth 04 degrees, 06 minutes and 48 seconds East fora distance. of 450. 32 feet to a point which . is bearing $nuth'89degrees, 30 rnin- utes and 12 secondr 'East from the Point of Beginning; thence bear e North 89 degre s,, 39 m. mutes and 12 secondis West for ai of 50. 15 feet, back to the point of Beglnnin�'S. BE IT�FURTIIER RESOLVED BY SAID BOASMD that the Clerk Of said Board be, and he i . s hereby ordered to publish notice of said meeting in ac cordance with the -1oxovisions of Chapter 336, Florida-Flovidt St;iIutes- Date h 1966: