Resolution 051-1967 J RESOLUTION NO. 51 -1967 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida desires to obtain the hereinafter described bay bottom lands, without advertising, for use in connection with the construction of a Secondary Road Project, and deems the acquisition of said lands to be m the interests of public need, and WHEREAS, said bay bottom lands are owned by the State of Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Trustees of the Internal Im- provement Fund of the State of Florida be, and they are hereby requested to deed to Monroe County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, the following described bay bottom lands, for public purposes in connection with the construction of a Secondary Road Project in said County: PARCEL NO.1 A parcel of submerged land in Card Sound adjacent to the Northeasterly Right of Way line of the 01d Card Sound Road in Section 19, Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Monroe County, Florida; said parcel being more particu- larly described as follows: From the intersection of the centerline of the 01d Card Sound Road with the County Line between Dade and Monroe Counties; thence proceed S 650 44' 24" E along said centerline of the 01d Card Sound Road 800.00 feet; thence proceed N 240 15' 36" E 50.00 feet to the Northeasterly Right of Way line of the 01d Card Sound Road and the Point of Beginning of the parcel hereinafter described; thence continue N 240 15' 36" E 20.00 feet; thence proceed S 650 44' 24" E parallel to the Northeasterly Right of Way line of said Old Card Sound Road 270.00 feet; thence pro- ceed S 240 15' 36" W 20.00 feet to the Northeasterly Right of Way line of said Old Card Sound Road; thence proceed N 650 44' 24" W along the Northeasterly Right of Way line of the Old Card Sound Road 270.00 feet to the Point of Be- ginning. Containing O. 12 Acres more or less. PARCEL NO.2 A parcel of submerged land in Card Sound adjacent to the Southwesterly Right of Way line of the 01d Card Sound Road in Section 19, Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Monroe County, Florida; said parcel being more particu- larly described as follows: From the intersection of the centerline of the Old Card Sound Road with the County Line between Dade and Monroe Counties; thence proceed S 650 441 24" E along said centerline of the aId Card Sound Road 800.00 feet; thence proceed S 240 151 36" W 50.00 feet to the Southwesterly Right of Way line of the Old Card Sound Road and the Point of Beginning of the parcel hereinafter described; thence continue S 240 15' 36" W 20.00 feet; thence proceed S 650 44' 24" E parallel to the Southwesterly Right of Way line of said Old Card Sound Road 270.00 feet; thence pro- ceed N 240 151 36" E 20.00 feet to the Southwesterly Right of Way line of the Old Card Sound Road; thence proceed N 650 441 24" W along the Southwesterly Right of Way line of the Old Card Sound Road 270.00 feet to the Point of Be- ginning. Containing O. 12 Acres more or less. PARCEL NO. 3 A pa:rcel of submerged land, a portion of which is 200 feet wide, and a portion of which is 100 feet wide, in Card Sound in Sections 19 and 20, Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Monroe County, Florida; the centerline of said par- cel being more particularly described as follows: From the intersection of the centerline of the Old Card Sound Road with the County Line between Dade and Monroe Counties; thence proceed S 650 44' 24" E along said centerline of the Old Card Sound Road 2763 feet to the Point of Beginning of the centerline of said 200 foot wide portion hereinafter described; thence continue S 650 44' 24" E along said centerline of the aId Card Sound Road 2825 feet to the end of the centerline of said 200 foot portion and the Point of Beginning of the centerline of said 100 foot wide portion; thence continue S 650 44' 24" E along said center- line of the Old Card Sound Road 8. 11 feet to the point of beginning of a circular curve concave to the Northeast and having a radius of 2864. 79 feet; thence proceed along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 40 00' more or less an arc distance of 200 feet more or less to the mean high tide of Card Sound at the Northwesterly side of Govern- ment Lot 2, Section 20, Township 59 South, Range 40 East on Key Largo. Containing 13.45 Acres more or less. PARCEL NO. 4 A parcel of submerged land, 100 feet wide, in an unnamed creek between Government Lot 1 and Government Lot 2 in Section 20, Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, the centerline of said 100 foot wide parcel being more particularly described as follows: From the Southwest corner of said Section 20 proceed N 880 411 38" E along the South line of said Section 20 2650.05 feet more or less to the centerline of the Old Card Sound Road; thence proceed N 720 47' 25" W along the centerline of the Old Card Sound Road 480 feet more or less to the mean high tide line of said unnamed creek at the Westerly side of said Government Lot 1 and the Point of Beginning of the centerline of said 100 foot wide parcel hereinafter described; thence continue N 720 47' 25" W along said centerline of the aId Card Sound Road 150 feet more or Ie s s to the mean high tide line of said unnamed creek at the Northeasterly side of said Government Lot 2. Containing 0.35 Acre more or less. PARCEL NO. 5 A parcel of submerged land 100 feet wide in Mosquito Creek between Government Lots 2 and 3 in Section 29, Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, the centerline of said lQO foot wide parcel being more particu- larly described as follows: From the Northeast corner of said Section 29; thence pro- ceed S 00 17' 24" E along the East line of said Section 29 875.73 feet to the centerline of the aId Card Sound Road; thence proceed N 720 47' 25" W along said centerline of the aId Card Sound Road 1842 feet more or less to the mean high tide line of Mosquito Creek at the Westerly boundary line of said Government Lot 2 and the Point of Beginning of the centerline of the 100 foot wide parcel hereinafter described; thence continue N 720 47' 25" W along said centerline of the aId Card Sound Road 95 feet more or less to the mean high tide line of Mosquito Creek at the Easterly side of said Govern- ment Lot 3. Containing 0.22 Acre more or less. PARCEL NO. 6 A parcel of submerged land, 100 feet wide, in an unnamed creek between Government Lots 4 and 5 in Section 28, Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Key Largo, Monroe Coun- ty, Florida, the centerline of said 100 foot wide parcel being more particularly described as follows: From the Northwest corner of said Section 28; thence pro- ceed S 00 17' 24" E along the West line of said Section 28 875.73 feet to the centerline of the aId Card Sound Road; thence proceed S 720 47' 25" E along said centerline of the Old Card Sound Road 1403 feet more or less to the mean high tide line of said unnamed creek at the Easterly side of said Government Lot 4 and the Point of Beginning of the cen- terline of said 100 foot wide parcel hereinafter described; thence continue S 720 47' 25" E along said centerline of the Old Card Sound Road 160 feet more or less to the mean high tide line of said unnamed creek at the Westerly side of said Government Lot 5. Containing 0.37 Acre more or less. PARCEL NO. 7 A parcel of submerged land, 100 feet wide, in an unnamed creek between Government Lots 5 and 6 in Section 28, Town- ship 59 South, Range 40 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, the centerline of said 100 foot wide parcel being more particularly described as follows: From the Northwest corner of said Section 28; thence proceed S 00 17' 24" E along the West line of said Section 28 875. 73 feet to the centerline of the Old Card Sound Road; thence proceed S 720 47' 25" E along said centerline of the Old Card Sound Road 1950 feet more or less to the mean high tide line of said unnamed creek at the Easterly side of said Government Lot 5 and the Point of Beginning of the centerline of said 100 foot wide parcel herein- after described; thence continue S 720 47' 25" E along said cen- terline of the Old Card Sound Road 78 feet more or less to the mean high tide line of said unnamed creek at the Westerly side of said Government Lot 6. Containing O. 18 Acre more or less. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida, for appropriate action. Dated October 31, , 1967.