Resolution 019A-1968RESOLUTION NO. 19-A -1968 WHEREAS, South Florida waters are blessed with a rich, diverse fauna, including numerous species valuable to both sport and commercial fisheries; habitats range from shallow grassbeds and coral reefs to the deep water pelagic environment of the Gulf Stream; important commercial fish- eries land large catches of shrimp, crawfish, crabs and fishes; sport fish- ermen come from all over the world to angle for snook, tarpon, bonefish, kingfish, sailfish, marlin and other game fishes; a large part of Florida's wealth comes from these waters, the only truly tropical marine environ- ment bordering the Continental United States, and WHEREAS, Florida Bay is the largest fishing ground and nursery area in these waters, with hundreds of square miles of productive shallows, stretching all the way from the mainland to the Keys, and for both sport and commercial fisheries, the Bay is a key- area in, the South Florida marine littoral, and WHEREAS, for a number of years there has been a gradual decline in Florida Bay populations of many important game and commercial fishes; tarpon are not so numerous as they were; crawfish catches have been dis- appointing; the shrimp fishery has had its difficulties; moreover, although many explanations suggest themselves, the ecology of the area is so little known that no one really can point to the cause, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida realizes the above facts, and the importance of this matter to the residents of Monroe County, Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board does urge an immediate, adequate study of the ecology of Florida Bay and its fish populations as out- lined by the National Park Service in its "Everglades Natural Sciences Re- search Plan" and further developed by the Institute of Marine Science, Uni- versity of Miami and the sponsoring organization, Florida Bay Research Council of Islamorada. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby directed to forward certified copies of this Resolution to the Florida Bay Research Council of Islamorada, Senator Spessard L. Holland, Senator George Smathers and Representative,Dante B. Fascell, for appropriate action. Dated March 12th, 1968.