Resolution 070-1968 , ,f,i.... :,. RESOLUTION NO. 70 -1968 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida desires to object to the continuance of the current moratorium in effect on submerged and sub-marginal land sales, dredging permits and filling permits, as imposed by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida, throughout Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, said moratorium, having been in effect since May, 1968, has halted all development and construction, both residential and commer- cial, on such waterfront lands in Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida is entirely different, geographi- cally, from any other Florida county, being comprised of 840 keys, or is- lands, approximately 38 of which are connected by roads and 90% of which are sub-marginal in nature, and other Florida counties have a 90% "fastl! land ratio, or better, and WHEREAS, to adopt the recommended procedure for Monroe County, Florida would remove approximately 80% of such sub-marginal land from the tax rolls of said county, and pose an economic problem of great magni- tude for the remaining residents, and a continuation of said proposal in Monroe County, Florida would lead to economic disaster, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby strongly objects to a further four months' extension of said matter for further study, and ~ considers said extension both needless and useless during the course of further study. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that said Board hereby endorses the recommendation of establishing a bulkhead line in Monroe Coun- ty, Florida, in accordance with the following: 1. Any bulkhead line should conform to the existing sale line previously in effect, to-wit, 200 feet to the water -ward of the outer edge of the mangrove line. 2. Said line should be established about the perimeter of only those keys or islands having highway road connections. 3. The mean high tide line should be fixed at the outer edge of the mangrove line. 4. Approval by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of purchase applications for submerged or sub-marginal land in Monroe County, Florida should include the right to develop said land without the necessity of other agency per- mits, any of which could negatively kill the usage of said lands purchased. 5. The Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund should not require a marine biological study within the limits of the established bulkhead line. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to forward certified copies of this Resolution to the Honorable Claude R. Kirk, Jr., Governor of the State of Florida, all State cabinet members, and the Trustees of the Internal Im- provement Fund of the State of Florida. ~/d:" ('C /' , 1968. Dated