Resolution 024-1969 I" / RESOLUTION NO. 2tt -1969 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAT FOR RECORD WHEREAS, Robert E. Scharf and Doris Ann Scharf, his wife, and William S. Scharf and Loretto Scharf, his wife, have requested that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida approve for record a plat known as "RE-PLAT OF BLOCK 5, GEIGER MOBILE HOMES - P. B. 5 - 77, Geiger Key, Monroe County, Florida!', and WHEREAS, the County Tax Assessor and County Zoning Director have recommended that said Board approve said plat for record, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the plat known as "RE-PLAT OF BLOCK 5, GEIGER MOBILE HOMES - P. B. 5 - 77, Geiger Key, Monroe County, Florida", be, and the same is hereby approved for record, and the Chairman and Clerk of said Board are hereby authorized to sign the certificate of approval on said plat. Dated March 25th , 1969. ~_ nIT T 0 /-- Bloc/\' ~- Nam~ of Subdi"...........vn &,e/yE,<.. ~B/~.E //ohr.s / Section ~ E Twp ~ /V /~ Rge Area C,JE y E f~ ):E V I Description A'~ IE / 3..!J- - 77 fivE- Ownership '~.BE RT .E. ( ;Y; / h/?/i s, SC///f-ff. -- Mortgage Holders Power of AttorneyS, ~ Taxes - H/O Etc. /;;7 -/~-~rY /[/,1('# :US-/39-3 .ft~~ S'/~?~3, Date d -/7- Cy Sec. & Gov' t Lot Lines Shown on Plat k E prm's ~/(. Dimensions ~?/t. Lot & Block Nos. U/(: ,. J Scale / -r-o .:EfOCJ Signatures ??/(', Seals ~N r= < Engineer's Note ~IV C Location Sketch ~ tVtE Remarks /7r..U~Y2 .~~ GERALD SAUNDERS Mayor HARRY HARRIS Mayor Pro T em WM. L OSTERHOUDT WM. A. FREEMAN, JR. HARRY S. PRITCHARD ~ottroe QIoutttg EARL R, AOAMS Clerk To The Board Fred Tittle ~~ Legal Advisor !ilo" - of C..-tv Commi..ion'rt1 KEY WEST. FLORIDA ,. March 25, , 1969 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida Gentlemen: This is to inform you that I have examined the docwnents submitted with the proposed plat entitled: . "RE-PLAT OF BLOCK 5, GEIGER MOBILE HOMES -' p. B. 5 - 77. Geiger Key, Monroe County, Florida", " which was submitted to the County Commission for acceptance, approval and filing at your meeting on March 25th, 1969 It is my opinion that said documentation is complete, and legally conforms to the plat filing law of Monroe CO\m.ty, Florida,., .. .. FT/mam ~ -,,- 1-.-. _ ____.. "_._,__._ ,__ -----__--0'......----..--. _.." .... __ --_. '.."- "---_.. _.~,_.. ..--~~...... .. .. .-.-........,--..-. C_",_'~'__' '-'.-.- -. ._-~ + BAILEY - MOONEY - POST ASSOCIATES, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS . SURVEYORS COUNTY ENGINEERS. MONROE COUNTY, FLA. Islamorada Office P. O. Box 347 . Tel. 664-4563 Mgr.: James T. Glass, R.L.S. February 17, 1969 Mr. Donald Cormack, Director Monroe County Building & Zoning Dept. Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Fla. Dear Mr. Cormack: We have reviewed the tentative plat of "Replat of Block 5, Geiger Mobile Homes, P. B. 5-77" and report that as far as the surveyor's work is concerned the plat has been prepared in conformance with the plat filing law. Very truly yours, BAILEY, MOONEY, POST ASSOCIATES, INC. MONROE COUNTY ENGI EERS 1~lu11 ~ James T. Glass, P. E. cc each Commissioner Mr. Fred Tittle Mr. Earl Adams 69-801 AFFILIATE: POST, BUCKLEY, MOONEY &: SCHUH, INC. . CONSULTING ENGINEERS. MIAMI SPRINGS, FLORIDA. TEL. 887-6546 CTOR THOMAIi,. 8l fi"l.fi~'~1i STS. ( 32. KEY WEST, F 01 u tI ~ .. .~ ....-.-- ,to4P. HEALTH DEPARTMENT KIEY WElT MARA.THON TAVERNIER REClIONAI. O.....CE. MARATHON. BOX 441 TAVERNIER, BOX 111 January 22, 1969 MEHOP.ANDUM TOs Mr. Donald Cormack, Director Monroe County Building and Zoning Department FROMs Philip H. Isacco, M.D., Director Monroe County Haith Department SUBJECTs Proposed Re"p1at of Bbck 5, Geiger MobUe Homel Subdiviaion PB 5-77 Review of the pro~oGed re-platd the subject mobile home sub- division desclosea no apparent environmental health problema and ia tentatively approved with the following provisos: a. Hater aupply and distribution to be, accomplished in accordance with Chapter l70C-l P.A.C. b, Sewage disposal by means of septic tanka systems installed in accordance with ,Chapter l70C-4 F.A.C. Philip H. Isacco. M.~. ... "'\ bys John O'Neill Sanitation Director PHl:JONsbw cc s Director I fne , '" , I' .' , ;""~'" ..1".... .11)' A Unit oi the FI", !,j State Board of Health r~~ ~ 204-1021 141.144. IU.2U1 ~ ~\~ 1 ~E-'7/HT Name of Subdiv.L;:).&.vn 0~E/"qe: /~ Section d7 'lWp G 7 Area b//9E,If: ~V / . / Description 4/(; o /.::" --;;=:;> /. - r--/- J / t'ck ,~ ~/O.B~h= ~rrl';'~ / ~ ~;/ . Rge ;Z C - ~BIERT E: Y W/I//4~ s{ Sc-#/?RF ;:. W/ F.c ~ Pc K 1.5, #h /Y t/ Lc Rc '7/'0 _~~ /1/ d /'1 /"'lu "'/..5 0 N Jo H N.!3&>.I\( J;;.<.4.l TJ:!: OWnership Mortgage Holders Power of Attorneys, Etc. Taxes- /::;9;'.0 /.;;<- /.3- CEr Date 1~0/6~ Sec. & Gov I t Lot Lines Shown on Plat /1/" /1/ .c . ~ ' /YnCH//l/E S/39-3 ~u. 5/Y8'-a,. Prm's C?/(': /, .//; Dimensions 4::::::::~L, Lot & Block Nos. ?? ~ Scale / ~-7i5 ~ D / Location Sketch ?? /1~ ~V€. Remarks --7#/...$ SRI'-1I~ '?%r W/TS PR/;5cA/T~C> rFS{ I~ 19~Y' (?A/ ~CC: 0&/11// to? ~o HEII-?/3' t? /AI/"t:J, / ~~.