Resolution 037-1969 RESOLUTION NO. 37 -l969 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAT FOR RECORD WHEREAS, Delbert L. Layton and Mary V. Layton, his wife, have requested that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Flori- da approve for record in accordance with Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, a plat known as "LONG KEY ESTATES FOUR TH ADDITION, a Subdivision in the SE 1/4, Section 33, Twp. 64 S., Rge. 35 E., Long Key, Monroe County, Florida", and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Layton, Florida has ap- proved said plat by Resolution passed and adopted on the 12th day of April, A. D. 1969, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the plat known as "LONG KEY ES- TATES FOURTH ADDITION, a Subdivision in the SE 1/4, Section 33, Twp. 64 S., Rge. 35 E., Long Key, Monroe County, Florida" be, and the same is hereby approved for record, and the Chairman and the Clerk of said Board are hereby authorized to sign the certificate of approval on said plat. April 22nd , 1969. Dated DEL LAYTON, MAYOR COUNCILMEN C. H. CARRIER PETE RILEY CHRIS NOLAN FRED JULIANA HARRY HAYTOCK w t t Y nf 1Jlaytnu F LOR D A tfJ" I~~ April 12th, 1969 Monroe County Commission Court House Key West, Fla. Dear Sirs, This Plat was approved by Resolution of the City Council of the City of Layton, this 12th day of April, 1969. ~~ t~k THOM 'Jc FLEMING STS. 32, KEY WEST. A. HEALTH DEPARTMENT REGIONAL OFFICES MARATHON, BOX 441 TAVERNIER, BOX 1117 April 16, 1969 KEY WEST MARATHON TAVERNIER 294-1021 74S-11441l 1l1l2-21lS 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Donald C. Cormack, Director Monroe County Building and Zoning Department FROM: Philip H. Isacco, M.D., Medical Director Monroe County Health Department SUBJECT: Long Key Estates, Fourth Addition Long Key, Monroe County, Florida Review of the subject subdivision plat discloses no apparent public health hazards and is approved with the following provisos: a. Water supply and distribution to be accomplished in accordance with Chapter 170C-l F.A.C. b. Sewage disposal by means of septic tank systems in accordance with Chapter l70C-4 F.A.C. r2 /;} IJ, ',. '_\ U~~? fI \.:.Po ~~. c>C/i) Philip H. Isacco, M.D. PHI :JON:bw cc: file A Unit of the Florida State Board of Health Nam~ of Subdiv ~ ~...va .,L c> /{/ w- M V ;:::., R T ,,= .s j,. / / 5 section6e:4 B 3 Twp b r - Area L 0 /\/" C? /r:=- y, Description ~ ~~~ / Rge , , - ~RT/-/ Rb J/}/ E a,s- . Power of AttorneyS, Etc. ~ ./ Taxes/.~/O .3-/7-bY Date ~/:!i--~Y Sec. & Gov't Lot Lines Shown on Plat ~~/ _[}~)151: R7 ..( ,6/ /1dKY \.i ~/'), ~ ,~~/ ./ R V n 11/ / . OWnership Mortgage Holders ./~("'// ~ /d 0").-. V"'- 1/ Scale ~~ ~/-(', ~/~ ,/ ~~ ?C' I'/' Prm's Dimensions Lot & Block Nos. Location Sketch Remarks ~~ / ~/r~ OJ\I' O/~ ~~/I Signatures Seals Engineers Note J ./ /' ~..._ Df GIIhItd1I GIanmstl..ilmltnl GERALD SAUNDERS Mayor HARRY HARRIS MaJor Pro Tern WM. L. OSTERHOUDT WM. A. FREEMAN, JR. HARRY S. PRITCHARD ~onrll~ ClIlluntg EARL R.. AMS Clerk To The Board Fred Tittle ~ Legal Advisor KEY WEST. FLORIDA ~ April 22nd , 1969 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida Gentlemen: This is to inform you that I have examined the documents submitted with the proposed plat entitled: I "LONG KEY ESTATES FOURTH ADDITION, a Subdivision in the SE l/4, Section 33, Twp. 64 S., Rge. 35 E., Long Key, Monroe County, Florida", " which was submitted to the County Commission for acceptance, approval and filing at your meeting on April 22. 1969 It is my opinion that said documentation is complete, and legally conforms to the plat filing law of Monroe County, Florida. y;;;:;;~~ Fred Tittle, Legal Advisor to the Board. . FT/mam I I