Resolution 038-1969 / RESOLUTION NO. 38 -1969 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAT FOR RECORD WHEREAS, Seaboard Properties, Inc., a Florida corporation, has requested that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Flori- da approve for record a plat known as "ANGELFISH CAY OCEAN REEF PLAT NO.5, being a Subdivision of a Portion of Government Lots 2 & 3, the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4, and the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4, and the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, all lying in Section 7, Township 59 South, Range 41 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida!!, and WHEREAS, the County Tax Assessor and County Zoning Director have recommended that said Board approve said plat for record, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the plat known as "ANGELFISH CAY OCEAN REEF PLAT NO.5, being a Subdivision of a Portion of Gov- ernment Lots 2 & 3, the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4, and the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4, and the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, all lying in Section 7, Township 59 South, Range 41 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida" be, and the same is hereby approved for record, together with a satisfactory re- cordable set of Subdivision Restrictions which adequately guarantee the construction and maintenance of the private roads within said plat by the various owners of lots and/or parcels therein, and the Chairman and Clerk of said Board are hereby authorized to sign the certificate of approval on said plat. April 22nd , 1969. Dated THC" S 8: FLEMING S. HEALTH DEPARTMENT REGIONAL OFFICES MARATHON, BOX 441 TAVERNIER, BOX 1117 April 18, 1969 MEMORANDUM TO: Donald Cormack, Director Monroe County Building and Zoning Department FROM: Philip H. Isacco, M.D., Director Monroe County Health Department SUBJECT: Angelfish Cay Ocean Reef Plat #5 Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida Review of the plat of the subject subdivision discloses no sannation or public health problems and is approved with the following provisos: a. Water supply and distribution to be accomplished in accordance with Chapter 170C-l F.A.C. b. Sewage disposal to be accomplished by extension of community sewerage system in accordance with the provisions of Chapter l70C-6 F.A.C. --J t! IJ ,... CL ~ f} '~t~(U~ Philip H. Isacco, M.D. PHI:JON:bw cc: Mr. Glass file Q) A Unit of the Florida State Board of Health IX 32, KEY WES- FLA. KEY WEST MARATHON TAVERNIER 294-102 , 743-114411 8112-2831 / /\, MONROE COUNTY BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 DONAL D CORMACK, Di rector PHONE 294-4641 Ext. 247 PHONE 852-5276 WILLIAM J. KL YS, Assi stant Director Plantation Key FRED TITTLE, Attorney Tavernier Marathon Office PHONE 852-8255 PHONE 743-5405 Ap R I L 21, 1969 HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 GENTLEMEN: THE PROPOSED PLAT TITLED ANGEL FISH CAY, OCEAN REEF PLAT No.5 HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY ZONING DEPART- MENT. YOURS VERY TRULY, / .. . . (1 <0/'::/ ./ ~\..'t .~. .W) .~ /. (~~/( DONALD COR~ACK, DIRECTOR BUILDING A~D ZONING DEPT. __uN"'.~ DC/s C aL-"'/'?/t/ , ~ ~ q~ ;# ~- r..€#.N'- / I"L.-, t..-an Rge -fL/-E, ~ /('E~r , - -1 , / ~c:ame of Subo.&. V.L ~ion ~/f.ti:./ r/54 UV 7 Section .7 Twp Sy - s , Area ~V /tfR9:C' / Description ?< /f/' I SF"R8<09/PO ~~If:Tl;; S .hvc, h/rs I A/..-r 7/ 17#,y / :Z::;;/VI,(, ~./" ~ R ~ ; ownership Mortgage Holders Power of AttorneyS, Etc. ------- ~ .,#-.;29?J0- /-= ..::2;?e'/3 =.?t9o ~-- / Taxes 7/H.P Alp y~ .:2-5t /?~,f, ?l/fc/f .;:1-909- / '" ..;2 8 9'9 - / Datea-~ /tf'" /7~? /" ~ / Sec. & Gov' t Lot Lines Shown on Plat ?? ~ prm' s V/r; D~ensions ~~, Lot & Block Nos. /a~/ Scale aK, Signatures ((:/#7 /r~.PRfse/VT/7T/VIE s. Seals a /(', Engineers Note ~~~ Location Sketch /?~/ ~"F~7R9E ~)~/~RS / Remarks ,A/ ,q rij/pl'..:' So. ,~ 0':= i;pF S / j;> /.3 I C. /--:::- <~<;;/ 0/3"101, CJr -S/_""H BOHR/? ~ ,--T/f-9pe Rr/e:. -s .; ,L BAILEY - MOONEY - POST ASSOCIATES, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS . SURVEYORS COUNTY ENGINEERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLA, Islamorada Office p, 0, Box 347 . Tel. 664-4lrillC Mgr,: James T, Glass, R,L.S, 4628 April 17, 1969 Mr. Donald Cormack, Director Monroe County Building & Zoning Dept. Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Cormack: Under separate cover, we are forwarding to you four prints of the tentative plat of "Angelfish Cay, Ocean Reef Plat No 5" for your review and approval. The Board of County Commissioners at their regular meeting on April 8, 1969 amended the plat filing regulations to allow for private roads. This plat calls for private roads and, thus it does comply with the regulations. We would greatl:yappreciate any efforts on your behalf to expedite the processing of this plat so that it can be presented to the County Commission at their regular meeting on April 22, 1969. Very truly yours, BAILEY-MOONEY_POST ASSOCIATES, INC. cc each Commissioner Mr. Fred Tittle Mr. Earl Adams Mr. John O'Neill . "., ! (' f- "v/'/Lt J -, ./,-_'_ ~i_,.L-4-- ,___c. .:r--ames T. Glass, P. E., RLS i~,. .~ -'Vice President 00-69-001.1 AFFILIATE: POST, BUCKLEY, MOONEY & SCHUH, INC. . CONSULTING ENGINEERS. MIAMI SPRINGS, FLORIDA. TEL. 887-6H6 AGEiJaJ. April 22. 1969 8 p.m. RF:''L1ND~~etin!! at 7:10 in Havor's Of nee with Mr. Wilcox of tederal Hous~ '-' Isetter from Governor naming Mayor Saunders as delegate to National Convent.ion of Nat1o~&1. R1v~rs and P'~rbors Congress to be held at the Mayflower Hotel in Wasb.1ngton. D.C. May 13-16.1 Bill trom Attorney WllJJ.am J. Roberts 1n regards to QpeDse ot $ll6.S7 and $650.00 Fee 1n conneotion with ciraw:f'ting proposed bnlkb.&Ad aot. , Lcltter from residents in San Souci Subd1vision. Grassy K81e Flonda Keys Squeduot Commission advises that it 18 not tea sible to install a .firo l;.,;..rd;..,.,llt . at. or near, the :f'1re station on Big Coppitt ley as the water Une 1n that area i8 r.ot large anough.' &.:J.gc.rloat Key Volunt.er Fire Department desires to donate water tank truck to the oounty_ , Another letter trom Key West Insurance Co.. regard1ng condition ot old City Ball. /.ppl1cu..tion trom the Florida State Road Department tor Fill and Dredge pormit to be used in the oonstruction ot b1dge and approaohe8 'between Spanish Harbor K., and Bahia Honday Key. County Deed and totm resoluti"on from State Road Department tor l"ight. ot ways on roads in Gult'st1"Ga1ll Shore. Subdivision. C~unty Deed and form resolution for right of way on roads in Key Colony Beach. Resolution and oontract tor road troll state Road 5 on Key ~rgo lorthea8ter~ to Dcide Count, Line., _ ~ .."rh..f GIomttv GI..mmi..u.n.... GERALD SAUNDERS Mayor HARRY HARRIS Mayor Pro T em WM. L. OSTERHOUDT WM. A. FREEMAN, JR. HARRY S. PRITCHARD ~llnroe QIountg EARL ~DAMS Clerk To The Board Fred Tittle ~ Legal Advisor KEY WEST. FLORIDA . April 22nd , 1969 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida Gentlemen: This is to inform you that I have examined the docwnents submitted with the proposed plat entitled: I "ANGELFISH CAY OCEAN REEF PLAT NO.5, being a Subdivision of a Portion of Government Lots 2 & 3, the West 1/2 of the NE 1/4, and the NE 1/4 of the SW ,U4, and the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, all lying in Section 7, Township 59 South, Range 41 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida", which was submitted to the County Commission for acceptance, approval and filing at 'your meeting on April 22, 1969 It is my opinion that said documentation is complete, and legally conforms to the plat filing law of Monroe Comty, Florida. FT/mam