Resolution 054-1969 RESOLUTION NO. 54 -1969 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAT FOR RECORD WHEREAS, James M. Brown, Trustee, has requested that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida approve for record a plat known as "A Subdivision of Tracts 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8, Revised Plat of RAMROD SHORES MARINA SECTION, as recorded in P. B. 5, P. 66, Section 29, T. 66 S., R. 29 E., Ramrod Key, Monroe County, Florida", and WHEREAS, the County Tax Assessor and County Zoning Director have recommended that said Board approve said plat for record, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the plat known as IIA Subdivision of Tracts 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8, Revised Plat of RAMROD SHORES MARINA SECTION, as recorded in P. B. 5, P. 66, Section 29, T. 66 S., R. 29 E., Ramrod Key, Monroe County, Florida'!, be, and the same is hereby ap- proved for record, and the Chairman and Clerk of said Board are hereby authorized to sign the certificate of approval on said plat. Dated June 10th , 1969. liI...rll ..f Gtcnutf1l Gt..mmi..i1Itttn GERALD SAUNDERS Mayor HARRY HARRIS Mayor Pro T em WM L. OSTERHOUDT WM. A. FREEMAN, JR. HARRY S. PRITCHARD 2Jl1Iottrll~ aIllUttfU EAR ~. ADAMS Clerk To The Board Fred Tittle ~tifIc Legal Advisor KEY WEST. FLORIDA , May 27th , 1969 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida Gentlemen: This is to inform you that I have examined the documents submitted with the proposed plat entitled: I "A Subdivision of Tracts 2. 4. 5. 6. 7 & 8, Revised Plat of RAMROD SHORES MARINA SECTION. as recorded in P. B.S. P. 66, Section 29, T. 66 S., R. 29 E.. Ramrod Key. Monroe County. Florida1l. which was submitted to the County Commission for acceptance, approval and filing at 'your meeting on May 27th, 1969 It is my opinion that said documentation is complete, and legally conforms to the plat filing law of Monroe County, Florida. Yours very truly, ~/~ ~::;Tittle, Legal Advisor to the Board. FT/mam ~".;Jif.- _. 1 vC:'i' J\l~j(; Nil". Donald Cormack :Oil" actor Mor~roe County Buildin.-b aD,d ZO:iling Depa.:"-'::Lec 50;) Whitehead Street Key West, Florida :EG.'.tO Dea.l" Iv"U'. '.: '.)l' This is :l..n referel1ce to l\.i:r. Glassl leneX' 6f lV..ay 2.',. L<:.c, onehe tentative plats oS: JTirst Addition to Lake Harbor arH; Ramrod Shore s, Marina Section. Ramrod Shores l,,!a:dna .sec.tiol~Revised. Wate:r is presently available to Block 7, Lot 2S and Block :;. Lots 1, 2, and 2,7. Nc other lots have water a.vailable. Easements will not be required for water as lines will be put in ea.ch side of the streets. Water lines are put 1.11. a.t the expense of de"e}ope:.' anc nJusf be done acco.r4ing to Flo.rida Keys Aql.leduct Goh1n~i5:':aun ,pecifications. ::'b_e':':l.o':~ci ;:;",~ instaEe,l ' ~ ',c:':::; sa:' ' lots. 1st. AdditIon to Lake Harbor NQ water is pres+2:ntly .:i.vai,able to lots on.:.niscentative 1J1at, ExtenSIons of water unes Wli.l. nave to ::;eade_j levelope" in accordan.ce with Florida Keys Aquedact 3pe(dlications. Easen'lents will ;:Je reql:,j.,...",:L ,-"c"' ""fir J'yV t ,f 1. c. c. Mr. John Buck le:/ c. c. Mr. F. TitJit;"'" "f du c. c. Mr. Janies T. Glass P. o. . f - , '/1-/t>l'lJ .1 <~ , \;n ('J f.. I. if (l"'i!>''1".~ ,; ..'", BOX 1239 .. K.EY WEST, FLOR D.A. 33C.~( cc: J. S. Roberts W. T. Cates J. T. Glass Fred Tittle GFA:kap L~~ ~(, Q.G~~:~~ George F. Almeda Superintendent of Engineering UTILITY BOARD - CITY OF KEY WEST "CITY ELECTRIC SYSTEM" J. S. Roberts, Manager Very truly yours, With kindest personal regards, I remain. If changes are effected before certification is approved, please notify the City Electric System. In answer to Mr. James T. Glass's letter of May 29, 1969, to the City Electric System manager, this is to inform you that the easements as shown in the attached plat for certi- fication are sufficient to service the subdivision as shown. Dear Mr. Cormack: Mr. Donald Cormack Zoning Department Monroe County Court House 500 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 June 3, 1969 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 .,...,,\. t J (--:__. : .:: .....-... ~.. i, ] ',,;'., ~~,. . ; ! P. O. DRAWER 1060 UTILITY BOARD OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST MONROE COUNTY BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 DONALD CORMACK, Director PHONE 294-4641 Ext. 247 PHONE 852-5276 WilLIAM J. Kl YS, Assi stant Director Plantation Key FRED TITTLE, Attorney T aver ni er Marathon Office PHONE 852-8255 PHONE 743-5405 APRIL 21,1969 HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 GENTLEMEN: THE PROPOSED PLAT TITLED RAMROD SHORES MARINA SECTION HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT. YOURS VERY TRULY, DONALD CO,MACK, DIRECTOR BUI LDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT DC/sc \'\ ,.." -'.;"~~";''''=.'"'''-~' ,:., ,'r'-:.-'::"7~'" + BAILEY. MOONEY - POST ASSOCIATES, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS. SUItVBYORS COUNTY ENGINEERS. MONROE COUNTY, FLA. w........ Office P. O. Be. J4' · TeL 66..~ 4628 Mar" J..... T, Gl.... R.l.S. March 18, 1969 Mr. Donald Cormack, Director Monroe County Building & Zoning Dept. Courthouse Key West, Fla. f" ! Dear Mr. Cormack: We have enclosed 4 copies of the tentative plat "Ramrod Shores Marina Section" for your review. We have prepared this pl~t in accordance with the plat filing rules and regulations. You will note that this plat is a sub- division of Tracts 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the "Revised Plat of a part of Ramrod Shores Marina Section" as recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 66 of the Public Records. This existing plat subdivided the land into tracts and dedicated the roads and now the owner, Mr. James M. Brown, Trustee, wishes to plat these tracts into lots. The lots shown on this tentative plat are larger. than the required minimum of 6000 sq. ft. The roads are dedicated in the existing plat, and there are no new roads dedicated in this tentative plat. We are hopeful that this plat can be reviewed in time to be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at their regular meeting on March 25, 1969'. ~, Very truly yours, cc each Commissioner Mr. Earl Adams Mr. Fred Tittle Mr. James M. Brown Mr. John O'Neill 69-824.8 AFFILIATE, POST. BUCKLEY. MOONEY" SCHUH, INC, . CONSULTING ENGINEERS. MIAMI SPRINGS. FLORIDA. TEL. '''.6,., THOMAS 8< FLEMINu "',"'. BOX 32, KEY Y' 'T. FLA. HEALTH DEPARTMENT REGIONAL OFFICES MARATHON, BOX 441 TAVERNIER, BOX 1157 Marathon, Florida April 7, 1969 KEY WEST MARATHON TAVERNIER 294-'021 743-154415 15152-2831 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Donald C. Cormack, Director Monroe County Building and Zoning Department FROM: Philip H. Isacco, M.D., Medical Director Monroe County Health Department SUBJECT: A Subdivision of Tracts 2,4,5,6,7 & 8 Revised Plat of Part of Ramrod Shores Marina Section Sec. 29, Twp. 66S, Rge. 29E Ramrod Key, Monroe County Florida Review of the subject subdivision plat discloses no apparent health problems and is approved with the following provisos: a. Water supply and distribution to be accomplished in accordance with Chapter l70C-l F.A.C. b. Sewage disposal by means of septic tank systems installed in accordance with Chapter l70C-4 F.A.C. Philip H. Isacco, M.D. Medical Director PHI:KJN:mek cc; Bailey, Mooney, Post Assoc., Inc. A Unit of the Florida State Board of Health __~ ~ / ',/'~~ r--- _ /' . /",1 /T" CD') 1-1 0 if /:'5 /,.J /~' / / (J /1 ,_:J I.'::' C, /;', Name of SubdiviSionSy,6'DIVJS/OA/_ tCY/ 1iJfCTS ,r-~-5--r:: / 7~Y Section ~9 A~ rJ R c' I:::> Twp c:, Rge :;:27 <-) j/ 0 ;f' /,:- <) ~ Description a/r: Power of AttorneyS, Etc. ~ Taxes-7/?/ /;J Date5~/ILY / / ' Sec. & Gov1t Lot Lines Shown on Plat ~/: /- 9- 6;; .... In M I~ <) S::B RO l-U /\/, (;r~c ,S-;;B/E (:.xP; / / .#17'1{> 0 /P I.A/o rr /'1 ff AI / C H-r?E XI B if tf"9 l.- I ' / '#' g7 & r./- - II '~"fc..i 6"7 & r - II Ownership Mortgage Holders Prm's a~, Dimensions ~~~/ Lot & Block Nos. C<fi: ,r Scale /70 /e)o /-7: Signatures P/( - Seals ~~~ Engineers Note c:t:< /(', Location Sketch k K Remarks