Resolution 055-1969RESOLUTION NO. S5 -1969 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAT FOR RECORD WHEREAS, Sunrise Realty Co. , Inc. , a Florida corporation, has re- quested that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida approve for record a plat known as "FIRST ADDITION TO LAKE HARBOR, a Subdivision of Part of "Tract A." of Amended Plat of Lake Harbor, P. B. 5, P. 71, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida", and WHEREAS, in lieu of the bond required by the provisions of Chapter 59-1577 and Chapter 59-1578, Laws of Florida, Acts of the Legislature Year 1959, the developer of said subdivision will enter into an Agreement with the County of Monroe, State of Florida, to convey to said County certain proper- ty as described in the Deed attached hereto, as security for the construction and paving of streets in said subdivision, and WHEREAS, the County Tax Assessor and County Zoning Director have recommended that said Board approve said plat for record, provided that said Board waives the provisions contained in the above referred to laws, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA., that the provisions of Chapter 59-1577 and Chapter 59-1578, Laws of Florida, Acts of the Legislature Year 1959, be, and the same are hereby waived, in that property is being accepted and pledged in lieu of a bond, so far as the plat known as "FIRST ADDITION TO LAKE HARBOR, a Subdivision of Part of "Tract A" of Amended Plat of Lake Harbor, P. B. 53 P. 71, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida", is con- cerned, and that said plat be, and the same is hereby approved for record, and the Chairman and Clerk of said Board are hereby authorized to sign the certificate of approval on said plat, upon delivery to said Board of the exe- cuted Agreement above referred to, and delivery of executed Deed above referred to. Dated June loth 1969. a Na=rb of Qlsuutp Commissioners GERALD SAUNDERS Mayor HARRY HARRIS Mayor Pro Tern WA L. OSTERHOUDT WM. A. FREEMAN, JR. HARRY S. PRITCHARD EAR. ADAMS Clerk To The Board !� �Q�1DE �D�.221�1 Fred Tittle Legal Advisor KEY WEST, FLORIDA May 27th , 1969 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida Gentlemen: This is to inform you that I have examined the documents submitted with the proposed plat entitled: "FIRST ADDITION TO LAKE HARBOR, a Subdivision of Part of "Tract A." of Amended Plat of Lake Harbor, P. B. 5, P. 71, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida", which was submitted to the County Commission for acceptance, approval and filing at .your meeting on May 27th, 1969 It is my opinion that said documentation is complete, and legally conforms to the plat filing law of Monroe County, Florida. Yours very truly, Fred Tittle, Legal Advisor to the Board. FT/mam June 9, 1969 Mr. Donald Cormack Director Monroe County Building and Zoning Department 500 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Corn-iack: This is in reference to Mr. Glasst letter of May 29, 1969, on the tentative plats of First Addition to Lake Harbor and Ramrod. Shores, Marina Section. Ramrod Shores Marina Section Revised Water. is presently available to Block 7, Lot 25 and Block 5, Lots 1, 2, and 27. No other lots have water available. Easements will not be required for water as lines will be put in each side of the streets. Water lines are put in at the expense of developer and must be done according to Florida Keys Aqueduct Commission specifications. They should be installed prior to. sale of lots. 1st. Addition to Lake Harbor No water is presently available to lots on this tentative plat. Extensions of water lines will have to be made by developer in accordance with Florida Keys Aqueduct specifications. Easements will not be required. Sincerely yours, J W. i� Jr. JWH/hgh- anager. c. c. Mr. John Buckley // (1/l/� C. c. Mr. F. Ti me of the orld/ o,/J 6 arye6t- Single Purpose 2eealting Plant c. c. Mr. James T. Glass P. O. BOX , 1239 • KEY . WEST, FLORIDA 33040 June 3, 1969 Mr. Donald Cormack, Director Monroe County Building and Zoning Department Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Cormack: At the request of Bailey -Mooney -Post Associates, Inc. we have examined the tentative plat of first addition to Lake Harbor, Plantation Key. The pole line which will be erected in the right-of-way of Lake Road will require two guying easements approximately 15 foot long and 3 foot wide between lots 31 and 32, and lots 35 and 36. No other easements appear to be required at this time. I hope this will provide you with sufficient information so that the plat can be considered at the regular meeting of June 10, 1969. Sincerely, FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASS'N., INC. J mes T. Ellis JTE/em Manager cc -Mr. James T. Glass Bailey -Mooney -Post Assoc., Inc. Mr. Fred Tittle THOMAS & FLEMING STS. BOX 32, KEY W -, FLA. HEALTH REGIONAL OFFICES MARATHON, BOX 441 TAVERNIER. BOX 157 �-:���b1`i11� May 27, 1969 DEPARTMENT TO: Mr. Donald C. Cormack, Director Monroe County Building and Zoning Department FROM: Philip H. Isacco, M.D., Medical Director Monroe County Health Department SUBJECT: Lake Harbor Subdivision, First addition Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida KEY WEST 294-1021 MARATHON 743-5446 TAVERNIER 852-2831 Review of the subject plat discloses no apparent environmental health problems and is approved with the following provisos: a. Water supply and distribution to be accomplished in accordance with Chapter 170C-1 F.A.C. b. Sewage disposal by means of septic tank systems installed in accordance with Chapter 170C-4 F.A.C. PHI:JON:bw cc: file Philip H. Isacco, M.D. A Unit of the Florida State Board of Health BAILEY- MOONEY -POST ASSOCIATES, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS . SURVEYORS COUNTY ENGINEERS. MONROE COUNTY, FLA. Islamorada Office Mgr. Jamea T. Glass. R.L.S. RECEIVED Telephone: 664-4563 P. O. Box 347 Islamorada, Florida 33036 Tlay 29, 1969 JUN 21969 COUNR A17ORNEC'S OFFICE -apt. J.W. t,iggins, Jr., ,tanager Florida Keys Aqueduct Commission F 0 Box 1239 Key West, Florida 33040 .hear .:apt. Higgins: At the request of the Monroe County Beard of County Commissioners, T an forwarding to you two prints of the tentative plate of First Addition to take Harbor and Ramrod Shores, Marina Section. The purpose of sending these prints to you is so that:. the Florida rays Aqueduct Commission can review the Plats and advise the county Commission about any easements that might be necessary for water Mains, storage tank, etc. Also it is desired for you to comment about the availability of water supply for these subdivisions. Your comments should be sent directly to ,' r. Donald ''ormackp Director of the Monroe ^ounty Building and Zoning :'lepartment , by Priday, June 6, 1969, so the 'Plats can be considered at the regular County Commission meetinE; Scheduled for ,dune lu, 1969. Enc . Oe Mr. John D. Buckley Mr. Donald r:ormack Mr. Fred Tittle v` 08-69-001.0 Very truly yours, L'>r?I �:, y-''��ON; Y-:� OST AS ^CICT-AT7T, TNC. .ides Glass AFFILIATE: POST, BUCKLEY, MOONEY & SCHUH, INC. • CONSULTING ENGINEERS • MIAMI SPRINGS, FLORIDA a TEL. 887-6546 BAILEY - MOONEY - POST ASSOCIATES, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS• SURVEYORS COUNTY ENGINEERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLA. Islamorada Office RECEIVED Mgr. James T. Glass. R.L.S. Tel 664-4 S 6 3 P. O. Box 347 Islamorada, Florida 33036 May 29, 1969 JUN 21969 COUN11 AffORNEY'S OFFICE -Mr. J. T. Ellis, manager Florida Keys Flectic ''a -operative Alssoc., Inc. Tavernier, pla. Dear Mr. llis: At the request of the Monroe ;Ounty Board of ; i am forwarding to you two print; of the ounty Commissioners, tentative plat of First Addition to Lake Rarbor. The purpose of sending these prints to you, is so that the ;O-operative can review the plat and advise the County COMMission about any easements that might be necessary for installation of .',O-operative facilities. Your comments should be sent directly to Mr. f)on:r:ld-ormack, Director of the ';c�IZ* oe ;ourxt� Building and Zoning L"apartment, by Firday, Tune so that the plats can June 10, 196r. bey considered at the regular runt omrlission meeting,sc7edtlled for Very truly trours, '�b.c Bn.II LY-rtCtC.�*T Y �� C L. AS S'OCIAT''S, INC. WNW 7, James 1'. Glass f ik a cc Mr.. Donald Cormack Mr. Tied 'little .e' 08-69-001.0 AFFILIATE: POST, BUCKLEY, MOONEY & SCHUH, INC. a CONSULTING ENGINEERS . MIAMI SPRINGS, FLORIDA . TEL. 887.6546 THOMAS & FLEMING STS. BOX 32, KEY Wf FLA. REGIONAL OFFICES MARATHON, BOX 441 TAVERNIER. BOX 157 HEALTH May 27, 1969 DEPARTMENT KEY WEST 294-1021 MARATHON 743-5446 TAVERNIER 652-2831 Re: A Subdivision of Part of Tract A of Amended Plat of Lake Harbour PB 5, P 71 Bailey Mooney Post Associates, Inc. Engineers and Surveyors Islamorada, Florida Gentlemen: We have received confirmation from our Sanitarian that the plans as submitted on the above have been approved in accordance with Florida Statutes and that construction may start as planned. Mours very truly, Philip H. Isacco, M.D. Medical Director A Unit of the Florida State Board of Health BAILEY - MOONEY -POST ASSOCIATES, Inc. I I INC; I.NCINEFRS • S('R,'FYORS COUNTY FNC;INFFRS. MONROE COUNTY. FLA. 1,1n ,ada Oftr 4628 P O. Ro. 74- • Tel 6t, I MR, James T Giu . R I. S Mr. Donald Cormack, Director Monroe County Building & Zoning DEp�. Courthouse Key West, Fla. Gent l e[ile:, : Transmitted herewith are the following documents: Original tracing of plat - First Addition to Lake Harbor Our check No 3434 in the amount of $15.00 for recording fee Job No_ 08-69-026.1 Date: May 26, 1969 Very truly yours, BA-MOONEY-POST, ASSOCIATES, INC. ames T. Glass, P E AFFILIATE POST. RUCKLFY. MOONEY & SCHUH, INC. • CONSULTING ENGINEERS • MIAMI SPRINGS, FLORIDA • TEL. 887-6546 BRUNTON REALTY, INC. z TELEPHONE KEY LARGO 852-5150 REG. BROKERS -- REALTORS P. O. BOX 434 TAVERNIER, FLORIDA 33070 � TYay 20 1969 To V.It May +Concern: re: Appraisal, First Addition to Lake Harbor, a subdi-fision of part of Tract A. of amended plat of Lake Harbor as recorded in PB 5/71 Monnoe County, Florida Purpose of Appraisal To give a fair market value as of today's value to be used in lieu of bond for streets and rbadds We place the estimated fair market value as follows, Lot 16 and lot 30 -- $ 2,750.00 each-- $ 5,500.00 total value Respectfully submitted by Brunt RealtvIn&. t H. Bruntc,{i, RealtXr- Appraiser MEMBER OF FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS FLORIDA KEYS BOARD OF REALTORS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE BOARDS FLORIDA KEYS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE BROKERS MONROE COUNTY BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 PHONE 294-4641 DONALD CORMACK, Director Ext. 247 WILLIAM J. KLYS, Assistant Director PHONE 852-5276 Plantation Key PHONE 852-8255 FRED TITTLE, Attorney Tavernier PHONE 743 5405 Marathon Office HONORABLE BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY COURT KEY WEST, FLORIDA GENTLEMEN: MAY 26, 1969 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HOUSE THE PROPOSED PLAT "1ST. ADDITION TO LAKE HARBOR" HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT. YOURS VERY TRULY, DONALD CORMACK, DIRECTOR BUILDING AND ZONING DEPT. DC/S C Islamorada Office P. O. Box 347 - Tel. 664-4 Mgr.: James T. Glass, R.L.S. BAILEY - MOONEY - POST ASSOCIATES, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS COUNTY ENGINEERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLA. May 21, 1969 Mr. Donald Cormack, Director Monroe Co., Building & Zoning Dept. Key West, Fla. Re: 08-69-026.1 Tentative Plat - First Addition to Lake Harbor Dear Mr. Cormack: Enclosed are four prints of the tentative plat of "First Addition to Lake Harbor" for your review and approval. This plat has been prepared in conformance with the Monroe County Plat Filing Regulations. We have estimated the cost of paving Lake Road according to County standards and specifications to be $5000. We would appreciate this plat being reviewed in time for it to be presented at the County Commission meeting scheduled for May 27, 1969. We will deliver the original to you on the day of the meeting. -MOONEY-POST ASSOCI Enc. ames T. Glass, P. E. cc each Commissioner Mr. Fred Tittle Mr. Eaii R. Adams Mr. W. H. Sutcliffe INC. AFFILIATE: POST, BUCKLEY, MOONEY & SCHUH, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS - MIAMI SPRINGS, FLORIDA - TEL. 887-6546 ,f,r- e�l/ ?3 / Name of Subdivision Z,4kF �e /� ��i�.� - -- ' - °" Section Ir Twp 6 -5 So 4. -1,4 Rge .9.st____,__ Description ownership � r,� r� 2/ s C Af I A/ l om4A4)(4 o—r�C•� Mortgage Holders Power of Attor/neyS, Etc. --- Taxes q 'G 2� # 3 03 & Date -7,3169�.. Sec. & Gov't Loot Lines Shown on Plat -. an e - Prm' s K /c Dimensions [�/� 41. Lot & Block Nos. /- 1-- - - Scale �D lee Signatures e) f,. Seals Engineer's Note Location Sketch —�� -- -- -