Resolution 063-1969 /~ RESOLUTION NO. 63 -1969 RESOL UTION APPROVING PLAT FOR RECORD WHEREAS, Elizabeth Tobi has requested that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida approve for record a plat known as 11PLANTATION TROPICAL PARK, located in SW 1/4, Section 33, Twp. 62 S., Rge. 38 E., Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida", and WHEREAS, the County Tax Assessor and County Zoning Director have recommended that said Board approve said plat for record, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the plat known as "PLANT A TION TROPICAL PARK, located in SW 1/4, Section 33, Twp. 62 S., Rge. 38 E., Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida" be, and the same is hereby approved for record, and the Chairman and Clerk of said Board are here- by authorized to sign the certificate of approval on said plat. Dated July 15th , 1969. ~o.rllof GImmtv GIomminion.1'1I GERALD SAUNDERS Mayor HARRY HARRIS Mayor Pro T em WM. L. OSTERHOUDT WM. A. FREEMAN, JR. HARRY S. PRITCHARD c$tourn~ QInuutg EA. R. ADAMS Clerk To The Board Fred Tittle ~nfk Legal Advisor KEY WEST. FLORIDA July 8th , 1969 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida Gentlemen: This is to inform you that I have examined the docwnents submitted with the proposed plat entitled: . I "PLANT AT ION TROPICAL PARK, located in SW 1/4, Section 33, Twp. 62 S., Rge. 38 E., Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida", which was subrnitted to the County Commission for acceptance, approval and filing at your meeting on July 8th, 1969 It is my opinion that said documentation is complete, and legally conforms to the plat filing law of Monroe County, Florida. Board. FT Imam FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERA(lVE ASSOL..IJ-\IION, INC. PHONE 852-2431 TAVERNIER, FLORIDA 33070 MANAGER TRUSTEES: DEAN C. ELVER, KEY COLONY BEACH CARROLL KENNEDY, ISLAMORADA WALTER E. KRAMER, ISLAMORADA WILLIAM A. LANE, TAVERNIER LEO F. LIPPS, TAVERNIER TRUSTEES: f"RANK F. TAYLOR, ..JR., PRESIDENT, KEY LARGO GARY T. EDELSON, VICE PRES., MARATHON MILDRED LEE, TREASURER, ISl.AMORAOA G. CARLTON WALTERS, SECRETARY, MARATHON .JAMES T. ELLIS June 23, 1969 Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Fla. 33040 Gentlemen: I have received a copy of Plantation Tropical Park Subdivision plat. We have no comments at this time with respect to this plat. Sincere Iy, FLORID A KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSIN" INC. ~?c'~"~ ;-ra; James T. EI1 is Manage r JTE/em MONROE COUNTY BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 DONAl D CORMACK, Di rector PHONE 294-4641 Ext. 247 PHONE 852-5276 WilLIAM J. Kl YS, Assi stant Director Plantation Key FRED TITTLE, Attorney Tavernier Marathon Office PHONE 852-8255 PHONE 743-5405 JULY 7, 1969 HONORABLE BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE KEY WEST, FLORIDA GENTLEMEN: THE PROPOSED PLAT ENTITLED PLANTATION TROPICAL PARK HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT. YOURS VERY TRULY, {~j}/ ~pL DONALD CORrACK, DIRECTOR BUILDING AND ZONING DEPT. DC/JCP .OMAS & FLEMI~ BOX 32, KEY' -ST, FLA. HEALTH DEPARTMENT REGIONAL OFFICES MARATHON, BOX 441 TAVERNIER, BOX 1117 KEY WEST MARATHON T A VERNIER 294-1021 743-11448 1l1l2-21l31 June 24, 1969 MEMORANDUM TO: Donald C. Cormack, Director Monroe County Building and Zoning Department FROM: Philip H. Isacco, M.D., Medical Director Monroe County Health Department SUBJECT: PLANTATION TRIPICAL PARK SUBDIVISION Plantation Key, More County Review of the proposed subdivision plat discloses no apparent public health hazards and is approved with the following provisios: a. Water supply and distribution to be accomplished in accordance with Chapter 17OC-1 FAC b. Sewage disposal by means of septic tank systems in accordance with Chapter 170-4 FAC Director PHI:jd CC: Mr~o John O'Neill A Unit of the Florida State Board of Health BAILEY-MOONEY-POST ASSOCIATES, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 347 ISLAMORADA, FLORIDA 33036 CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS TELEPHONE: 305/664-4628 June 20, 1969 Mr. Donald Cormack Director Monroe County Building & Zoning Dept. Courthouse Key West, Fla. Dear Mr. Cormack: We have reviewed the tentative plat entitled "Plantation Tropical Park" and report that the deficiencies as noted in our letter of May 2, 1969, have been corrected. As far as the surveyor's work is concerned this plat now conforms to the plat filing regulations. Using the procedure as provided for in the plat filing regulations we have calculated the cost of constructing the streets and pro- viding for storm drainage to be approximately $13,000. Very truly yours, BAILEY-MOONEY-POST ASSOCIATES, INC. illNROE COUNTY ENGINE,ERS ~ ~~_.. ~~~. James T. Glass, P. E. cc each Commissioner Mr. Fred Tittle Mr. Earl Adams 08-69-009.0 AFF/L/ATE.- POST; BUCKLEY, MOONEY" SCHUH,INC . CONSULTIN13 ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS ~- . western union e · Tellbranf SSAOO A MZ C05 4 Nl PDF=tv11 AM I FLO 14= FRED TITTLE, COUNTY ATTORNEY MONROE 515 WhiTEHEAD ST KEY WEST FLO= ~ ~ . j" ,JU 5 M1 COUNTY= . S T R E E T SIN P LAN TAT ION T RO PIC ALP A RK SUB D I V I S ION H A V E ,BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNTY REQUIREMENTS= H 0 VI A RD M PO S T CO UN T YEN GIN E E R. WU 1201 (R 5-69) ..I~ .ro .......J- (}-j' C:' . 7_ /l I.: ~ t' G "- Name of SUDa~vision p.L.A.A/rA rlo",J T/??,. _}~L r; 1RJc . Section 33 Twp ~ :;) - S tHL+L. Rge ..3 8 Ie a ":'+ - Area P L A ./L-I TAT I () A.) /r-E 'r Description C?~ Mortgage Holders ,e- L I Z.A SI:::.-rH A/1J/tJE To 13 I - Ownership Power of AttorneyS, Etc. /L/~)/&2:: Taxes OK. .",.. 6057 -..5 Date 1/ .2~/ 6 9 Sec. & Gov't Lot Lines Shown on Plat 'J-/3j/ cd (/ OK. prm' s /? tf/ Dimensions 0 Ic Lot & Block Nos. ok Scale / N ~. be:) I Signatures ~~~~l/~- Seals #O.#r Engineers Note 0 Ie Location Sketch ~/~ Remarks \ f C/~?i 1-1- /~1 ) P....'S. -I if 0 ('"~ IZ./ eJe... t:J;:'~' (-'(..+, "n '33 SEVEN MILE BRIDGE July 8, 1969 Mr. Donald Cormack Director Building and Zoning Department Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Corrnack: This is in reply to your letter of June 20, 1969, concerning a Proposed Plat on Plantation Tropical Park. Enclosed herewith is your copy of the Propused I1lat and placed thereon in red is the existing 211 galvanized pipe so water is available for this subdivision. Sincerely yuur s, {' 1'. ,?_ -. ...!.... . "'7.~'- . ." I ". . .~7 ,u__. -~..' / ,.{ .~ ";I':,~I" 'I, ~:eu:,"" .~.~~..".,.v ~ " Vincent Y. ;{~renata Engineering Superintendent. Enc!. VYC /hgh ~JJome 0/ the World ~ J.!ar9~.?jl Sin~",:~ l)urpoje ,:~~')'Ia II~'I"I:~' i'J~:~mt P. O. BOX 1239 · KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040