Resolution 065-1969 RESOLUTION NO. 65 -1969 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAT FOR RECORD WHEREAS, The Branigar Organization, Inc., an Illinois corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida, has requested that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida approve for re- cord a plat known as "PORT ANTIGUA PLAT NO. 3 - 4, a Portion of Tract 5, Matecumbe Sandy Beach, P. B. 3, p. 27, Lower Matecumbe Key, Mon- roe County, Florida", and WHEREAS, in lieu of the bond required by the provisions of Chapter 59-1577 and Chapter 59-1578, Laws of Florida, Acts of the Legislature Year 1959, the platter of said subdivision will enter into an Agreement with the County of Monroe, State of Florida, to convey to said County Lots 82, 83, 84 and 85, PORT ANTIGUA PLAT NO.2, as recorded in P. B. 6, p. 18, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, as security for the con- struction and paving of streets in said subdivision, and WHEREAS, the County Tax Assessor and County Zoning Director have recommended that said Board approve said plat for record, provided said Board waives the provisions contained in the above referred to laws, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the provisions of Chapter 59-1577 and Chapter 59 -15 78, Laws of Florida, Acts of the Legislature Year 1959, be, and the same are hereby waived, in that property is being accepted and pledged in lieu of a bond, so far as the plat known as "PORT ANTIGUA PLAT NO.3 - 4, a Portion of Tract 5, Matecumbe Sandy Beach, p. B. 3, p. 27, Lower Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida'! is concerned, and that said plat be, and the same is hereby approved for record, and the Chairman and the Clerk of said Board are hereby authorized to sign the certificate of approval on said plat, upon delivery to said Board of the executed Agreement above referred to, and delivery of executed Deed conveying the above re- ferred to property to said County. Dated July 22nd , 1969. BAILEY-MOONEY-POST ASSOCIATES, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 347 ISLAMORADA, FLORIDA 33036 CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS TELEPHONE: 305/664-4628 June 25, 1969 Mr. Donald Cormack, Director Monroe County Building & Zoning Dept. Key West, Fla. Dear Mr. Cormack: Enclosed herewith for your review and approval are 6 prints of the plat of "Port Antigua Plat No 3-4. We have prepared this plat l.n conformance with the Monroe County Plat Filing Regulations and with the master plat of Port Antigua, a copy of which is enclosed for your reference. All of county and utility agencies can proceed with their reVl.ew of the plat at this time, except the tax assessor's office. The deed transferring title from Alonzo Cothron to The Branigar Organi- zation, Inc., has not been recorded yet. We expect this instrument to be recorded next week and will advise you so the tax assessor can proceed with his review. We have estimated the cost of paving the roads within this plat at $28,000. We are hopeful that this plat can be presented to the County Commission at the regular meeting scheduled for July 8, 1969. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, cc Mr. Fred Tittle with enc. ILEY-MOONEY-POST AS~A~ES' INC. /au~ ~f /.it~ James T. Glass, P. E., RLS Vice President Enc. 08-69-071.0 AFFILIATE: POST, BUCKLEY, MOONEY" SCHUH,INC . CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS MONROE COUNTY BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 OONAlD CORMACK, Director PHONE 294-4641 Ext. 247 PHONE 852-5276 WilLIAM J. Kl YS, Assi stant Director Plantation Key FRED TITTLE, Attorney Tavernier Marathon Office PHONE 852-8255 PHONE 743-5405 J U L Y 7, 1969 HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE KEY WEST, FLORIDA GENTLEMEN: THE PROPOSED PLAT ENTITLED PORT ANTIGUA PLAT No. 3-4 HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT. YOURS VERY TRULY, Dcl J C P FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIAlluN, INC. PHONE 852-2431 TAVERNIER, FLORIDA 33070 MANAGER TRUSTEES: DEAN C, ELVER, KEY COLONY BEACH CARROLL KENNEDY, ISLAMORADA WALTER E. KRAMER, ISLAMORADA WILLIAM A. LANE, TAVERNIER LEO F. LIPPS, TAVERNIER TRUSTEES: FRANK F. TAYLOR, ~R.f PRESIDENT, KEY LARGO GARY T. EDELSON, VICE PRES.. MARATHON MILDRED LEE, TREASURER. ISLAMORADA G. CARLTON WALTERS, SECRETARY, MARATHON .JAM ES T. ELLI S July 11, 1969 Mr. Donald Cormack, Director Building and Zoning Department Monroe County Building & Zoning Dept. Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Cormack: We have no comments to make with respect to the proposed plat entitled Port Antigua Plat No. 3-4. Very truly yours, FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASS'N., INC. ~1Z:;a Manager JTE/em TI IAS 8: FLEMING lOX 32, KEY WE~T. FLA. HEALTH DEPARTMENT REGIONAL OFFICES MARATHON, BOX 441 TAVERNIER, BOX 157 July 14, 1969 KEY WEST MARATHON TAVERNIER 294-1021 743-5446 852-2831 Mi::I>10RA1IDUIVI To: Donald C. Cormack, Director i,lonroe County Building and ;;joninG Department From: Philip H. Isacco, Il.D., Medical Director I-Ionroe County Health Department Subject: Port Antigua; Plat No. 3-4, Ilatecumbe Sandy Beach, I.Iatecumbe Key, Nonroe County, Florida. Review of the proposed subdivision pL,t discloses no apparent public health hazards and is approved uith the follo.dng provisos: a. dater supply and distribution to be accomplished in accordance with Chapter 170C-l F.A.C. b. Sewage disposal by means of septic tank systems in accordance with Chapter 170C-4 F.A.C. (?fL,J~f fI,~'Jc~&~,:J Philip H. Isacco, M.D. cc: Key ~;est file A Unit of the Florida State Board of Health /.1c ;::;'C; A.A' '7 ~.-:- ---/ ~/ Name of Subdivision ~t!P~ T ~/\/r/ ,..i/./A "L-.L-,.... #"..3"-4 Section /\IO/V~ Twp NClNE Rge NONE Area LbvVE~ ../HAJTeeO#BE .A:~y' Description &?~ Ownership g ~.#i ~~c? ~...eG'..-9./1/ ~./;'/7 erN...z:;v c Mortgage Holders A.L-tO~7f11? yjC~tf'/F~NC:C-- ~;(!b/y Power of AttorneyS, Etc. Taxes P.4/ D - -r/7 /~ r Date _~//~~q ~-4C# //54~'- II Sec. & Gov I t Lot Lines Shown on Plat /\I~/YE Pnn's ~.L.' Dimensions O/C Lot & Block Nos. tt>K Scale /""'::: ~OtJ i Signatures ./\/o/\/e- Seals /}/to.A/' E Location Sketch 6?/< /V~NE Engineers Note Remarks 4 ~cCJ~77oN /!/r 7RACT s ~g..5-/27 T/V/E,eA/A77l?~~L ~/Y/<. 07 ~/#m/ /..5 4L'.>o //ClLLJE"e ~r ~4&Tcr/?6-~ /:/V C-:O./V../.?I/V'cT/~,n,/ ~/ TN //.?~ E/:?'?,eS' A. C::~~T#~/V ~~ OT#€.e? /#..4/\/ .sG/RJ/E .>1:fJRf ..::f/4-/V-""9Tv~E // 77/Ek'E ~ /Y0 &77/.c~~ h7L'~ ~-C::~...??/?'7~L) 7h'AT THE ~t!'vNT ~p ~cREfiJc;-.E BE /Y'~~ II aN ,.o..c..A T )RIDA E.. .5 QUEDUC .",,,,,,*';,,"''''''''''''<<'''''.~.''~'.''''''~9 """" ~. BAHIA HONDA f3RJOGE MARATHON KEY WEST SEVEN MILE BRIDGE July 22, 1969 Mr. Donald Cormack Dir ector Building ~>t Zoning Departm ent Monroe County Court l:-!ouse Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Cormack: This is in reply to your Letter of July 7, 1969. concerning the proposed pla.t entitled Port Antigua, Plat No. 3-4, a portion of Tract 5 Matecumbe Sandy Beach - P. B. 3. P.l27, Water is not presently available to the land on the proposed plat. We have no objection to the proposed plat being recorded. It is again recommended that when developer s come in with their proposed plats that they have their engineer s indicate on the plat the lay-out for water mains. This lay-out, of course, would be done after contact is made by the engineers and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Commission or its Consulting Engineers. The proposed plat should indicate thereon maxinlunl water requirements. This latter is particularly important so that the Florida Keys Aqueduct Commission will be able to determine whether water could be supplied in the quantities desired. With the continued development of the Florida Keys, the demand upon the water supply is radically increasing. Without an additional supply of water the time will come when the construction of businesses or homes in some new developments will have to be done without a supply of water to them. To prevent this situation" as each proposed plat comes ia,the water requirements should be fully known so that we can make plans for the future. I shall be happy to meet with you or with the County Commissioner s to go over this problem in more detail if you so desire. JWH /hgh .JJome 0/ t~e P, 0, "HI Cr' VVoJr,jd J ~}?cerely ~~ur s, ,/"' 1!i:. 'l,t]t ~---' / J. . '4$f1'r() - anager ~~1' ( c..ta"~l,~,d ..~rn~i~le rJurpoJe r;])eJali;ng Plant . KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 BOX 1239 ~1I.rb IIf GI1nmtll GIlImminlllner. 2ffitouro~ QIouutg EARL ,ADAMS Clerk To The Board Fred Tittle ~~ Legal Advisor GERALD SAUNDERS Mayor ,HARRY HARRIS Mayor Pro T em WM. L. OSTERHOUDT WM. A. FREEMAN, JR. HARRY S. PRITCHARD KEY WEST. FLORIDA July 22nd , 1969 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida Gentlemen: This is to inform you that I have examined the docwnents submitted with the proposed plat entitled: "PORT ANTIGUA PLAT NO.3 - 4, a Portion of Tract 5; Matecumbe Sandy Beach, P. B. 3, p. 27, Lower Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida" , which was submitted to the County Commission for acceptance, approval and filing at your meeting on July 22nd. 1969 It is my opinion that said documentation is complete, and legally conforms to the plat filing law of Monroe County, Florida. Yours very truly, Board. FT Imam